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Moving to arizona

[Jun 5,2011 8:51am - Whoremastery ""]
I,m leaving for arizona tommorrow. Anyone know any death/metal bands in arizona or familar with the scene out there? I want to get into a band out there asap. Figured i would ask on here. Im gonna miss all the new england bands hopefully i can get something started and come back to N.E. and play some day....hails my friends!
[Jun 5,2011 10:22am - the_reverend ""]
Vehemence? Mydeaddoll?
[Jun 5,2011 10:31am - Whoremastery ""]
are they looking? Do you know of any sites/forums like this out there? I cant find anything.
[Jun 5,2011 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
MDD was a poster on this board from AZ. Her husband also posted, but I forget his nic right now. He was a drummer in a dm band.

There is a huge scene out there. How is your spanish?
[Jun 5,2011 10:50am - Whoremastery ""]
lol not good but i can learn, but yea i cant seem to find any forums so i can audition for something. I wish i could find a RTTP type forum out there to get myself known
[Jun 5,2011 11:23am - yildundave ""]
I lived out in Mesa last year and made some connections in the scene.

There are some decent bands - mostly deathy and grindy in the Phoenix metro area. Vehemence still plays but with no original members. One of my favorites was a band called Depraved Heretic, whose singer is also the guy from Monumental Torment (that russian tech death band). There are shows happening ALL THE TIME out there, but nobody ever goes - the scene really baffled me.

Everybody in and around Phoenix plays guitar and is looking for a band. Literally everybody. I was one of those people, and by the time I found a decent project that was starting it was time for me to move. If you'd like I could put you in contact with one of the people who are real active with metal out there - she would know if was anything starting up or in need...

[Jun 5,2011 11:34am - DTnotlogged in  ""]

the_reverend said:MDD was a poster on this board from AZ. Her husband also posted, but I forget his nic right now. He was a drummer in a dm band.

Morkul? Morgul? something like that.
[Jun 5,2011 1:38pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Jun 5,2011 1:40pm - ark  ""]

MetalThursday said:Vektor
[Jun 5,2011 1:59pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Isn't Job for a Cowboy from out there? They're good...oh wait.
[Jun 5,2011 3:23pm - Alexecutioner ""]

Whoremastery said:lol not good but i can learn, but yea i cant seem to find any forums so i can audition for something. I wish i could find a RTTP type forum out there to get myself known

Craigslist is always worth a shot
[Jun 5,2011 6:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
Aw man. Have fun Rob. Come visit sometime. Arizona is a great state. Some good bands there.. good luck man.
Never forget the Hockomock
[Jun 6,2011 11:17am - Whoremastery ""]
i wont forget the hockomock bro i still plan on writing songs about it.
vildundave ya can you give me her contact info? ill def hit her up mine is Robdeadskin@hotmail.com or whoremastery@yahoo and my facebook is www.facebook.com/rob666 thanx man hit me up with that as soon as you can bro
I plan on attending every show i can get too
[Jun 6,2011 11:20am - the_reverend ""]
weird that I barely saw you are here any more at shows... rip teratism.
[Jun 6,2011 11:29am - Whoremastery ""]
i was at alot that you were not at but, ill be hittin up the scene more now at least in AZ and get a band going and hopefully come out to play N.E. soon
[Jun 6,2011 11:33am - PappasGRIND ""]
Viraemia is from arizona, their probably the most brutal band that side of the mountain
[Jun 6,2011 11:45am - Whoremastery ""]
they looking lol i will find these bands and ask if they know of anything thanks

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