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Jesu - Ascension

[Jun 9,2011 6:59pm - Will Spanner  ""]
Anyone heard it? Love it? Hate it? I'm torn, some songs knocked me out on first listen (Broken Home, King of Kings, Small Wonder, Sedatives), others not so much.
[Jun 9,2011 7:02pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Jesu in general is pretty alright but it's kind of...easy. Sometimes too easy.
[Jun 9,2011 8:05pm - Uh ""]
self titled please.
[Jun 9,2011 8:31pm - Uh ""]
The beginning of this album sounds like a Deftones song.
[Jun 10,2011 7:39am - Yeti ""]
i'm on the fence about even bothering to listen to this. Jesu just hasn't done anything for me since Conqueror. the Sunset/Sunrise EP was awesome, but otherwise no care.
[Jun 10,2011 5:07pm - Uh ""]
This one isn't any improvement unless you want to hear how incredibly tone-deaf he is, listen to the vocals on Sedatives. It's a total joke.
[Jun 10,2011 5:20pm - Yeti ""]
even his vocals on the first EP "Dethroned" are sometimes questionable, the song "I Can Only Disappoint You" is iffy at times, but the rest makes up for it. if the music is as equally mediocre then it won't fly.
[Jun 11,2011 10:33am - Lester__Burnham ""]
i think its one of his best...

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