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This girl just loves cats

[Jun 11,2011 10:08am - the_reverend ""]

[Jun 11,2011 10:22am - Doomkid ""]
Was not expecting the amount of crazy contained in these 2.5 minutes.

Also: the combination of my FB friends that have reposted this is hilarious.
[Jun 11,2011 10:33am - Hoser ""]
[Jun 11,2011 10:33am - Kevord ""]
Facebook repost. Give me a break this is obviously staged.
[Jun 11,2011 10:36am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Yeah, women aren't capable of being crazy.
[Jun 11,2011 10:40am - Kevord ""]
They're all crazy. But they usually wait till after the first date to start crying about cats and calling the authorities.
[Jun 11,2011 10:53am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
hahaha touche
[Jun 11,2011 11:05am - Bobcat.  ""]
Step off my woman
[Jun 11,2011 11:12am - the_reverend ""]

go to 4:00
[Jun 11,2011 11:15am - nekronaut ""]

Kevord said:Facebook repost. Give me a break this is obviously staged.

[Jun 11,2011 11:16am - the_reverend ""]

also goto 1:19

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