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who plays a Dean?

[May 27,2004 10:50am - litacore ""]

just snagged a '79 V, pretty good 1/2 rate off ebay

anybody know anything good/bad about their Zebra pickups? A guy in Carlino Guitars (Medford) told me they're modeled after Duncans, but I guess I'll see/hear for myself. The comfort of the neck is what sold me.

I bought my other Dean used 10 years ago but it had obviously been customized, looks like with Dimarzios. I use the bridge pickup most of the time.

so...if anyone has installed new pickups on their respective guitars, which brand/model do use for neck and bridge?

I'd like to do a little comparison shopping for the eventual upgrade this new Dean V may require.
[May 27,2004 11:02am - RustedAngel ""]
nice lookin axe.
[May 27,2004 11:07am - litacore ""]
I love flying Vs--they're the shit
[May 27,2004 11:09am - RustedAngel ""]
definetly... I have a thing for white guitars too, even though I don't own any.
[May 27,2004 11:27am - litacore ""]

this motherfucker is such a clit-tease but I'd rather not lose my apartment rent just yet
[May 27,2004 4:54pm - powerkok ""]
my sister in law plays a dean....its 26 years old.
[May 27,2004 5:06pm - blue nli  ""]
yeah, white guitars are the shit. im currently building a white w/black bevels rhoads copy. im putting a duncan jb in the bridge. in my opinion, theyre fantastic all around pickups for clean and high gain playing. i almost dont trsut any pickup unless its a duncan unless proven.
[May 27,2004 5:08pm - blue nli  ""]
and for more v talk....my bass player just bought himself a epi korina v bass w case for 450. the thing sounds damn good for an epi, not to mention it looks so frickin cool.

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