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Robert Englund....

[Jun 15,2011 9:54am - Kevord ""]
Is at Rock and Shock this year. Come into the moshpit if you dare. So Psyched!!!
[Jun 15,2011 10:06am - Alx_Casket ""]
I'd prefer to go into the moshpit with Robert Pattinson
[Jun 15,2011 10:21am - CurlyRed ""]
If Bruce Campbell came, I would be there in a heartbeat
[Jun 15,2011 10:23am - Kevord ""]
Bruce Campbell wasn't in Eaten Alive or Galaxy of Terror.
[Jun 15,2011 10:26am - goatcatalyst ""]
Robert Englund was sitting at the table next to me on Valentine's Day this year with two nubile BBWs that couldn't have been a day over 25. Play on, player.
[Jun 15,2011 11:38am - CurlyRed ""]

Kevord said:Bruce Campbell wasn't in Eaten Alive or Galaxy of Terror.

True but still.......


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