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True reason why people are hating on Shroud of Bereavement

[Jun 17,2011 8:20pm - I am truthful  ""]
Afghan of Woe, no just kidding. Okay, so I am going to be serious here. I have seen shroud about 10 times. Everyone in the band has been extremely nice. I have no complaints about the musicians involved or anything. The sound is nice and well balanced but heres the problem. The problem is the whole beauty and the beast vocal contrast and the mellow dramatic music. The whole yelling in the mic while a female sings nicely has and never will be a cool contrast. IT is beyond played out and everyone has tried it to save their music and the place themselves aside as if the music is more of something else and unique. bottom line = its not. So basically drop that shit of having an ugly girl go on stage in Renaissance clothing/goth with a beautiful voice (how ironic) and singing in a metal band.


You shouldn't be looking for a synth and a piano player as in two separate people. I have seen you guys live and I watched your piano and synth players skills and well lets say its lacking completely. I watched the girl literally cross arms and hands rather than lead with right and left the proper way (if there is one). You need on solid player who can do both and I have seen it done perfectly (josh type o negative, Emperors player too etc)


So now you have one piano player and one male vocalist. Now get a solid guitar player who can do back up clean or slightly harsher clean sound and a solid bass player and you done. The band is more manageable and less minds to conflict against. And from the looks of it you like to orchestrate the band so that would be perfect for you.

Oh lastly
Drop the Oak tree label or whatever it is. They obviously aren't doing anything for you from what I can see. Don't be mad I am just being honest.
[Jun 17,2011 8:40pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

I%20am%20truthful said:

You shouldn't be looking for a synth and a piano player as in two separate people. You need on solid player who can do both and I have seen it done perfectly (josh type o negative, Emperors player too etc)

yeah i said that earlier but no one listened or agreed with me.
[Jun 17,2011 8:45pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

I%20am%20truthful said: IT is beyond played out and everyone has tried it to save their music and the place themselves aside as if the music is more of something else and unique.

engrish prease

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