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28 days later...

[May 27,2004 2:43pm - bludgawd ""]
What did you guys think of this movie? I just saw it the other day and was surprised at how good it actaully was. Some of the cinematography effects were cool shit too....
[May 27,2004 2:46pm - succubus ""]
yeah there are a few threads on here about it...i think aaron made one right after we saw it at the theatre
[May 27,2004 2:48pm - bludgawd ""]
yeah I figured there were but I'm too lazy and at work to be searching for threads!
[May 27,2004 2:52pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm at work and I search threads all the time.

i liked it a lot.
zombies that run are fucking scary
[May 27,2004 2:54pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:zombies that run are fucking scary

ain't that the truF!!! yeah i said truf

[May 27,2004 3:06pm - bludgawd ""]
the_reverend said:I'm at work and I search threads all the time.

Yeah but I'm guessing you're boss isn't as big a douchebag as mine is! I have to sneak when I check out shit on the web...

[May 27,2004 3:09pm - succubus ""]
ok just for you:
the rev mistitled the thread
heh... and then:

aaron you never got it i don't think....
[May 27,2004 3:55pm - the_reverend ""]
my boss uses my site to figure out new things he wants me to do for the company...
he also steals code from me to use on his own sites.
[May 27,2004 3:56pm - the_reverend ""]
actually, if I sent him a link to this forum, he'd probably laugh and then stop his iPod and tell me it's true.
[May 27,2004 4:35pm - WhyamIandasshole at work  ""]
I just saw it the other night. Bad ass. I saw Resident Evil which is a terrible movie, but its funny Resident Evil ends the same way 28 days later starts.
[May 27,2004 4:38pm - Dread_104 ""]
hey andy. tell your mom i've still got a hard on for that guitar
[May 27,2004 4:48pm - powerkok ""]
i wish i could surf at work!! my girlfriend gets paid to play ps2 and use a laptop all night!! oh but its offline cuz she's not allowed contact with "others"
[May 27,2004 4:49pm - powerkok ""]
oh...that movie rocked too...the alternate ending was pretty cool, but gay.
[May 27,2004 6:19pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i didn't like it. i dunno. just something about it that i didn't like.
[May 27,2004 7:50pm - Kalopsia ""]
i loved that movie
[May 27,2004 8:29pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
The way the filmed it was awesome, very different.
[May 28,2004 12:45am - salty_fist ""]
the_reverend said:
zombies that run are fucking scary

Actually they weren't zombies. They were humans infected with the virus. Either way it was fucking scary. Good movie. Oh and the zombies in Dawn of the Dead run.
[Apr 10,2012 9:23pm - the_reverend ""]
salty fist is right. I watched it again earlier today. I really like this movie.
[Jul 21,2015 9:52pm - the_reverend ""]
watching again

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