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training for the army, how other countries do it.

[Jun 18,2011 10:55pm - the_reverend ""]

[Jun 18,2011 11:36pm - Sacreligion ""]
How our country does it:

[Jun 19,2011 9:46am - ridahsofdizoom  ""]
Our military is full of the dumbest people, I mean, what idiot would fall for the whole protect freedom over there lie anyways.

but then again, there are a lot of poor people from rural areas who can't find jobs to support their families, so they have no other option but to go blow up dark people for their natural resources
[Jun 19,2011 3:01pm - sxealex ""]
that last post kinda makes me wanna cheese grate my face
[Jun 19,2011 3:22pm - Boozegood ""]

ridahsofdizoom said:Our military is full of the dumbest people, I mean, what idiot would fall for the whole protect freedom over there lie anyways.

but then again, there are a lot of poor people from rural areas who can't find jobs to support their families, so they have no other option but to go blow up dark people for their natural resources

Is this a serious post? I have never heard such ignorance in my life. That's a complete lie, I definitely have. I have heard this exact line of ignorance many times over in fact. How do people come up with this? That's not a rhetorical question, I have no clue how you can arrive at this conclusion if you do more than five minutes of research into our military's demographics.
[Jun 19,2011 5:35pm - vaettir  ""]
Ridahsofdoom is hands down, the worst troll on RTTP
[Jun 19,2011 5:56pm - Boozegood ""]
Usually I don't get trololololololol'd. Did now though, waaaaaah. 4/10.
[Jun 19,2011 5:59pm - vaettir  ""]
[Jun 19,2011 7:11pm - mikefrommaine ""]
i agree with him.
[Jun 19,2011 7:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I suspect it's true in the sense that Sturgeon's Law always applies, and something like 90% of people are barely-functional idiots, so by no means is the armed forces gonna be immune to this. I'm sure there's a certain amount of natural selection to curb this tendency in the field; in combat, as in any life-threatening environment, idiocy tends to politely remove itself from the breeding stock.
[Jun 19,2011 7:45pm - Boozegood ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:I suspect it's true in the sense that Sturgeon's Law always applies, and something like 90% of people are barely-functional idiots, so by no means is the armed forces gonna be immune to this. I'm sure there's a certain amount of natural selection to curb this tendency in the field; in combat, as in any life-threatening environment, idiocy tends to politely remove itself from the breeding stock.

Also, most of those types do not join the Infantry (or other combat arms MOS's) anyways.
[Jun 19,2011 8:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Boozegood said:
DestroyYouAlot said:I suspect it's true in the sense that Sturgeon's Law always applies, and something like 90% of people are barely-functional idiots, so by no means is the armed forces gonna be immune to this. I'm sure there's a certain amount of natural selection to curb this tendency in the field; in combat, as in any life-threatening environment, idiocy tends to politely remove itself from the breeding stock.

Also, most of those types do not join the Infantry (or other combat arms MOS's) anyways.


[Jun 19,2011 10:01pm - ark  ""]

mikefrommaine said:i agree with him.
[Jun 19,2011 11:04pm - Boozegood ""]
Please explain, than. I am actually curious why that opinion is so prevalent, the "The military is full of dumb dumbs or people that had no other choice."

That is, more than the normal amount of dumb dumbs.
[Jun 19,2011 11:31pm - ark  ""]

ridahsofdizoom said:Our military is full of the dumbest people, I mean, what idiot would fall for the whole protect freedom over there lie anyways.

but then again, there are a lot of poor people from rural areas who can't find jobs to support their families, so they have no other option but to go blow up dark people for their natural resources

the first part is nonsense but you can't say the second part is wrong. it's been true for centuries. i know a few of those people, and for some it is the only option. that doesn't imply the military is full of idiots.
[Jun 19,2011 11:36pm - ark  ""]
my buddy in the USAF was stationed in virginia and he always said he couldn't wait until his stint was over so he could stop working with all the morons. could have just been Virginia, though. totally possible.
[Jun 19,2011 11:42pm - ancient master  ""]
i think its because most people who are educated are opposed to fighting on two different fronts, let alone pay taxes that fund a war machine clearly controlled by people who stand to gain a disgusting profit from it.
Am I glad that I don't live in a repressive state? absolutely. Why should I give intellectual credit to those who "chose" to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan? Bin Laden is dead. wow congratulations, it only took how many years and how many billions to kill one man unguarded in his skivvies in his own home? You'd have to be a complete rube to take that one for face value.
so thanks for joining up and fighting for my freedom to say "thanks for your excellent representation of America; you've really influenced the global opinion of Americans as empathetic, eloquent, and open minded towards diverse cultures" in a sarcastic tone.
[Jun 19,2011 11:43pm - ark  ""]
Some would say that's just an example of the public education system working "just good enough" to ensure the military is always stocked. On the other hand, don't forget that many countries have mandatory service, while the US doesn't.
[Jun 20,2011 1:11am - Boozegood ""]

ancient%20master said:i think its because most people who are educated are opposed to fighting on two different fronts, let alone pay taxes that fund a war machine clearly controlled by people who stand to gain a disgusting profit from it.
Am I glad that I don't live in a repressive state? absolutely. Why should I give intellectual credit to those who "chose" to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan? Bin Laden is dead. wow congratulations, it only took how many years and how many billions to kill one man unguarded in his skivvies in his own home? You'd have to be a complete rube to take that one for face value.
so thanks for joining up and fighting for my freedom to say "thanks for your excellent representation of America; you've really influenced the global opinion of Americans as empathetic, eloquent, and open minded towards diverse cultures" in a sarcastic tone.

Hah! So you are underhandedly accusing everyone that supports what we are doing of being un-educated? Also, you are saying that in order to join the Military a person has to be fully supportive of everything our government does? You are very mistaken, if this is what you think.

I'm not worried about coming across as "empathetic, eloquent, and open minded towards diverse cultures" and if we are slinging accusations around than I will say this: if anyone bases their opinion on a countries general demeanor by the lifestyle, demeanor, speech, etc. of their warrior class, they are idiots. Though, you would be surprised how Marines act over seas when it comes to operating within a community of local nationals. I'll tell you one thing, we are far more accepting, kind, generous, and even more fun (which you begin to understand the importance of when you realize that many children over their don't have anyone to play with a lot of the time) than the enemy is.

Guess how much any of my military friends cared about Bin Laden being killed? Not very much at all. I was at training for my new job, got a text along the lines of 'DUDUDUUEE DID YOU HEAR THE FUAFUKCING NEWSSS AHHHHHB ROROOO BIN LADENZ DEAD!' from a civilian, told my roommate, we discussed who we thought did it (we decided Rangers on cordon and DEVGRU doing the knock, which turned out to be the truth, feelsgoodman.jpg). The next day we where waiting for the bus to the schoolhouse with the rest of my team, exchanged 'pretty cool dude' conversation for 5-10 minutes, than got on with our lives.
[Jun 20,2011 1:12am - Boozegood ""]

ark said:my buddy in the USAF was stationed in virginia and he always said he couldn't wait until his stint was over so he could stop working with all the morons. could have just been Virginia, though. totally possible.

So someone doesn't like their job because they work with morons? I have never, ever, ever heard that outside of the military, what a revelation!
[Jun 20,2011 1:47am - NuclearWinter ""]
Oh snap.
[Jun 20,2011 2:48am - ridahsofdizoom  ""]
I guess I'm just sick of the warrior worship in America, it's as if anything critical of the military is sacrilegious. "If you don't support the troops you must be an evil terrorist". "Love it or leave it"

like I've said before, I feel bad that for some reason they are brainwashed into thinking that they are protecting my freedoms.

Until there is another threat like Imperial japan or Nazi germany I find no reason to support the troops, at best they are just an overblown welfare service, at worst they are publicly funded mercenaries being used to line a few individuals' pockets with gold.

I think our military has been used to do more bad since WW2 than good.
And I wish to be clear, I don't think all service members are idiots, I just feel like we need to be more critical of them in order to make them realize that maybe their career path isn't all too benign in the grand scheme of themes.

and to further my point, most people are idiots, so it naturally carries over into the military, I just feel like too many people see it as blasphemy to even question the military

and I agree with the fact that our education system seems geared towards producing enough people who see the military as a better opportunity than higher ed. to keep the war machine oiled.

I guess I'm mostly just frustrated that so many young men and women seemingly can't avoid being used by corporate interests as pawns, many of them realize it but are afraid to do anything

and not that it matters, but I do have a few good friends in the service, one is in kuwait at the moment, the other had an "accident" and avoided being shipped out to Iraq when we first invaded.

[Jun 20,2011 2:53am - Boozegood ""]

ridahsofdizoom said:
like I've said before, I feel bad that for some reason they are brainwashed into thinking that they are protecting my freedoms.

The military people you talk to really have said this/seemed like this was the case? As a former Marine, I find it very hard to believe that more than maybe a select few people you have talked to have every said anything like 'PROTEKTIN 'MERIKAZ FREEDUMZ!' when asked why they do what they do. Unless of course it's just to end a conversation before it begins.
[Jun 20,2011 2:56am - Boozegood ""]

ridahsofdizoom said:
Until there is another threat like Imperial japan or Nazi germany I find no reason to support the troops, at best they are just an overblown welfare service, at worst they are publicly funded mercenaries being used to line a few individuals' pockets with gold.

Well, if we do not maintain our warriors during the in-between period, than we will stand no chance of winning that fight if it ever comes to it.

Si vis pacem, para bellum and all that.

Also, I've been hearing this 'welfare' line of thinking from the left lately as well, and I don't fully understand it...if you are working 15 hour days, and getting paid less than minimum wage, how is that a welfare system? In any other profession the left would be screaming for workers rights, unionizing, etc. if they had to deal with what our military men and woman put up with.
[Jun 20,2011 6:32am - arilliusbm ""]
I was heavily considering joining after I got my bachelors. Officer or GTFO.
[Jun 20,2011 9:19am - ridahsofdizoom  ""]


sad that so many Americans are literally just the same thing as North Koreans only they worship flags and the founding father as their eternal glorious leaders

rong rive americar!
[Jun 20,2011 10:38am - Yeti ""]
Tonight, on "Eye on Springfield": just miles from your doorstep, hundreds of men are given weapons and trained to kill. The government calls it the "army", but a more alarmist name would be..."THE KILLBOT FACTORY!"
[Jun 20,2011 11:25am - dreadkill ""]
there are all kinds of people in the military, from brilliant people with many options to dumb people with no other options. it's like any other group of people. i've met plenty of good people who've chosen to join the military for a variety of reasons and i've also met dumb macho meatheads who joined the military because they think it makes them badass. i knew a guy who joined the military because he had political aspirations and thought a stint in the military before law school would make him more electable.
[Jun 20,2011 1:54pm - Boozegood ""]

ridahsofdizoom said:[img]


sad that so many Americans are literally just the same thing as North Koreans only they worship flags and the founding father as their eternal glorious leaders

rong rive americar!

Haha at this idiotic picture. The difference between the Patriot and the left at this moment is that the Patriot is taking action and at least trying to further their cause well the left is merely reacting to everything. The reactionary left is not actually getting anything done, merely complaining over glowing macbooks and steaming lattes about how horrible the actions of men clashing steel in the desert are. The irony is while they hiss about how no one knows the truth, how the warriors are blind to what they are truly fighting for, the real truth is that these reptiles have no clue what is really going on.

Keep living in your fantasy world. To compare the honoring of the men who founded our country to the worship of same men proves your ignorance and self centered pretension. You do not have a humble, giving bone in your body. You reek of egoism even through your posts.
[Jun 20,2011 7:41pm - ancient master  ""]
i always thought being a true patriot meant dissenting against a government who you feel is committing atrocities, but I guess I was wrong, I guess a true patriot is someone who will follow their orders and not ask questions...
[Jun 20,2011 7:44pm - ancient master  ""]
"honoring the men who founded this country"
who's that? people like you in the marines??

comparing modern day marines to our Founding Fathers......comical to say the least.
[Jun 20,2011 7:51pm - Doomkid ""]

Boozegood said:
ridahsofdizoom said:

sad that so many Americans are literally just the same thing as North Koreans only they worship flags and the founding father as their eternal glorious leaders

rong rive americar!

Haha at this idiotic picture. The difference between the Patriot and the left at this moment is that the Patriot is taking action and at least trying to further their cause well the left is merely reacting to everything. The reactionary left is not actually getting anything done, merely complaining over glowing macbooks and steaming lattes about how horrible the actions of men clashing steel in the desert are. The irony is while they hiss about how no one knows the truth, how the warriors are blind to what they are truly fighting for, the real truth is that these reptiles have no clue what is really going on.

Keep living in your fantasy world. To compare the honoring of the men who founded our country to the worship of same men proves your ignorance and self centered pretension. You do not have a humble, giving bone in your body. You reek of egoism even through your posts.

Picture is idiotic, but so is the first paragraph of your post. There is plenty of activism and action by the left in this country, as well as the right. Your post indicates that you have only interacted with people on the left who are part of the aforementioned 90% idiot part of the population. There are some really significant national movements (like a national popular vote push and voter ID reforms) which are occurring on the the state level and have less to do with national party politics. The implication from your post is a broad painting of Left and Right which equates to Democrat and Republican respectively. Thanks for reinforcing the bullshit oppositions of our national politics.
[Jun 20,2011 7:57pm - Analnymous  ""]
I love that a video of a dog slamming a dude turned into a debate on military and politics.
[Jun 20,2011 8:00pm - Boozegood ""]

Doomkid said:
Boozegood said:
ridahsofdizoom said:

sad that so many Americans are literally just the same thing as North Koreans only they worship flags and the founding father as their eternal glorious leaders

rong rive americar!

Haha at this idiotic picture. The difference between the Patriot and the left at this moment is that the Patriot is taking action and at least trying to further their cause well the left is merely reacting to everything. The reactionary left is not actually getting anything done, merely complaining over glowing macbooks and steaming lattes about how horrible the actions of men clashing steel in the desert are. The irony is while they hiss about how no one knows the truth, how the warriors are blind to what they are truly fighting for, the real truth is that these reptiles have no clue what is really going on.

Keep living in your fantasy world. To compare the honoring of the men who founded our country to the worship of same men proves your ignorance and self centered pretension. You do not have a humble, giving bone in your body. You reek of egoism even through your posts.

Picture is idiotic, but so is the first paragraph of your post. There is plenty of activism and action by the left in this country, as well as the right. Your post indicates that you have only interacted with people on the left who are part of the aforementioned 90% idiot part of the population. There are some really significant national movements (like a national popular vote push and voter ID reforms) which are occurring on the the state level and have less to do with national party politics. The implication from your post is a broad painting of Left and Right which equates to Democrat and Republican respectively. Thanks for reinforcing the bullshit oppositions of our national politics.

Isn't that what we are doing in this thread, making sweeping observation based on segmented interactions? Of course the 'left wing' and the 'right wing' are both doing things, I was referring to far-far-far-left, or at least that is what they wish they where. The Che Guevara worshiping Marxist, or the Trotsky blowing pseudo-intellectual and the rest of their kind.

I know plenty of left-wing folks of course, being from Massachusetts, that are very smart and are actually doing things for what they believe in besides empty protests and 'black blocs'.
[Jun 20,2011 8:10pm - Boozegood ""]
On the other hand, I'll be the first to admit I really don't know shit about politics or care all that much.
[Jun 20,2011 8:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jun 20,2011 8:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
Modern society is comparable to that of Solaris' idea of ruling from the PSX masterpiece Xenogears. But alas, I don't expect many people to know what that means.
[Jun 20,2011 8:25pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jun 20,2011 8:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jun 21,2011 9:06am - arkquimanthorn  ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]

This is interesting
[Jun 21,2011 9:56am - Pires ""]

Analnymous said:I love that a video of a dog slamming a dude turned into a debate on military and politics.

Welcome to RTTP. But I'm more shocked that we sort of stayed on topic.

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