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ATTN: guitarists using two amps at the same time

[Jun 20,2011 5:17pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I've been using a Morley ABY box for a while, but I'm getting sick of dealing with intermittent ground loop. I've been looking at the Radial Tonebone, but wanted to see what others are using. Any help on what to check out or stay away from is greatly appreciated.
[Jun 20,2011 5:25pm - Yeti ""]
i'll give you a radial Tonebone.
[Jun 20,2011 5:32pm - AndrewBastard ""]
the tonebone is an AB box? I thought it was just a hot gainy pedal?
[Jun 20,2011 5:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Radical Tromboner?
[Jun 20,2011 5:51pm - xanonymousx ""]
I know of someone who just uses a boss stereo delay pedal and that works fine.
[Jun 20,2011 5:55pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I could use one of my stereo pedals, but then I wouldn't be able to switch between amps. Andrew, I think maybe there's a Tonebone pedal and a Tonebone switcher (I think it's actually called the Switchbone).
[Jun 20,2011 5:57pm - largefreakatzero ""]
ITT: Bone(rz)
[Jun 20,2011 6:02pm - nocuous_fumes_nli  ""]
I used to run two amps. The Lehle stuff is the best for splitting signal. Hands down.
[Jun 20,2011 6:53pm - blue ""]
Radial BigShot ABY.

[Jun 20,2011 6:59pm - brian_dc ""]
Yeah, the Big Shot is the winner.

I actually use a Wobo ABY-TM which is pretty rad, but I'd probably be using my Bigshot were I not lending it out to my bassist.
[Jun 20,2011 7:01pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
WOBO from Poland. Best on the market. Relays, gold connectors, True Bypass, ground loop switch, lifetime warranty.
[Jun 20,2011 7:03pm - brian_dc ""]
the only problem I've had with my wobo is that the input to the 9v adapter got all jacked up. Dave from b-sharp opened it up and basically said they put it in upside down, said, "Bad WOBO...but everything else in here is built like a tank"
[Jun 20,2011 7:04pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
You could always ship it back to that dude and he would fix it, but I agree...if yer buying from Poland it's a pain to ship back and obviously a mess up.

But from top to bottom these things have dealt with the worst conditions imaginable and stood up to it. Crystal clear signal. I've even spilled beer all over them, had Rusty stomp all over them, dropped them down stairs.

Still kickin', still sound great.
[Jun 20,2011 7:05pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Wait how would he put it in upside down? Like the negative was the positive and vice versa? Cause that's not upside down, and he labels the poles on his eBay listings. You just need a little adapter for that.
[Jun 20,2011 7:08pm - brian_dc ""]
honestly, I'm probably just remembering the exact problem wrong because it was fixed in 20 seconds. It was a physical thing, not a schematic level issue.
[Jun 21,2011 12:03am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Thanks for the input gentlemen. Cannot wait to get rid of the Morley and bask in delicious dual-amp tone.
[Jun 21,2011 12:30am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Got the same ABY here, no prob ever, wtf?
[Jun 21,2011 12:46am - DJ DEath  ""]
I use the Morley ABY in my band EERIE. As long as you arent using any 9v adapters/onespot and use Batteries in your pedals or on a channel strip, there is virtually no hum at all. I use two full Marshall Plexi stacks, cranked, and when the guitar is off, its just amp hiss. Try that out bro. Otherwise, the switchbone is awesome if using an adapter for your pedals
[Jun 21,2011 2:07am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I always use 9v adapters for my pedals, so that's probably why I'm getting ground loop. I don't understand why it's so intermittent though. Some days I have no issues whatsoever, then other days it's a constant battle. I even use 3 to 2 prong adapters on the power cables (even though I know I could destroy all my gear, and myself, in the process) and it doesn't help eliminate the issue completely.
[Jun 21,2011 8:32am - timma ""]
Use all 300 of your pedals and all 3 heads at the same time or GTFO, pussy.
[Jun 21,2011 8:52am - brian_dc ""]
Morley always seemed, to me, to have the worst bleed between a and b.
[Jun 21,2011 9:00am - blue ""]
Fuck this whole thread, I'm getting a George Lynch tripler and stepping it up a notch.
[Jun 21,2011 9:20am - DJ DEath  ""]
I use batteries too, over a wall supply. Yeah, to get better signal, the tripler or the Switchbone is where its at. Im just sticking with Morley
[Jun 21,2011 9:26am - DrewBlood@Work  ""]

blue said:Fuck this whole thread, I'm getting a George Lynch tripler and stepping it up a notch.

i can only imagine the kind of tap dancing you would have to do to accomplish this
[Jun 21,2011 12:49pm - matt_sways_in_the_wind ""]
the radial big shot has a ground lift and phase switching, requires no power supply or batteries and is only 70 bucks new.

if i hadn't stolen Brian's he'd be using it right now.

the one downside is that there are no LED indicator lights to let you know what channel is activated.
[Jun 21,2011 1:57pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Anything is better than that tone sucking Morley.

I used to use one, too.

Believe me, the minute you switch to something true bypass it'll blow your mind how much signal you lost with that shit AB. I did a side by side back when I was in TTOS and you could clearly hear the signal loss. It was a few decibels and a lot of high end just thrown away.
[Jun 21,2011 2:00pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

timma said:Use all 300 of your pedals and all 3 heads at the same time or GTFO, pussy.

[Jun 22,2011 11:35am - brodown ""]

timma said:Use all 300 of your pedals and all 3 heads at the same time or GTFO, pussy.

Hey! That's Hivesmasher's schtick. We don't bring inflatable cocks and Hawaiian shirts to our shows, so you damn well better not take this from us!

[Jun 22,2011 1:14pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
We'll come ON you, bros.
[Jun 22,2011 1:33pm - The_Rooster ""]
I've been using Radial Twin City ABY. Has transformer inside to isolate the ground loop, and a ground lift if that isn't enough.

More importantly, it has a polarity switch to insure your amps are both pushing the speakers in the same direction.

A bit annoying that it needs an adapter.

Also, you may already know this, but always plug everything in your rig into the same circuit.
[Jun 22,2011 2:29pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Yeah, I plug everything into my power conditioner. An adapter isn't that annoying since I've got a power strip mounted underneath my pedalboard.
[Jun 23,2011 9:07am - t2daeeknli  ""]
were you trying to run two whole different rigs like two heads and two cabs?
the switch bone is great, but they have one called the head bone too that switches two heads on the same cab. you can't mix them though.

as far as the ground loops, power is shitty some places so you end up with tons of noise sometimes and others, not so much. if you are using any type of daisy chain sort of adapter, to split power from one pedal to 5 or something, then that's probably a good thing to replace. after i stopped using those, in favor of a power brick type thing, i rarely have any issues.
i gave up on power supplies for a while after i got tired of this same thing.
[Jun 23,2011 9:50am - ouchdrummer ""]
my roommate uses two amps at the same time.
[Jun 23,2011 9:52am - timma ""]
Also, 2 dildos.
[Jun 23,2011 11:17am - blue ""]
French tickler
[Jun 23,2011 11:33am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

I'm running 2 full rigs (Engl Powerball into Vader cab and VHT Pittbull into Mesa cab). I plug both into a power conditioner so power from venues shouldn't be an issue. I definitely daisy chain my pedals though; I've been meaning to get a power brick or 2 or 5 but I need to ration out my spending money wisely. Those are next after the new ABY box.
[Jun 24,2011 1:07am - t2daeeknli  ""]
word. i understand that whole routine... i'm saving up for a headbone vt now.
a friend of mine gave me a pedal board with a pedal power supply thing on it and I happened to have some power cables around... enough to power 5 boxes. I still don't even totally know what to do with all them toys. but either way, there hasn't been noise like I used to experience since I started using it. except for when we played in rochester, ny but that's more because I kept leaving the big muff on.
[Jun 24,2011 1:14am - t2daeeknli  ""]
also, ABY boxes are great things to find from guys with home based shops on ebay. my effect loop box came from a guy in canada running a "company" out of his house called Righteous Tones. I payed 25 dollars for it and it's a true bypass unpowered box that is clean sounding enough for me to have a big muff running with all the knobs cranked in the loop while I'm bypassing the effects. He made ABY boxes but I'm not totally sure if he's still around.
[Jun 24,2011 1:22am - t2daeeknli  ""]

i've heard decent stuff from this name. but i feel like this might be a morley clone.
[Jun 24,2011 4:26am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I was actually thinking today that I'll have to ask Bradsauce if he can make an ABY box. He's making a ridiculous envelope filter for me right now, so I imagine he can make an ABY no problem.
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[Nov 1,2018 7:15am - Obvious sarcasm  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I've been using a Morley ABY box for a while, but I'm getting sick of dealing with intermittent ground loop. I've been looking at the Radial Tonebone, but wanted to see what others are using. Any help on what to check out or stay away from is greatly appreciated.

Fulltone buffered aby-st. Seriously. Worth the money.
[Nov 1,2018 4:31pm - Obvious sarcasm?  ""]

Obvious%20sarcasm said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:I've been using a Morley ABY box for a while, but I'm getting sick of dealing with intermittent ground loop. I've been looking at the Radial Tonebone, but wanted to see what others are using. Any help on what to check out or stay away from is greatly appreciated.

Fulltone buffered aby-st. Seriously. Worth the money.

But seriously though, is it worth the money?

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