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Basement/DIY show contacts in UMass Area or CT?

[Jun 25,2011 1:17pm - mattvc ""]
Jack Burton Vs David Lo Pan is playing the Flywheel in western Mass on 7/15 and we had something lined up the next night in Burlington VT, but as it turns out the guys I was dealing with in VT are nothing short of fucking assholes and now we're left without a show for the 16th.

So in short, we're looking to try to set up something last minute in the western part of New England. If anyone has any contacts for setting up house shows out by UMass or in CT, please let me know.

:satancross: Matt & JBvDLP
[Jun 25,2011 2:30pm - eyehatehippies ""]
There's a good house on 116 going towards Hampshire College, in Umass, just a couple miles from Umass.
[Jun 25,2011 2:49pm - mattvc ""]
Thanks, do you know what they call it or have any contact info?
[Jun 25,2011 2:56pm - eyehatehippies ""]
I don't, unfortunately. I've never even been, I just know that they have shows there.
[Jun 25,2011 4:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Whitney House in Hartford is allegedly phat but I've never been. Lamp knows the score, though.
[Jun 26,2011 7:28am - Lamp ""]
Whitney House FB: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000213003776

Couldn't hurt trying.
[Jun 26,2011 7:47am - mattvc ""]
Thanks guys!

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