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Hunt this guy for $10,000

[Jul 12,2011 4:09pm - largefreakatzero ""]
News story: http://www.newser.com/story/123253/for-10k...u-can-hunt-this-unemployed-man.html

His site: http://huntme4sport.com/

No, unfortunately it's not Ice-T.
[Jul 12,2011 4:15pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
guys does the duck face.
i'll hunt him for free
[Jul 12,2011 4:23pm - NuclearWinter ""]
I'm sure this guy could find him no problem --
[Jul 12,2011 4:33pm - xmikex ""]
[Jul 12,2011 4:39pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Remember when Chuck Zito knocked Claude the fuck out?
[Jul 12,2011 6:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Jul 12,2011 7:17pm - AMOROK666 ""]
5000000000 points for this dude using the phrase candy ass all the time. I'm glad I'm not the only one who still thinks talking like the rock is awesome.
[Jul 12,2011 7:22pm - mikefrommaine ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:ITT:


LOL exactly what I was thinking!
[Jul 12,2011 11:23pm - Ancient Master  ""]
[Jul 12,2011 11:35pm - autofellatio ""]
Its pretty crazy to me that there are people named Mork out there, not to mention that he wants people to hunt him.

The Pest is such an overwhelmngly shitty movie. I loled so hard at him and Aries Spears bumping cheesy generic rap beats and shit. That movie did nothing for anyones career.
[Jul 13,2011 12:27am - Ancient Master  ""]
there is no where to run from an enraged hunter who feels he has been cheated for 10K
[Jul 13,2011 4:01am - phrozenspite ""]
so here is my proposal... we hold a benefit fest and use the money to take the top bid and hunt him through the white mountains,
[Jul 13,2011 6:29am - Boozegood ""]
I have a lot of friends who have the money and could take this dude out easily.


I'll spread the word! Haha.
[Jul 13,2011 6:37am - Boozegood ""]
Upon reading the website, I don't buy it at all, but shit is hilarious, haha.

[Jul 13,2011 10:25am - largefreakatzero ""]

Boozegood said:I have a lot of friends who have the money and could take this dude out easily.


I'll spread the word! Haha.

Interesting that USMC snipers use the SS lightning bolts in their logo.
[Jul 13,2011 10:31am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
yeah but..but...they're behind crosshairs!
[Jul 13,2011 11:23am - Alexecutioner ""]

largefreakatzero said:No, unfortunately it's not John Leguizamo.


[Jul 13,2011 11:40am - largefreakatzero ""]
Funny, I've never seen a gun fire the shell casing as well as the bullet. Must be a special Hollywood gun.
[Jul 13,2011 12:15pm - Boozegood ""]

largefreakatzero said:
Boozegood said:I have a lot of friends who have the money and could take this dude out easily.


I'll spread the word! Haha.

Interesting that USMC snipers use the SS lightning bolts in their logo.

Yep, even more interestingly almost every sniper I know has them branded (very large) on their body, or tattooed in the same manner. One of my pals here right now has them tattooed like 7 inches tall on his chest, and another another has them branded just as large on his bicep.
[Jul 13,2011 12:19pm - Boozegood ""]

largefreakatzero said:Funny, I've never seen a gun fire the shell casing as well as the bullet. Must be a special Hollywood gun.

Must be a special journo gun.

[Jul 13,2011 12:20pm - largefreakatzero ""]
"Semper Fi" or "Seig Heil", you decide...

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