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TIE Interceptors.

[Jul 15,2011 1:48pm - Boozegood ""]
Best in the fleet.

"Your generic TIE grunt is just plain suicidal. And the TIE Defender jockey is bloodthirsty. But the TIE Interceptor pilot, he's suicidal and bloodthirsty. When you see a squad of those maniacs flying your way, you'd better hope your hyperdrive is operational."

―Kyle Katarn


[Jul 15,2011 1:49pm - Mark R  ""]
I wouldn't mess with one unless I was in an A-Wing.
[Jul 15,2011 1:54pm - Boozegood ""]
A-wing Vs. TIE Interceptor is the sickest dog fight in Star Wars in my opinion.

[Jul 15,2011 2:12pm - Mutis ""]
A wing of 3 TIE Interceptors versus The Defiant. Who wins?
[Jul 15,2011 2:12pm - Mutis ""]
also: PEW! PEW! PEW!
[Jul 15,2011 2:31pm - Mark R  ""]
heh, you posted what I was thinking
[Jul 15,2011 2:41pm - Fuck_logging_in  ""]
wouldn't they all be clones with the exact same personality? Or in episodes 1-3 no longer canon?
[Jul 15,2011 2:42pm - Boozegood ""]

Fuck_logging_in said:wouldn't they all be clones with the exact same personality? Or in episodes 1-3 no longer canon?

Clone troopers don't have the exact same personalities at all.

Also, the Imperial Army, Navy and Stormtrooper Corps had almost no Clones left in it by the time the TIE Interceptor was around.
[Jul 15,2011 2:43pm - Boozegood ""]

Mutis said:A wing of 3 TIE Interceptors versus The Defiant. Who wins?

The Defiant for sure easily, no problem.
[Jul 15,2011 2:45pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]

Mutis said:A wing of 3 TIE Interceptors versus The Defiant. Who wins?

The Defiant, before the TIEs are even in firing range. The Defiant can destroy planets. Let's stick to one franchise here, pal.
[Jul 15,2011 2:47pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

[Jul 15,2011 2:49pm - Boozegood ""]




I did just order a LEGO Slave I though, woooo.
[Jul 15,2011 2:51pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Jul 15,2011 2:52pm - AndrewBastard ""]
yeah I made that just now at work...WHAT OF IT?
[Jul 15,2011 2:54pm - ark  ""]
[Jul 15,2011 2:54pm - Mutis ""]
Okay, rephrasing question: How many TIE Interceptors would it take to be a fair match. Keep in mind that the Defiant can only acquire so many targets at once and the quantum torpedoes, though extremely powerful, are overkill for a tiny TIE craft. The big question is whether or not TIE blasters have any effect on the Defiant's shields.
[Jul 15,2011 2:55pm - KEVORD ""]
Slave 1 never made the Kessel Run in less then 12 Parsecs.
[Jul 15,2011 2:57pm - Mutis ""]
The M-Falcon was suped up with aftermarket drives, etc. Doesn't count.
[Jul 15,2011 2:58pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

Mutis said:The M-Falcon was suped up with aftermarket drives, etc. Doesn't count.

Fact, the Kessel Run is analogous to Revere Beach Parkway. Millennium Falcon was a ricer.
[Jul 15,2011 2:59pm - Mutis ""]
Also that doesn't make sense. It's like saying "I ran a marathon in 12 miles."
[Jul 15,2011 3:00pm - ark  ""]

Mutis said:Okay, rephrasing question: How many TIE Interceptors would it take to be a fair match. Keep in mind that the Defiant can only acquire so many targets at once and the quantum torpedoes, though extremely powerful, are overkill for a tiny TIE craft. The big question is whether or not TIE blasters have any effect on the Defiant's shields.

That's tough. It would have to be a tie swarm and it would have to take acceptable losses. Plus ties don't have warp. I don't know their weapon loadout other than lasers, which became obsolete in the Trek universe way before the Defiant was built. So...
[Jul 15,2011 3:00pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Pfft, my other car is the Ebon Hawk.
[Jul 15,2011 3:01pm - AndrewBastard ""]
we all know a parsec is not a measure of time! It is a measure of distance...however, Han is actually referring to the shorter route he was able to travel by skirting the nearby Maw black hole cluster, thus making the run in under the standard distance.
[Jul 15,2011 3:09pm - Boozegood ""]

Mutis said:Okay, rephrasing question: How many TIE Interceptors would it take to be a fair match. Keep in mind that the Defiant can only acquire so many targets at once and the quantum torpedoes, though extremely powerful, are overkill for a tiny TIE craft. The big question is whether or not TIE blasters have any effect on the Defiant's shields.

TOUGH ONE, but, before all that, even if the TIE's could get through the Defiants shield, the Defiant is just SO MUCH BIGGER, how much of an effect would the quad cannons (assuming the engineers on the Star Destroyer didn't apply powercores and activate the duel cannons on fuselage as well) do to the Defiant? They would be chipping away at her for quite some time, givin' Worf (assuming he's in command, which he should be) ample time to take them out.

EDIT: Meaning it would take a shit load of TIEs to even take down an un-shielded Defiant.
[Jul 15,2011 3:12pm - Boozegood ""]
The Defiant is mega-stacked as well.

Pulsed and beam phasers
Photon torpedoes
Quantum torpedoes

Defenses: Deflector shields
Cloaking device
[Jul 15,2011 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
only Tenn Graneet is real.
[Jul 15,2011 3:22pm - Doomkid ""]

NuclearWinter said:Pfft, my other car is the Ebon Hawk.

Have fun with your ancient cargo hauler.
[Jul 15,2011 3:28pm - Mutis ""]
Again different universes. The lasers in Star Wars were more powerful than the lasers in Star Trek. Perhaps the Star Wars weapon is just a catch-all term. Though it seems that SW lasers are still slightly less powerful than ST phasers.

"The phasers on the USS Enterprise could stun entire city blocks full of people[8] and even destroy entire asteroids up to a given size."

"SFS L-s7.2 laser cannon, it had the power to destroy small asteroids in one shot."
[Jul 15,2011 3:30pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

KEVORD said:Slave 1 never made the Kessel Run in less then 12 Parsecs.

Mutis said:Also that doesn't make sense. It's like saying "I ran a marathon in 12 miles."

AHHH-HAH! Not so, young padawan.

As per the Han Solo trilogy; the Kessel Run is more or less suicidal because it's a black hole field. Solo gets chased into it by Imps, and slingshots the MF through the edge of a couple black holes' gravity fields, thereby bending space and completing the run in less than the standard distance thought possible. CONTINUITY PRESERVED.

That, or a wizard did it.
[Jul 15,2011 3:32pm - Boozegood ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
KEVORD said:Slave 1 never made the Kessel Run in less then 12 Parsecs.

Mutis said:Also that doesn't make sense. It's like saying "I ran a marathon in 12 miles."

AHHH-HAH! Not so, young padawan.

As per the Han Solo trilogy; the Kessel Run is more or less suicidal because it's a black hole field. Solo gets chased into it by Imps, and slingshots the MF through the edge of a couple black holes' gravity fields, thereby bending space and completing the run in less than the standard distance thought possible. CONTINUITY PRESERVED.

That, or a wizard did it.

KEHD, we both lost our opportunities to be fanboys when Andrew beat us too it. UNFAIR THAT YOU DID IT ANYWAYS.

[Jul 15,2011 3:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Also, only the TIE Advanced X1 is real.

[Jul 15,2011 3:38pm - Yeti ""]
we have a model of that in our band room as a security precaution. go ahead, break in, see what happens.
[Jul 15,2011 3:39pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Jul 15,2011 3:46pm - the_reverend ""]
Bitchesdont know shit about my interceptors.
[Jul 15,2011 3:49pm - Mutis ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
KEVORD said:Slave 1 never made the Kessel Run in less then 12 Parsecs.

Mutis said:Also that doesn't make sense. It's like saying "I ran a marathon in 12 miles."

AHHH-HAH! Not so, young padawan.

As per the Han Solo trilogy; the Kessel Run is more or less suicidal because it's a black hole field. Solo gets chased into it by Imps, and slingshots the MF through the edge of a couple black holes' gravity fields, thereby bending space and completing the run in less than the standard distance thought possible. CONTINUITY PRESERVED.

That, or a wizard did it.

Doesn't matter because:

1) The MF had nothing to do with it. It was Han's piloting skill and ingenuity that did it.

2) Even if he took this shortcut, why would he brag about distance rather than time? The most obvious answer is that there was faulty logic in the screen play, or it was another one of Harrison's adlibs that had to later be explained when the fans got pissed. Kinda like the Heisenberg compensator (which was later found to be unneeded by theoretical physicists anyway). I also don't buy the "slingshot" thing. Momentum gained is also lost plus additional energy due to friction. Star Trek also made this error in the Voyage Home when they tried to "slingshot" around the sun. Bullshit.
[Jul 15,2011 3:56pm - Yeti ""]
i have the answer. he's Han Solo. DO NOT QUESTION.
[Jul 15,2011 3:56pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
ITT: Evidence we're all incredibly lucky to have ever touched a boob or vagina.
[Jul 15,2011 3:59pm - Mutis ""]
My girlfriend had never seen star trek before meeting me. Now she's obsessed.
[Jul 15,2011 4:00pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Same here, we made plans to go out to dinner with some of her friends a few months ago and ended up cancelling to watch six hours of ST:TNG.
[Jul 15,2011 4:02pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]

Mutis said:I also don't buy the "slingshot" thing. Momentum gained is also lost plus additional energy due to friction. Star Trek also made this error in the Voyage Home when they tried to "slingshot" around the sun. Bullshit.

Yeah, not really knowing much about aerospace travel, I still say that you could use a celestial body's orbit to turn, but you wouldn't gain additional speed in doing it. However, the game changes if we're talking about something reaching infinite mass, like a black hole, where space-time becomes warped. So Han could have used the space-time irregularities to his advantage, effectively shrinking the distance he traveled through the Kessel Run.
[Jul 15,2011 4:04pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]

Mutis said:My girlfriend had never seen star trek before meeting me. Now she's obsessed.
same, aside from watching TNG when she was a kid, yeah, obsessed might be the word.
[Jul 15,2011 4:04pm - Boozegood ""]
[Jul 15,2011 4:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Boozegood said:KEHD, we both lost our opportunities to be fanboys when Andrew beat us too it. UNFAIR THAT YOU DID IT ANYWAYS.



arkquimanthorn said:Yeah, not really knowing much about aerospace travel, I still say that you could use a celestial body's orbit to turn, but you wouldn't gain additional speed in doing it.

Yeah, Tully beat me to it, but that's an actual thing. BABY, IMMA SLINGSHOT MY DEEP SPACE PROBE AROUND YOUR CELESTIAL BODY.


bobnomaamrooney said:ITT: Evidence we're all incredibly lucky to have ever touched a boob or vagina.
[Jul 15,2011 4:10pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]

Boozegood said:The Defiant is mega-stacked as well.

Pulsed and beam phasers
Photon torpedoes
Quantum torpedoes

Defenses: Deflector shields
Cloaking device

Right, I completely forgot about the cloaking device, that's a huge tactical advantage. You would need a swarm of TIEi's to make a dent after they're ambushed. The TIE pilots may be bloodthirsty and suicidal, but the Defiant has two of the baddest niggas in the galaxy on the bridge, Sisko and Worf. Plus, the Defiant is one of the fastest and most agile warships in the Federation fleet, which has to count for something, even versus a swarm of TIEs, and especially against a Star Destroyer.
[Jul 15,2011 4:12pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]

Boozegood said:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_assist

of fucking course, i stand wiki'd

[Jul 15,2011 4:14pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arkquimanthorn said:Right, I completely forgot about the cloaking device, that's a huge tactical advantage. You would need a swarm of TIEi's to make a dent after they're ambushed. The TIE pilots may be bloodthirsty and suicidal, but the Defiant has two of the baddest niggas in the galaxy on the bridge, Sisko and Worf. Plus, the Defiant is one of the fastest and most agile warships in the Federation fleet, which has to count for something, even versus a swarm of TIEs, and especially against a Star Destroyer.

"We'll last longer than we will against that Death Star! And we might just take a few of them with us."

[Jul 15,2011 4:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
found my halloween costume

[Jul 15,2011 4:25pm - Boozegood ""]

arkquimanthorn said:
Boozegood said:The Defiant is mega-stacked as well.

Pulsed and beam phasers
Photon torpedoes
Quantum torpedoes

Defenses: Deflector shields
Cloaking device

Right, I completely forgot about the cloaking device, that's a huge tactical advantage. You would need a swarm of TIEi's to make a dent after they're ambushed. The TIE pilots may be bloodthirsty and suicidal, but the Defiant has two of the baddest niggas in the galaxy on the bridge, Sisko and Worf. Plus, the Defiant is one of the fastest and most agile warships in the Federation fleet, which has to count for something, even versus a swarm of TIEs, and especially against a Star Destroyer.

Not to mention you could argue for freakin' Starfleet-Pussery and say they would need to yield after so many civvies got wacked, but the Defiant is one of the only WARMACHINNENEENEEE only ships in Starfleet.
[Jul 15,2011 4:35pm - Mutis ""]
Okay yeah I forgot about the planetary body's direction. But are we really to believe that every black hole and their spin in this "black hole field" are moving in the same direction? fat odds, yo. Not to mention, if you go past the event horizon, there's no escape. Not even Star Trek tech can. Also, warped space around a black hole will yield an exit velocity that is greater than the velocity added by the movement of the black hole.
[Jul 15,2011 4:46pm - Boozegood ""]

[Jul 15,2011 4:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Gotta love Trek. "Shit, how the fuck do we end this episode?" "IDK, have'em reverse the polarity on something." "DONE AND DONE."
[Jul 15,2011 4:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Star Trek Technobabble Generator said:Picard: Quick, Data, do something!

Data: Yes, sir. I am currently pulsating the quadratonic control center to 849 joules to sautee the Federation marauder.

Picard: Will it work?

Data: I don't know. It's never been done before.

Data: Sir, we seem to be having a problem. The axial wave guide is out of virtual memory. It looks like the work of Ferangi.

Picard: Mr. Data, is there anything you can do to fix this?

Data: I am channeling all available resources into transferring power to the orbital microsomething or other to 22 delta-v to enslave the first officer. That should hopefully fix the problem.

Picard: Make it so.

[Jul 15,2011 4:51pm - Boozegood ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Gotta love Trek. "Shit, how the fuck do we end this episode?" "IDK, have'em reverse the polarity on something." "DONE AND DONE."

HAHA, was JUST watching 'The Sword of Kahless' on youtube wherein they of course reversed the polarity on a force-field to get through.

In the comments: "Reverse the polarity. Its like the Star Trek version of Duct Tape."
[Jul 15,2011 4:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
liek button
[Jul 15,2011 4:57pm - Boozegood ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:http://www.daughtersoftiresias.org/progs/technobabble/index.cgi

Thiiisss isss awesommeee, haha.
[Jul 15,2011 5:00pm - Mutis ""]

Boozegood said:
DestroyYouAlot said:http://www.daughtersoftiresias.org/progs/technobabble/index.cgi

Thiiisss isss awesommeee, haha.

My tricorder is picking up traces of lulz particles.
[Jul 15,2011 5:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:http://www.daughtersoftiresias.org/progs/technobabble/index.cgi

Star Trek Technobabble Generator said:Picard: Quick, Data, do something!

Data: Yes, sir. I am currently emitting the photon gluon coolant sensor by anti-masticating the nanomanifold to proselytise to the Cardascian *camper*.

Picard: Will it work?

Data: I don't know. It's never been done before.

Data: Sir, we seem to be having a problem. The field integrity field prematurely terminated. It looks like the work of meddeling Q.

Picard: Mr. Data, is there anything you can do to fix this?

Data: I am channeling all available resources into bypassing the subspace release to escape from the temporal phenomenon. That should hopefully fix the problem.

Picard: Make it so.

[Jul 15,2011 5:03pm - Boozegood ""]
"The field integrity field"

[Jul 15,2011 5:05pm - Mutis ""]
This star wars thread was hijacked by trekkies. Can't say it makes me sad.
[Jul 15,2011 5:12pm - Doomkid ""]
Take Star Trek/Star Wars as a dialectic or GTFO
[Jul 15,2011 5:14pm - Doomkid ""]

Picard: Quick, Data, do something!

Data: Yes, sir. I am currently re-BSing the variable suspension to vaporize the freighter.

Picard: Will it work?

Data: I don't know. It's never been done before.

Data: Sir, we seem to be having a problem. The rapid scanner shut down. It looks like the work of mathematicians.

Picard: Mr. Data, is there anything you can do to fix this?

Data: I am channeling all available resources into phasing the quark overflow to harass the child. That should hopefully fix the problem.

Picard: Make it so.

[Jul 15,2011 5:14pm - Boozegood ""]

Mutis said:This star wars thread was hijacked by trekkies. Can't say it makes me sad.

[Jul 15,2011 5:16pm - Yeti ""]
[Jul 15,2011 5:17pm - Mutis ""]
I transcend both.
[Jul 15,2011 5:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
lol @ "phasing the quark overflow to harass the child".

[Jul 15,2011 5:18pm - Mutis ""]
Also, I'm a fan of flame wars between trekkies and star wars fanatics.
[Jul 15,2011 5:24pm - Sacreligion ""]


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