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ULTRA//NEGATIVE total fastcore PV

[Jul 22,2011 2:54pm - bullet belts  ""]
Hey dudes,
ULTRA//NEGATIVE is a ripping fastcore band you should check out.


first ep and it is a crusher.
inspiration comes from anguish

[Jul 22,2011 3:03pm - xmikex ""]
good band. worst parallel parkers.
[Jul 22,2011 5:36pm - bullet belts  ""]

yeah but check out our killer artwork
[Jul 22,2011 6:11pm - Lamp ""]
Downloading right now... glad to see some worthwhile stuff coming from New Hampshire.
[Jul 22,2011 6:26pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Mysterious guy pv
[Jul 22,2011 7:13pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Good tunes and I agree with mike. More time on driving skills less time to get angsty
[Jul 23,2011 9:37am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I download this but stupid WinZip says all the files are corrupt.
[Jul 23,2011 11:54am - bullet belts  ""]
if that shit is broken try

[Aug 1,2011 5:54pm - ultra//negative  ""]
download link fixed so shiiiii try it if it didnt work
[Aug 1,2011 6:01pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
I digged this
[Aug 1,2011 8:36pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
finally worked for me. I love the recording, nice and messy but still intelligable

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