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From Autumn to Ashes, Atreyu, 18 visions, and Anterrabae tonight

The Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [anterrabae][atreyu][eighteen_visions][from_autumn_to_ashes]
[May 30,2004 5:24pm - the_reverend ""]
my throat is killing me, but I'm heading off to capture this show. People are probably going to make fun of me for going to this show, but I guess I'll find out.
I will sheepishly admit that I like fata's 1st CD and the last one had a couple good tracks.

what color make up with the bands bewaring?
I be 18 visions will be the funniest.
[May 30,2004 5:33pm - RustedAngel ""]
u r gay.
[May 30,2004 5:38pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Agayjew is the beginning of the downfall of music as we know it.
[May 30,2004 5:54pm - Abbath ""]
rev's gonna be the oldest guy there
[May 30,2004 9:37pm - JellyFish ""]
revs gonna be the biggest guy there.
[May 30,2004 11:27pm - succubus ""]
he'll be back in 10-20 minutes
i just got in from the River Rave...but we can make fun of me in another thread
[May 30,2004 11:44pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, the pictures are up.
[May 30,2004 11:58pm - kibblesndicks ""]
ok I went to this show mostly to see some friends and cause like the rev I think the old stuff by 18 V and From autumn to... is pretty good. so I was there and most the normal Worchester kids were as well. but that is all beside the point the point I want to bring up is. I saw maybe one of the funniest things I have ever seen at a show tonight. There was this tall kid with these wicked nasty ass dreads. and he was like jumping around and air singing. ( no not just singing along but actually pretending like he had a mic) He fuckin was making the biggest ass of himself. It was hillarie-ass to watch. So you can imagine it didn't take long for someone to throw a quick puch or Kik at him or call him a fag. Not really sure which happened. so Then he gets his panties in a bunch, and I see him go say something to security. I imagine it was " hey Im a pussy tell them to stop" like they fucking care. and as I thought would happen you just see the security guy point him in the dirrection of the doors. So then He fuckin gos back and gets in it with the worchester kids again. He takes his belt of and threatens one of them with it. and this little girl from outta nowhere punchs the faggot right in the face. I really don't know how he made it out alive. but it was very funny. Like seriously who threatens someone with a belt. what a puss
[May 31,2004 12:30am - the_reverend ""]
anterabae: I got there and only saw 2 songs by them. I guess the show started at 6:30 and not 7pm.. sucky. thankfully, our favorite door girl lynneous got me inside quickly or I would have missed their whole set. oh well, I really wanted to see them since they had their new cd and all. I'm guessing I missed all the antics but it sounded pretty good.

18 visions: not being a fan of this band, my reviews of them are usually really jaded. the first two songs they played while I was shooting actually sounded really good... and then the 3rd one was ok. then I sat down and it sounded like they played the 3rd song over again twice more. "put your horns to the fucking sky!!" I guess devil horns aren't just for metal any more. they have a new record coming out at some point and then they played a track that they made a video for on headbanger's ball. something about lesbian's which I didn't get and the fact that lesbians weren't in the new video.. even though they loooove them some lesbians. you could tell cause the singer kept fingering the air... whatever. the 3rd and 2nd to last two songs sounded really good again. they were so hard with some pretty good breakdowns. they ended the set with vanity

atreyu: another band that I'm not really a fan of, but whoah... the last time I saw them I thought they sucked it up. this time it was wicked good. they didn't have all the makeup and stuff that they normally have. probably cause it was the last day of the tour. they had a new bassplayer, but he was really in to the set and moved around a lot more than the others in the band. a few times he jumped into the crowd and had kids play the bass with him. it was kind of weird... at this point, I got yelled at for taking pictures after the first 3 songs even though I wasn't so I got kicked out of the barricade. in a huffy, I went upstairs and I saw the scene unfold from up there. tons of people surfing and stage diving. a bunch of atreyu's friends came out in shorts with boogie boards and surfed all over the crowd on them. it was hilarious.

fata: they played some good tracks. I like the first cd, but the stuff after that isn't really my bag. they played a bunch of newer tracks and the drummer just sounds like he wants to be in live. oh, the drummer sings clean for those who don't know. he came out after 4 songs and sang per usual. there were a ton of girls and tiny guys surfing around during this part. they looked sooo young. I wonder how many people's younger brothers/sisters were at this show. yell, I wonder how many of themgot backstage. the singer sent out a song to his grandmother. coincidence? I think so since it was my grandmother's (meme) 89 birthday and I was trying to call her during fata's set. the crowd was mellowed out for a while after the drummer sang. it took a couple more songs until they got back into it. when they did, kids were getting launched everywhere. the palladium didn't have that many on security so they were having a tough timekeeping up with the crowd. a couple times I grabbed surfers before they fell while a few of the gaurds got knocked down hard not wanting to hurt the 14year old kids coming over the barricade. I realized that fata have a super lot of guitar masterbation in there songs where they wank-off into a bunch of riffs.

the most amazing thing I saw was a guy snatching a flying water bottle mr. miyagi style from the air.
[May 31,2004 12:50am - tbone_r ""]
i went to this show, not sure why...it was eh. the floor was way too crowded and had too many crappy kids pushing. i did see that kid get punched in the face though, that was funny.

18v sucks, old fata is much better than new, i didnt like any of the newer atreyu songs, and i missed anterrabae
[May 31,2004 12:52am - the_reverend ""]
wow.. it's like everyone's of the same opinion...
the new atreyu songs were the worst part of their set.
[May 31,2004 12:54am - the_reverend ""]
[May 31,2004 12:57am - tbone_r ""]
hahah valcor!!
[May 31,2004 2:54am - anonymous  ""]
what a stupid looking show.
[May 31,2004 7:59am - anonymous  ""]
iwhent to the show aswell, and the floor was way too crowded, and far 2 many kids pushing, i dont get why the singer of eighteen visions was fingering the air, but it was getting on my nerves, i was only there for like 3 of anterrabaes song, but they were alright. i think atreyu did really well, they were the main reason i was there, the pit was crazy during them, aswell as from autumn to ashes, i took a few good shots to the face and head, but thats typical
[May 31,2004 9:07am - theundergroundscene ""]
That show was awesome, I don't care, and I LOVE the new Atreyu stuff. I thought their set was amazing, and that last song From Autumn To Ashes did where guys from Atreyu, 18 Visions and Anterabae came out was pretty cool. James (singer) from 18 Visions came out with a guitar case acting like he was playing it because there were 15 guitarists on the stage, haha.
[May 31,2004 11:17am - attendmyrequiem ""]
kibblesndicks said:ok I went to this show mostly to see some friends and cause like the rev I think the old stuff by 18 V and From autumn to... is pretty good. so I was there and most the normal Worchester kids were as well. but that is all beside the point the point I want to bring up is. I saw maybe one of the funniest things I have ever seen at a show tonight. There was this tall kid with these wicked nasty ass dreads. and he was like jumping around and air singing. ( no not just singing along but actually pretending like he had a mic) He fuckin was making the biggest ass of himself. It was hillarie-ass to watch. So you can imagine it didn't take long for someone to throw a quick puch or Kik at him or call him a fag. Not really sure which happened. so Then he gets his panties in a bunch, and I see him go say something to security. I imagine it was " hey Im a pussy tell them to stop" like they fucking care. and as I thought would happen you just see the security guy point him in the dirrection of the doors. So then He fuckin gos back and gets in it with the worchester kids again. He takes his belt of and threatens one of them with it. and this little girl from outta nowhere punchs the faggot right in the face. I really don't know how he made it out alive. but it was very funny. Like seriously who threatens someone with a belt. what a puss

shut up. you're gay

[May 31,2004 12:11pm - burn to my skin  ""]
that was a great show. it was the first one i've ever gone to. and yes... i was one of those 14 year old siblings who went there... big deal. lol, it was an awesome time though.
[May 31,2004 12:13pm - the_reverend ""]
hey, that's awesome. hopefully, this will just be a gateway drug and you will get to more shows.
by next year, you'll be complaining that circle of dead children cancel every one of their shows you go to see just like the rest of us.
[May 31,2004 12:24pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
the_reverend said:hey, that's awesome. hopefully, this will just be a gateway drug and you will get to more shows.
by next year, you'll be complaining that circle of dead children cancel every one of their shows you go to see just like the rest of us.

Or that every Bury Your Dead show that i go to that is booked by Muscle City, BYD drops off or the show get cancelled...

Have you heard the new Bury Your Dead... i hate it. it sounds like nu-metal.
[May 31,2004 12:51pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
Wee...Bink! said:the_reverend said:hey, that's awesome. hopefully, this will just be a gateway drug and you will get to more shows.
by next year, you'll be complaining that circle of dead children cancel every one of their shows you go to see just like the rest of us.

Or that every Bury Your Dead show that i go to that is booked by Muscle City, BYD drops off or the show get cancelled...

Have you heard the new Bury Your Dead... i hate it. it sounds like nu-metal.

Or that all BYD sounds nu-metal?
[May 31,2004 2:08pm - nick ""]
tbone_r said:valcore hahaha latkas.

FALCORE. jonathan brandis would be ashamed of you.

edit - quoted the wrong person.
[May 31,2004 2:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I've heard 2 exactly different reviews of the new byd.
one saying it's nu-metal
one saying it's the hardest thing ever.
I will listen to it and make my own judgement.
[May 31,2004 3:19pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
the_reverend said:I've heard 2 exactly different reviews of the new byd.
one saying it's nu-metal
one saying it's the hardest thing ever.
I will listen to it and make my own judgement.

I heard nu-metal on that last recording they had. I think alot of bands are using that lately. Throwdown, On Broken Wings, Bury Your Dead, that ex-disembodied band that's on abacus...uhh Devil something. Well, anyway I find the tone very similar to what I've heard from korn. I just don't understand why that stuff is so popular or why "hardcore" kids have come to love it and yet hate bands like korn, who originated it.
[Jun 1,2004 12:09pm - dilated  ""]
hey, the show was pretty good. 18 visions was gay, and the lead singer has a weird obsession with licking his fingers. I was one of the first people there. I stood outside of atreyu's tour bus and met them all. they're wicked cool, and they're the only reason i went to that concert. Anterrabae kicked ass. i didn't get to stay for FATA. If you like metal, my band "Section 12" is playing at club marquee on june 25th. Be sure to check it out.
[Jun 1,2004 12:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
what an ubergay show.
[Jun 1,2004 12:47pm - the_reverend ""]
ra, takes one to know one.
[Jun 1,2004 1:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
that's not me, that's everyone else at the show.
[Jun 1,2004 1:45pm - Pat Meebles  ""]
I'm surprised noone's head exploded from the sheer whininess of From Autumn to Gayness' drummer.
[Jun 1,2004 3:20pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 1,2004 5:50pm - JellyFish ""]
quite gay vocals.
[Jun 24,2004 11:56pm - anonymous  ""]
i thought it was good.

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