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Tuesday August 16th: Bloody Phoenix, Suffering Bastard, and MORE!

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Jul 29,2011 5:42pm - aaron_michael ""]
Bloody Phoenix (ex Despise You, Excrutiating Terror)

Suffering Bastard


Slumlord Beauty

Jack Burton vs. David Lo Pan


Ralph's Diner
148 Grove St
Worcester, Massachusetts 01609


[Jul 29,2011 6:10pm - Lamp nli  ""]
It would be nice to get to see Bloody Phoenix, not counting on it though. Especially with Suffering Bastard on this lineup.
[Jul 29,2011 6:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Will be at.
[Jul 30,2011 8:57am - SUFFERINGBASTARD ""]
Psyched to see BF!
good job on the flyer and thanks for hooking us up.
[Jul 30,2011 9:06am - dyingmuse ""]
SB sound pretty bad ass. checking the rest now
[Jul 30,2011 10:50am - aaron_michael ""]
Slumlord Beauty doesn't have any music posted (as they haven't recorded anything) but I think they're a band that NEEDS to be heard by more than just their friends in central/western MA.
If you see them at this show, you're going to be happy you did!
[Jul 30,2011 1:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
No u

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