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100 most metal moments

[May 31,2004 1:12am - MyDeadDoll ""]
it's on VH1 tomorrow. it's only an hour long. i won't get to see it 'til it's on again at night since i work. wonder how it's gonna be. anyone else gonna watch?
[May 31,2004 3:19am - hoser ""]
ugghh... i want the 10 seconds of my life back that it took to read this shit assed post.:middlefinger:
[May 31,2004 11:56am - Dissector ""]
Its only an hour long, but its an hour long 5 days a week. So that equals 5 hours long.
[May 31,2004 6:40pm - retzam ""]
I am totally watching this. I bet you there will be some death/black metal mention.
[May 31,2004 6:53pm - Dissector ""]
They mention Motorhead and Slayer. They had the sneak peek on today, thats all I saw.
[May 31,2004 7:29pm - dread_104 ""]
they did 100-80 (i think) today. it's on again at 9 or 10pm. i completely forgot about L7 and the tampon
[May 31,2004 7:35pm - Dissector ""]
Yeah thats what I saw today. Its on at 10 I think. Right after new Insomniac on Comedy Central.
[May 31,2004 7:41pm - dread_104 ""]
ya think they'll mention the whole Mayhem thing?
I'll bet #1 is "Metallica becomes gay"
[May 31,2004 7:45pm - Dissector ""]
They probably will mention Mayhem. They mentioned them before on one of those countdowns.
[May 31,2004 7:48pm - dread_104 ""]
these things piss me off. you know Cobain offing himself will show up somewhere on there. can't they save that for athe "6 most grunge moments"?
[May 31,2004 8:03pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
aw crap, i have to watch it like for 5 days just to get all 100? dammit!
[May 31,2004 8:07pm - succubus ""]
oh man im doing laundry now and taking care of a futon like aaron asked me too
but once i'm done, i'm gonna work on my pics and get ready to see a singer who was really trying to look like him from the show i went to last night
[May 31,2004 9:52pm - Abbath ""]
dread_104 said:these things piss me off. you know Cobain offing himself will show up somewhere on there. can't they save that for athe "6 most grunge moments"?

haahaha ya!!!! and i mean all what he did was just copy dead from mayhem!:NEWHORNS:
[May 31,2004 10:20pm - Abbath ""]
......this blows
[May 31,2004 10:25pm - JellyFish ""]
yeah it does.
[Jun 1,2004 12:45am - tbone_r ""]
its all online at vh1.com
[Jun 1,2004 1:15am - MyDeadDoll ""]
it was alright. dee snider narrates and i like dee snider 'cos i'm a dork. but yeah, we'll see how the rest of the week goes.
[Jun 1,2004 5:35pm - Abbath ""]
i went to vh1 website to check out what other bands are gonna show up and some are pretty sweet
tonight Mayhem is suppose to be on
wednesday we got Gorgoroth
and thurdays Gwar is suppose to be on
[Jun 1,2004 5:38pm - powerkok ""]
vh1 is gay
[Jun 1,2004 5:52pm - JellyFish ""]
GWAR on vh1 is a beautiful thing.
[Jun 1,2004 10:43pm - retzam ""]
Nice!!! #70 or something: the suicide of Dead and the murder of Euronymous!! They talked about it for like 5 minutes, it was great!!
[Jun 1,2004 10:47pm - powerkok ""]
was that mayhem or emporer I forget?
[Jun 1,2004 10:51pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Jun 1,2004 11:00pm - powerkok ""]
ya I remember that album cover with his brains hangin out...pretty dedicated to his craft, I'd say huh?

on another note.....BON THE FUCK JOVI ARE ON THE 100 METAL MOMENTS.....WTF IS THAT GARBAGE?!?!?! they arent fuckin even next to metal! Fags. How do you put them between maiden and slayer?!?!?! Slayer was right....GOD DOES HATE US ALL!!!!

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