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reach the sky breaking up

[Jan 29,2003 4:00pm - the_reverend ""]
granted there is no news of it on their site: http://www.reachthesky.net

there is news here:
[Jan 29,2003 5:01pm - blackandblue ""]
well, they haven't put out a good album in years, so i think they're a little past their prime. amazing live band though. i'm sad so see them go.
[Jan 30,2003 9:23am - christopher  ""]
i had read somewhere, and it was quoted from Reach The Sky themselves, that there was never a break-up.
[Jan 30,2003 10:07am - the_reverend ""]
hm.. another bad rumor?
I don't know.
[Jan 30,2003 10:58am - xmikex ""]
christopher if you are in any way challenging the journalistic integrity of lambgoat.com then you sir are WAY out of line.

[Jan 30,2003 11:13am - the_reverend ""]
lambgoat's got journalistic integrity now?
what section is that under?
I can't find it under the section "<insert band> appreciation thread" nor "ATTN: <insert name> is a fag"

maybe they should put a link at the end of their news sections entitled "Look for more <band name> news that isn't made up by a 15 year old kid in mass"

[Jan 30,2003 11:43am - xmikex ""]
i'd sooner take my news from the Onion then lambgoat.
[Jan 30,2003 11:56am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, at least on the onion, you know the stories are made up.
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