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attenton goatcatalyst did you pay paul in pills to do a song together

[Aug 4,2011 10:38pm - attn goatcatalyst  ""]
Attenton goatcatalyst did you pay paul in pills to do a song together??? Hes pretty much a loser so I am sure you did...
[Aug 4,2011 10:40pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Aug 4,2011 10:51pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Didn't pay anything, man. I'm not into pills and Paul has been on the straight and narrow for a while. Dude doesn't even drink. His vices are sweatpants, "Seven Churches", "Haunting the Chapel", Necrovore and chewing tobacco. If anything, I was the resident degenerate with my champagne and reefer. Only good things to say about the guy.
[Aug 4,2011 10:54pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Aug 4,2011 11:12pm - attn goatcatalyst  ""]
Shut the fuck up dude you liar. I know Paul personally and I no longer am a friend of his because of his pill pushing as recent as a few months back even.
[Aug 5,2011 12:04am - Charles River  ""]
wah wah do a cry about it
[Aug 5,2011 12:29am - frankovhell  ""]
oh noes not pills. waaah, leave the hall faggot.
[Aug 5,2011 12:53am - goatcatalyst ""]
Want a cookie?
[Aug 5,2011 1:29am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I take pills for my heartburn and seasonal allergies, shall we meet in Chinatown and do a faggit?
[Aug 5,2011 8:19am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
We pay Black Steve in birth control pills, true story.
[Aug 5,2011 8:19am - bubbaburgerz  ""]
maybe you should go take a Testosterone pill buddy...
you're crying like a little baby BITCH
[Aug 5,2011 8:37am - largefreakatzero ""]
My high blood pressure pills are nasty, definitely full of faggot.
[Aug 5,2011 1:15pm - goatcatalyst ""]
You'll never make it in MS-13 with that bitch-like disposition

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