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Limeys are wicked pished

[Aug 8,2011 11:08pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Aug 8,2011 11:13pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Aug 8,2011 11:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 8,2011 11:32pm - largefreakatzero ""]
We need some burning SUVs and raped soccer moms on this side of the pond. Unfortunately our working class is too overweight and full of Jeeeeeezus to do anything. Needs moar starvation this side of the pond...
[Aug 8,2011 11:35pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Aug 8,2011 11:38pm - largefreakatzero ""]
^strangely disturbing. Do a riot about it.
[Aug 9,2011 12:20am - bobnomaamrooney ""]

[Aug 9,2011 12:21am - David Caruso  ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]

Well that's one way to get a nasty

...puts on sunglasses...

rug burn.

[Aug 9,2011 12:40am - CNV IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE  ""]
[Aug 9,2011 1:56am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 9,2011 4:16am - Boozegood ""]
All this because one dude got killed? Make more excuses for just being total grumps, UK citizens. Stealing from your community while simultaneously destroying it, that'll show 'em!
[Aug 9,2011 9:16am - arktouros ""]
unemployment, general discontent, oppressive policing policies. too bad the riots are full of loot opportunists posting their loot on facebook, a peaceful protest is the way to go, but this way the government crackdown will gain popular support because of the destruction of property.
[Aug 9,2011 9:30am - arilliusbm ""]
London is the archetype city for a police state. Cameras at every corner and junction.
[Aug 9,2011 10:19am - aaron_michael ""]
"RIM is said to be cooperating with police in figuring out whether the BlackBerry played a role in organizing"

Those darn BlackBerrys are fucking up the city again by subconciously telling Brits to make fire.

In all seriousness, this is a pretty concerning situation for a lot of people over there and it's kind of setting the city back. As stated in:

Boozegood said:Make more excuses for just being total grumps, UK citizens. Stealing from your community while simultaneously destroying it, that'll show 'em!

I'm just glad I woke up to an email saying my "mates" over there are okay even though one of their shops is a big chunk of charcoal now.

Now, all seriousness aside, I'll just leave this hipster shit here.
[Aug 9,2011 10:19am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Aug 9,2011 10:22am - arktouros ""]
hot fuzz = huge FUCK YOU to the brit nanny state
[Aug 9,2011 10:25am - dreadkill ""]

arilliusbm said:London is the archetype city for a police state. Cameras at every corner and junction.
it will be the first dystopian outpost in the near future

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