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Keanu Reaves Sucks

[Aug 18,2011 2:59pm - Craig T Blumpkin  ""]
You may remember me from such television shows as COACH. I also am in the movie the devils advocate... Keanu Reeves sucks and his inability to act ruined my career.
[Aug 18,2011 3:00pm - Craig T Blumpkin  ""]
[Aug 18,2011 3:47pm - AndrewBastard ""]
he was in point break

[Aug 18,2011 3:49pm - SLAAAAG  ""]
[Aug 18,2011 3:51pm - AndrewBastard ""]

AndrewBastard said:he was in point break


by this comment ^^

i mean he's awesome...not that he sucks. JUST FOR THE RECORD.
[Aug 18,2011 3:56pm - arktouros ""]
point break rules. so does the first matrix.
[Aug 18,2011 3:57pm - dreadkill ""]
point break and the bill and ted movies are awesome. this thread should be about nicolas cage sucking.
[Aug 18,2011 4:07pm - dyingmuse ""]
TDA was awesome.
[Aug 18,2011 5:13pm - Yeti ""]
[Aug 18,2011 5:15pm - NuclearWinter ""]

Only Cyberpunk is the not so distant future.
[Aug 18,2011 6:12pm - Seth  ""]
When he was pretend metal...good movie and soundtrack! [img]
[Aug 18,2011 8:29pm - Spaldino  ""]
I really loved him in Superman II
[Aug 18,2011 10:20pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 19,2011 12:54pm - KILLER KADERP  ""]
Keanu Reeves is the worst big name actor around right now, easily.

The fact that any of you pretend to like anything he's done after "Bill and Ted" makes you hipsters. Somehow. Just roll with it.
[Aug 19,2011 12:57pm - KILLER KADERP  ""]
Also, The Matrix is a GOOD movie that was lowered to a CRAP movie by Keanu's shitty shittiness alone. 10 years of hype before I saw that pile o crap.

The Matrix: blowing college students' minds since '98.
Keanu Reeves: blowing college students since 1922.

[Aug 19,2011 12:59pm - Yeti ""]
jeSUS. what a mind job.
[Aug 19,2011 1:00pm - Yeti ""]

KILLER%20KADERP said:Keanu Reeves is the worst big name actor around right now, easily.

Nicolas Cage is unbeatable in that category.
[Aug 19,2011 1:16pm - Keanu  ""]
Nicholas Cage is leaps and bounds ahead of me in the talent department. Thankfully I did not have many lines in the Matrix which kept it from being a total loss. Bill and Teds was great because I didnt have to act.
[Aug 21,2011 11:12am - Boozegood ""]
Anyone who doesn't think Keanu Reeves is a great cyberpunk front-man hasn't read a cyberpunk book.
[Aug 21,2011 11:21am - demondave ""]
[Aug 21,2011 11:24am - RustyPS ""]
[Aug 21,2011 12:12pm - narkybark ""]
keanu reeves = paul mounet = woah

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