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Omnivorous Drummer Wanted

[Jun 1,2004 10:49am - litacore ""]
well, folks! it's the first of June and I see a lot of you have got your feelers out, starting up some new projects--everyone is twitterpating and the pherenomes are saturating the city air--so I figured I'd RE-join in the quest for METAL CONQUEST:
Drummer sought for metal band. Influences include iron maiden, children of bodom, dimmu borgir, nile, sinergy, nightwish, sinister, and many others. Double bass skills a must! E-mail or call meg at 617 620 6285 / darkstarfaerie2002@yahoo.com or larissa 617 230 6755 / litacore@att.net

we're in Boston area. Thanx!

[Jun 1,2004 10:51am - litacore ""]

twitterpating is a Bambi reference
[Jun 1,2004 1:42pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
can I call Meg for a date?
[Jun 1,2004 2:01pm - litacore ""]
no Joe because you'll be tying up the phone line while we field calls from the zillions and zillions of drummers around here!


...she's got a boyfriend anyway
[Jun 1,2004 2:08pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i already killed her boyfriend
[Jun 1,2004 2:27pm - litacore ""]

alrighty-then, the phones are lighting up, hurry up kids!

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