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lookin' for succubus

[Jun 1,2004 11:36am - litacore ""]
where are ya? been trying to aim ya all week!
[Jun 1,2004 11:37am - RustedAngel ""]
the week just started :spineyes:
[Jun 1,2004 2:55pm - *UglyBastard*  ""]
Im jerking off all over my wife's face, just wondering if there is any metal succubi on RTTP who want to get downright blasphemous June 9th at Kc's Tap in pawtucket!!! dont forget the dollar drafts!
[Jun 1,2004 3:02pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jun 1,2004 3:05pm - *UglyBastard*  ""]
Dollar Drafts thats what the fucK!!! June 9th at Kc's tap in pawtucket and some bands are playing as well.!
[Jun 1,2004 3:06pm - dyingmuse ""]
damn now thats promotion
[Jun 1,2004 3:18pm - succubus ""]
litacore said:where are ya? been trying to aim ya all week!

i'm here now...been out and about..sorry i keep missing you!
[Jun 1,2004 3:19pm - the_reverend ""]
eh, it could have used lesbians kissing...
[Jun 1,2004 3:20pm - *UglyBastard*  ""]
When i heard of this event going on i had no choice but to get on the wagon and spread the word! $1 BEERS> METAL> AND ONE SMOKIN BAR WENCH! down at Kc's Tap!
[Jun 1,2004 3:21pm - succubus ""]
is she a red head with a southern accent?
[Jun 1,2004 3:27pm - *UglyBastard*  ""]
Who knows how she talkes the music will be too loud to understand her anyways down at Kc's Tap!

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