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my nose is big

[Jun 1,2004 7:38pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
big like a pickle i still get paid, laid by the ladies you know im in charge both how m living and my nose is large
[Jun 1,2004 7:53pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
fuck me in the ass with your nose
[Jun 2,2004 9:15am - Josh_hates_you ""]
is there a single person here that is open minded enough to listen the Digital Underground??

do the hump bitches!!!!!!
[Jun 2,2004 9:48am - Otto/Wormdr1v3  ""]
I have Sex Packets, it's one of the first CD's I ever bought, I think I was 13 or somewthing like that. Good stuff, D.U. had a very unique sound and twist to their rhymms.
[Jun 2,2004 12:51pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
makes me wanna get jiggy with it... or something... i dunno...
[Jun 2,2004 12:54pm - JellyFish ""]
I love digital underground, and the hump dance rules.

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