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attn all college grads

[Aug 31,2011 3:26pm - attn all college grads  ""]
your so hip and deep and you are so beyond everyone elses mentality that the people you reference from history and the points you make couldnt have possible been known by other humans right seeing as though we have been around for many many many years thousands millions forever but if you drink tea read books of other peoples ideas and talk philo with your homies you must be a true martyr for society you belong with jesus and all the other hip to be squares insert quotes and follow with hey you need to learn grammar because some old teacher enforced English literature laws on me by the way reason number one why college grads dont have good jobs because intelliegence isnt a trade idiots and it sure as hell isnt obtained with books and other usless tree bark intelliegence is the universe its the true bindings of people and the environment and the simplest survivalist skill applied in the most endangering settings is the true evolution of man and not the run o the mill faggetry we call IQ period
[Aug 31,2011 3:28pm - mattnaegleria ""]
[Aug 31,2011 3:38pm - Mutis ""]
step 1 go too collage step 2 learn about grammer and punktuation step 3 your arrested
[Aug 31,2011 3:40pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
OP is a Waffle House waitress.
[Aug 31,2011 3:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Mutis said:step 1 go too collage step 2 learn about grammer and punktuation step 3 your arrested

4. Prophet
[Aug 31,2011 3:42pm - Lamp nli  ""]

Mutis said:step 1 go too collage step 2 learn about grammer and punktuation step 3 your arrested

Nothing else to see here people, let's move on to the next one.
[Aug 31,2011 3:46pm - Mutis ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
Mutis said:step 1 go too collage step 2 learn about grammer and punktuation step 3 your arrested

4. Prophet

their is no prophet in arrested
[Aug 31,2011 5:34pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Get your shinebox, OP

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