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Crispin Glover appreciation thread

[Jun 2,2004 1:51pm - litacore ""]

"My cat can eat a whole watermelon!"

which film?:yoda:
[Jun 2,2004 1:53pm - litacore ""]
Which Slayer song is playing in his car when he passes out at the wheel in the film "River's Edge"?
[Jun 2,2004 1:54pm - litacore ""]
which late night talk show host did Crispin Glover come VERY close to kicking in the head on the air?
[Jun 2,2004 1:57pm - the_reverend ""]
violated a lamb
violated a lamb
violated a lamb
violated a lamb
violated a lamb
[Jun 2,2004 1:58pm - litacore ""]
he gets around
[Jun 2,2004 2:20pm - succubus ""]
ohhh and he played andy warhol in the Doors movie!
[Jun 2,2004 3:57pm - Devin ""]
Andy Warhol? I thought he was the Velvet Underground producer. Guess he produced for the Doors as well.

That movie is fucked up.
[Jun 2,2004 5:03pm - powerkok ""]

raining blood
david letterman.
[Jun 2,2004 5:04pm - powerkok ""]
i saw that letterman show when it aired....they quickly cut to a commercial, and when they came back, dave says " that guy had to catch a cab" LOL

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