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PT-109 is a joke

[Sep 10,2011 3:15pm - anonymous  ""]
what a joke that place is. no real stage, fake as fuck fans, horrible sound and shitty stage. why don't you guys find a real venue to book shows at instead of some shithole in hipster central usa where you and your faggot friends can snort coke and listen to shitty music. wake the fuck up and stop fooling yourselves that your music is good and this place is good. fuck you faggots
[Sep 10,2011 3:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Sept 21 w/Hivesmasher and Dead in the Dirt

Oct 8 w/Hirudinea and Ramlord

Oct 12 w/Blessed Offal and Vaettir

Nov 4th w/Zombified Vermin and Abomination

Nov 5th w/Street Sweeper and Iron Hand
[Sep 10,2011 3:22pm - anonymous  ""]
all faggot shows with cokehead faggot bands
[Sep 10,2011 3:30pm - josh_hates_you ""]
Dear Anonymous,

Can you please recommend a real venue with a real stage, real fans, and awesome sound, no cokeheads and good music? I need to know so I don't waste any more time at this venue. Thanks in advance.

[Sep 10,2011 3:39pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
[Sep 10,2011 3:53pm - xmikex ""]
You're shitting me about the sound at PT-109 being bad right? When Ash Borer played (guessing you weren't there) it was one of the most incredible sounding shows I've heard in a long time.

But hey if Razormaze at Club Lido with a 32 channel mixer that somehow still sounds like it's underwater is your thing then by all means, book it, enjoy it and stay the fuck out of PT 109 because we're too busy having fun. Pussy.
[Sep 10,2011 3:54pm - xmikex ""]

josh_hates_you said:Dear Anonymous,

Can you please recommend a real venue with a real stage, real fans, and awesome sound, no cokeheads and good music? I need to know so I don't waste any more time at this venue. Thanks in advance.


ITT questions the OP will never answer. Diagnosis: PT109 rules.
[Sep 10,2011 4:05pm - Sacreligion ""]
The internet would be a better place if anonymous people would voice their opinions as themselves.
[Sep 10,2011 4:15pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Sep 10,2011 4:16pm - vaettir ""]
Friends, coke, shitty music. Not quite getting what the issue is here.
[Sep 10,2011 4:19pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Sep 10,2011 4:26pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

vaettir said:Friends, coke, shitty music. Not quite getting what the issue is here.

[Sep 10,2011 4:58pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Go home, faggot.
[Sep 11,2011 1:43am - t2daeeknli  ""]
fuck... this place (from the stage, which they absolutely have) has awesome sound and considering the shows that i usually end up at, the crowds are better... coked out or otherwise. from my experience there's usually more of a green haze floating around than an overabundance of white ladies.
[Sep 11,2011 1:50am - calender.Tjp ""]
On u..............coke?
[Sep 11,2011 2:59am - xmikex ""]
One time offer to whoever started this thread:

Come out to any PT109 show. Approach me and we'll have a conversation about music/sports/not doing coke. You obviously don't make friends very well, and it's manifesting itself as you being a grumpy gus on the internet. You'll have fun and stop wasting everyones time.

PS. the democracy center doesn't have strippers
[Sep 11,2011 3:32am - xgodzillax ""]

xmikex said:PS. the democracy center doesn't have strippers

Truer words have never been spoken.
[Sep 11,2011 8:18am - RustyPS ""]
[Sep 11,2011 10:47am - Lamp nli  ""]
Joke: PT-109
[Sep 11,2011 2:07pm - nekronaut ""]
Pics or strippers never happened.
[Sep 11,2011 2:44pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

nekronaut said:Pics or strippers never happened.
[Sep 11,2011 2:46pm - SIMBA  ""]

[Sep 11,2011 2:47pm - Ghey_faguettes ""]
I was told to put my camera away. However i did drunkenly yell, "scissor me timbers!"
[Sep 11,2011 2:55pm - MOOSE  ""]
[Sep 11,2011 3:17pm - RichHorror ""]
You sound mad bro.
[Sep 11,2011 4:10pm - W3 nli  ""]

nekronaut said:Pics or strippers never happened.

maybe you should hang out once in a while and you could have gotten a sweet lapdance too.
[Sep 11,2011 4:14pm - nekronaut ""]
I'm all set on watching Mexican get spanked and motorboat stripper vag.
[Sep 11,2011 4:38pm - xgodzillax ""]

W3%20nli said:maybe you should hang out once in a while and you could have gotten a sweet lapdance too.

why didnt YOU get a lapdance? I got like 5 or more in front of my girlfriend, and she did too!

scumbag level has dropped for you
[Sep 11,2011 4:38pm - xgodzillax ""]

Ghey_faguettes said:I did drunkenly yell, "scissor me timbers!"

and it was the fucking lolz
[Sep 11,2011 6:28pm - Ghey_Faguettes ""]

MOOSE said:[img]

You dirty, dirty son of a bitch.
[Sep 11,2011 6:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
despite the floor almost imploding... the Defeated Sanity show there was one of the most brutally awesome shows i've ever witnessed.

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