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[Jun 2,2004 3:06pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Why does Vader kick so much ass?:NEWHORNS::satancross::doublehorns:
[Jun 2,2004 3:10pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
I dunno, I used to be all into their shit, but not much anymore. its kind of simple. sounds alot like a beefed up goat whore minus some of the blacker parts
[Jun 2,2004 3:18pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Well true. but for some reson is tickels my nuts in a way most sluts cant.
[Jun 2,2004 3:21pm - the_reverend ""]
I had a gay guy offer me "massages" and told me "there's somethings a girl just can't do for you"
I chased him off with a 2' piece of chain.
[Jun 2,2004 3:56pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
the_reverend said:I had a gay guy offer me "massages" and told me "there's somethings a girl just can't do for you"
I chased him off with a 2' piece of chain.


once we got a life story from a dragqueen begging change in boston.
[Jun 2,2004 4:53pm - JellyFish ""]
I just finished revelation myself. I was wonderign the same thing.
[Jun 2,2004 6:53pm - Kalopsia ""]
swamplorddvm said:Why does Vader kick so much ass?:NEWHORNS::satancross::doublehorns:

because they're Vader........... DUH!!!!!!

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