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top 10 most annoying rttp posters ever

[Sep 16,2011 12:02pm - arilnaut  ""]

oh and black pyramid was overrated garbage anyway.
[Sep 16,2011 12:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 16,2011 12:04pm - arilnaut  ""]
oh it is? oh well, it's not any less relevant.
[Sep 16,2011 12:06pm - eyehatehippies ""]

arilnaut said:10)eyehatehippies

oh and black pyramid was overrated garbage anyway.

Thank you Captain Obvious. Black Pyramid sucked. I have said that hundreds of times now.

I was going to be pretty butthurt if I did not make this list, but looking at the list, I am very, very pleased.

So for a faceless, spineless maggot too afraid to show his true name or face, you aren't a complete failure.

[Sep 16,2011 12:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Black Pyramid didn't suck.
[Sep 16,2011 12:09pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
this was actually me. I thought I remembered to change my name.
[Sep 16,2011 12:12pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
also, as for me being afraid, come to any of our shitty shows and say hi! im the overweight loser with the bad tattoos. next is on the 23rd
[Sep 16,2011 12:12pm - eyehatehippies ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Black Pyramid didn't suck.

Unfortunately, I disagree with you, and I wrote/stole the majority of the music for the band.
[Sep 16,2011 12:14pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
I liked this troll better when he was called Velvet Cacoon.
[Sep 16,2011 12:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Whatever man. I can't believe a grown man in a band I really respected and enjoyed playing with is acting this way. But have fun I guess.
[Sep 16,2011 12:18pm - eyehatehippies ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Whatever man. I can't believe a grown man in a band I really respected and enjoyed playing with is acting this way. But have fun I guess.

Respect yourself, first and foremost. I neither ask for your respect, nor have I done anything to deserve it.

Nor do I even know who you are, you're just a name on a screen to me right now, and I have no idea what band you even played with, or if I even played with you.

I am having fun. Black Pyramid was NOT fun, and that was why the band sucked, in my opinion. Because being in Black Pyramid sucked, in a big way.

[Sep 16,2011 12:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fair enough. an unfortunate approach to the situation in my opinion though.
[Sep 16,2011 12:25pm - eyehatehippies ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:fair enough. an unfortunate approach to the situation in my opinion though.

Misfortune is sometime's a man's best friend, especially when he finds himself in a situation where she is the only one who will share a bed with him.

You're right though, I should act more "grown up." Basing my whole life around a shitty band that is going nowhere, makes no money, is injurious to my mental and physical health, can't even support me, just so I can nourish my pride and pretend to be a "rock star" or "metal warrior", or some such nonsense, that would be a much more grown up approach to the situation. Maybe I'll try that instead.

Oh wait...

[Sep 16,2011 12:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
or you can just try again and start a new band where you have fun playing the music. many of the people in bands on here (myself included) have had to start over and over again before finding a project that is not frustrating or self-defeating and instead very rewarding.
[Sep 16,2011 12:36pm - eyehatehippies ""]
No need. I am doing something else. I don't want to do music anymore, it's no longer a part of my life.

When I was little, I wanted to be an artist. I am working on that instead. Unfortunately, I'm a shitty painter, but I was a decent sculptor in college...

I suck now, and I am working on improving. I'm writing again too, which has been great. I love writing horror and sci-fi.

[Sep 16,2011 12:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
that's cool. do as your will commands.
[Sep 16,2011 1:22pm - Yeti ""]

eyehatehippies said:No need. I am doing something else. I don't want to do music anymore, it's no longer a part of my life.

When I was little, I wanted to be butthurt.

and now i am.

[Sep 16,2011 5:12pm - twztidx  ""]
can i has leftover old loud gear?
[Sep 16,2011 5:17pm - eyehatehippies ""]

twztidx said:can i has leftover old loud gear?

Sure, come to my house and get it

Of course, I may rape or kill you, just for the fuck of it, and because I know that you aren't really a person, because you are too much of a coward to even use a real name on here.

So yeah, come and get it. Anytime you want.

[Sep 16,2011 5:19pm - Lamp nli  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:or you can just try again and start a new band where you have fun playing the music. many of the people in bands on here (myself included) have had to start over and over again before finding a project that is not frustrating or self-defeating and instead very rewarding.

You do have a real tendency to state the obvious...
[Sep 16,2011 5:24pm - eyehatehippies ""]

Lamp%20nli said:
FuckIsMySignature said:or you can just try again and start a new band where you have fun playing the music. many of the people in bands on here (myself included) have had to start over and over again before finding a project that is not frustrating or self-defeating and instead very rewarding.

You do have a real tendency to state the obvious...

And you have the real tendency to post as an alias, which makes you my owned little bitch, boychild.

Grow up. Grow up and face your superiors like a man, or else they will spit on you, for your entire life, child.

[Sep 17,2011 3:26am - GeminiII ""]
I was recording a band, and said "i want your bass to sound like this" and showed this bloke "Illumination"...Can i have your ampeg V4 for like....free?
Black Pyramid IS awesome and is a stape in my ears to how doom/volume music should sound
[Sep 17,2011 3:26am - GeminiII ""]
[Sep 17,2011 8:33am - Lamp ""]

eyehatehippies said:
Lamp%20nli said:
FuckIsMySignature said:or you can just try again and start a new band where you have fun playing the music. many of the people in bands on here (myself included) have had to start over and over again before finding a project that is not frustrating or self-defeating and instead very rewarding.

You do have a real tendency to state the obvious...

And you have the real tendency to post as an alias, which makes you my owned little bitch, boychild.

Grow up. Grow up and face your superiors like a man, or else they will spit on you, for your entire life, child.

There was no alias involved. I was posting from my phone.

I'm not exactly hiding anything, I have pictures of myself in my profile and know some people here in person.

But then again, why take the time to learn that when you can just keep doing what you're doing, I guess.
[Sep 17,2011 1:21pm - Sacreligion ""]
You don't understand man. He called you his owned little bitch. That means he won.
[Sep 17,2011 1:42pm - yummy ""]
[Sep 17,2011 1:45pm - Lamp ""]

Sacreligion said:You don't understand man. He called you his owned little bitch. That means he won.

Well then I need to award him this:


(2005 called, wants its meme back)
[Sep 23,2011 7:51am - FAIL TROLL  ""]

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