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5:30, all is well.

[Sep 16,2011 5:31pm - eyehatehippies ""]
You all have weathered the storm well, my friends will be here in half an hour. Time to get warmed up, get some chicken cooking on the dual grills and fire pit. Then some troll hunter.

I'm unblocking Yeti, because I'm in a good mood. Or perhaps I will, if someone reminds me next Friday. Perhaps I will change my mind by them, he really did suck something fierce today, as far as posting standards are concerned, and he has no respect for the LULZ.

Until next Friday, peace, love, Jesus, Satan, metal, Euro electro-pop, and all things in life, both good and bad.

Fuck you all, I love you.
[Sep 16,2011 5:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you sir, are blocked.
[Sep 16,2011 5:43pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

[Sep 16,2011 5:54pm - NuclearWinter ""]
[Sep 16,2011 5:56pm - LucidCurse ""]
I think ive posted this before but whatever,

[Sep 16,2011 6:27pm - eyehatehippies ""]
I wish I had Asperger's. That's an easy cop out, and generally you get to have guns, because people with Asperger's generally like guns.

I also love retards. They are much more amusing and insightful than the lot of queer-fags, copycat bitches, and unoriginal sheep that post on this site.

My guests are late, so you fucktards have to put up with me for a little longer.

For next week though, please improve your posting, or seriously, I may not return. There are much better forums with much better posters than this.

You all suck, but I love you anyways.
[Sep 16,2011 6:31pm - whats up  ""]

eyehatehippies said:I wish I had Asperger's. That's an easy cop out, and generally you get to have guns, because people with Asperger's generally like guns.

I also love retards. They are much more amusing and insightful than the lot of queer-fags, copycat bitches, and unoriginal sheep that post on this site.

My guests are late, so you fucktards have to put up with me for a little longer.

For next week though, please improve your posting, or seriously, I may not return. There are much better forums with much better posters than this.

You all suck, but I love you anyways.

before your guests show up, we are all dying to know...

...what food would YOU eat out of scarlet johansson's butt?
[Sep 16,2011 7:18pm - KEVORD ""]
Take ya top off!!!!
[Sep 16,2011 7:33pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I am thoroughly confused at this sudden loss of sanity demonstrated by Big Black Pyramid Man.
[Sep 16,2011 7:41pm - KEVORD ""]

Lamp%20nli said:I am thoroughly confused at this sudden loss of sanity demonstrated by Big Black Pyramid Man.
The dudes dumb band broke up. He's down in the dumps. He wants to prove he's smarter than the dudes on RTTP like a bully to build his confidence. But he hasn't figured out the guys on RTTP aren't dumb just highly immature.
[Sep 16,2011 7:47pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Hell, I'm the second most immature poster on this site and I can't figure out why I'm supposed to be baited. Just not bro enough for this dick, man.
[Sep 16,2011 7:48pm - KEVORD ""]
It was kind of funny last Friday. But now its just boring.
[Sep 16,2011 7:58pm - NuclearWinter ""]
I just hope the man's dinner guests are presently being berated with continuous unfunny, and equally vapid condescending remarks.

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