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Wall Street occupation

[Sep 20,2011 7:31am - ridahsofdizoom  ""]
There are estimates of between 5,000 and 20,000 occupying wall street today, camps have been set up and intend to remain there for as long as the weather holds, possibly up until early december.

Also, thousands of Spanish are marching towards Brussels, the European equivalent of Wall Street, to show solidarity, similar marches have begun from Greece and Italy as well.

Media Blackout it is fairly effective.


[Sep 20,2011 8:16am - Yeti ""]
nice gesture, but it will accomplish nothing. nobody associated with Wall Street or the Government gives a rats ass about the citizens, this isn't going magically change anything.
[Sep 20,2011 9:07am - arilliusbm ""]
they need more footsoldiers to penetrate that massive wall. might as well grab some trebuchets.
[Sep 20,2011 9:20am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
They must construct additional pylons.
[Sep 20,2011 10:06am - ghoulash ""]
Well, Rhode Island is clearly represented. (green flag, middle left). It could be "Glade Island" too I suppose, but how does that make any sense?
[Sep 20,2011 10:16am - RustyPS should be working  ""]

arilliusbm said:they need more footsoldiers to penetrate that massive wall.

[Sep 20,2011 10:16am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya that is definitely Glade Island right there.
[Sep 20,2011 10:30am - goatcatalyst ""]
[Sep 20,2011 11:01am - hauptpflucker ""]
Meh. Good for them, more people should protest more things. Most of us just complain and fall back into our complacent spoiled american lives.
[Sep 20,2011 11:25am - the_reverend ""]
5,000-20,000? someone's not very good with numbers.
[Sep 20,2011 11:26am - the_reverend ""]
with all those hipsters there, who will make our coffee at starbucks?
[Sep 20,2011 11:31am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 20,2011 12:43pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Protest with violence or fag.

Hope my stocks soar today.
[Sep 20,2011 12:46pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
I hope these fucks do something about my 401k...I wanna retire tomorrow
[Sep 20,2011 12:48pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I just listened to Dystopia on Lastfm and feel as though I've done my part
[Sep 20,2011 1:05pm - aaron_michael ""]
Represent Glade Island. Smash the system.
[Sep 25,2011 8:57am - ridahsofdizoom  ""]


Only penning and macing unresisting women is real.
[Sep 25,2011 11:03am - arktouros ""]
oh wow. i see about 30 cops standing around where there are no crimes.
[Sep 25,2011 11:38am - goatcatalyst ""]
I hope something awful happens
[Sep 25,2011 12:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
It's fucked up. More than 80 people were arrested yesterday for protesting. That's more than the amount of people arrested that fucked the economy up in the first place. This should serve as an example of how fucked up our country is.

Also, you'd think the MSM would cover it because of its importance and significance.. but no. The main story on cnn.com is about someone swimming in the Caribbean. Who fucking cares???
[Sep 25,2011 12:40pm - arktouros ""]
"Dozens arrested in Wall Street protests" ...not a headline, but it's there :bartmoon:
[Sep 25,2011 12:40pm - arktouros ""]
the protester arrests are out of line. they can't keep that shit up.
[Sep 25,2011 12:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
It is, but read it. Completely biased.
It should be the top news story.
[Sep 25,2011 12:51pm - arktouros ""]
i dunno, fwiw the aljazeera article isn't much different. i am surprised it's even on cnn, both may be biased, but both are also not exactly non-profit either, they need to post shit people will read. it's a circluar effect between bias and what sells.
[Sep 25,2011 12:54pm - arktouros ""]
[Sep 25,2011 1:03pm - xgodzillax ""]

[Sep 25,2011 1:33pm - Spaldino  ""]
its horrifying how the media claims to bring us news when they wont report on important events like this. not too long ago people were turning england into a bigger shithole via terraformation by fire. i was watching a british UFC stream on a saturday night when the person running it kept switching to the news before the fights had started. on the news was nothing but the riots. turn on the news here on sunday, trolled the main US news sites as well... no mention of them. the first time i heard about the rioting from any sort of media outlet, was on a tuesday or wednesday. people need to riot for days before it gets reported. a short article as well. its gross. i hate everything.
[Sep 25,2011 11:45pm - Mark_R ""]
The pepper spray video is now appearing on the front page of nytimes.com.

This quote from the article is pretty gross:
The Police Department’s chief spokesman, Paul J. Browne, said the police had used the pepper spray “appropriately.”

“Pepper spray was used once,” he added, “after individuals confronted officers and tried to prevent them from deploying a mesh barrier — something that was edited out or otherwise not captured in the video.”
[Sep 26,2011 12:10am - goatcatalyst ""]
I hope something terrible awful happens
[Sep 26,2011 12:42am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Sep 26,2011 1:53am - xgodzillax ""]


[Sep 26,2011 8:51am - ridahsofdizoom  ""]
somethings got ta give...

I wonder how all these pigs justify basically swinging at and pushing anyone who is within five feet of them
[Sep 26,2011 10:14am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I thought we already established that the Major Media outlets are basically owned outright by corporate interests? That being said why would they report on events that could potentially lead to the dismantling of that current set up? There is no journalistic integrity anymore outside of comedy/parody news outlets like The Onion and Daily Show/Colbert who report anything remotely important in the form of satire.
[Sep 26,2011 10:53am - goatcatalyst ""]
Do a revolutionary puppet show about it
[Oct 28,2011 1:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Oct 28,2011 1:46pm - josh_hates_you ""]
Fun cartoon about the fed and the history of money.

[Oct 28,2011 4:24pm - Lamp ""]
FIMS: There was a Maddox article with that exact same idea almost 9 years ago.

[Oct 28,2011 5:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Haha i remember that now. Maddox was my hero. Cant view his site at work though.
[Oct 28,2011 6:03pm - hauptpflucker ""]

[Oct 28,2011 6:16pm - the_reverend ""]
I fully support one of those girls right to occupy topless.
[Oct 28,2011 6:33pm - Lamp ""]
That girl in the middle: fapfapfapfapfapfapfap

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