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RTTP trivia pilot round!

[Sep 23,2011 5:11pm - themetalmessiah ""]
A few of you asked for it, here it is. RTTP trivia.

Each week, I will post 10 questions on here. 8 with one answer worth 2 points each. Then 2 bonus questions with four answers, each answer being worth 1 point. Send me a private message back on RTTP with your answers, and I will post the highest scorers 48 hours after the original post.

Don't be the dickhead at pub trivia using an iPhone. Google is not allowed. Seriously, don't be a cunt.

Answers have to be in 48 hours after my original post. If you don't read before then, too bad.

And here they are...

1. German director F.W. Murnau was unable to acquire the rights to the name "Dracula" for his silent adaptation of the novel, forcing him to use what different name for a very similar character?
2. "The Inter-tropical Convergence Zone" where the trade winds meet near the equator to produce a band of very still air, known for stranding sailing ships, is called what?
3. What is the name of the model created by Ingham and Luft that displays hidden and open areas of one's personality, as viewed by others?
4. A plane's black box is what color?

Chronologically speaking, who were the first four numbers retired by the Red Sox?

5. What is Elvis Presley's middle name? Spelling counts.
6.The first film version of "Little Shop of Horrors" features what now legendary actor as a masochistic dental patient?
7. Who commanded the allied forces on D-Day?
8. What wonderful imaginary place is portrayed in Samuel Coleridge's poem "Kublai Khan?"

What are four highest grossing films of all time at the box-office, if adjusted for inflation?

[Sep 23,2011 5:12pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
your trivia is fucking gay
[Sep 23,2011 5:18pm - Yeti ""]
good idea, but it is pretty much negated when search engines are so readily accessible.
[Sep 23,2011 5:21pm - themetalmessiah ""]
I know Tony. That's why this is a pilot round. If I get a million responses back with perfect scores, then it isn't happening.
[Sep 23,2011 5:32pm - troll is eyehatehippies  ""]
all the same ip
[Sep 23,2011 5:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

themetalmessiah said: it isn't halpening.
[Sep 23,2011 5:37pm - troll is eyehatehippies  ""]
all the same ip
[Sep 23,2011 6:22pm - lazy is  ""]
something window
sports are gay
steve martin was the dentist not the patient
dwight eisenhower
Xanadu (yeah so i googled that one)
no care but maybe E.T. Jurrasic Park star wars and something else

[Sep 23,2011 6:31pm - TheMetalMessiah ""]
I thought someone would be a dick and do that. And this dude missed #4, #5, #6 on Steve Martin too. That was a remake dude.

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