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attn rich horror

[Sep 26,2011 1:00pm - attn rich horror  ""]
To answer your question, NO. gravesideservice is not an elaborate joke.
[Sep 26,2011 1:07pm - xmikex ""]
seems like a rather un-elaborate joke to me.
[Sep 26,2011 1:14pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

xmikex said:seems like a rather un-elaborate joke to me.
....yea, and not a funny one either
[Sep 26,2011 1:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
Ive said it before and ill aay it again: I've met the gss guys a few times and they are some of the nicest dudes
[Sep 26,2011 1:58pm - Ron GSS drums  ""]
Aril you rule. You Seth are both really good people. Fuck everyone else on this site. A lot of people hate it or think its a joke because its different. This is what I say to RTTP. We are trying something really really different. We are experimenting with something others havent tried or done before. Whether its good or not on their behalf doesnt matter. It hasnt been done before and it will progress to something really really good in the future as it matures and people become more accepting of different things and different attempts at things. At least we arent playing the same shit as everyone else. So if its a joke to try something different then life must be one joke fucking punch line ala rttp. We could easily start playing emperor rips and sound like darkwor but we choose not too. And for Mike, haha you have guts to call us a joke when you play trash and call your band INTHESHIT. haha. heres one for you. I have more balls then you because I am willing to not play rip off music and try something elaborately different. Rusty go eat shit I dont even have anything to say about you. Dude if its a joke to have a piano player shredding on piano and technical drums with some funny story line lyrics and a dash of dark humor then I guess its an elaborate joke and I am wrong but at least were good at joking. Most bands wont play with us because we actually know how to play our instruments and you all wank off on power chords and trash talking.
listen and shut the fuck up.

[Sep 26,2011 2:00pm - Ron GSS drums  ""]
By the way that is scott from xasthur on bass.
[Sep 26,2011 2:08pm - Lamp ""]
And apparently all that technical proficiency and innovation didn't translate into something worth listening to, if that video is any indication of what the rest of your shit sounds like. Who would have thought?
[Sep 26,2011 2:44pm - Seth  ""]

arilliusbm said:Ive said it before and ill aay it again: I've met the gss guys a few times and they are some of the nicest dudes
Cheers mate! Thanks Ron!
[Sep 26,2011 3:05pm - Alx_Casket ""]
By the way that is scott from xasthur on bass.

:point: is now a meme IRL
[Sep 26,2011 3:06pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
I wasn't knocking GSS at all, so don't get all pissed at me....honestly, I've never heard GSS, and for the most part, black metal ain't my thing, so whatever

All I was saying is the GSS trolling shit isn't funny to me....in fact, it's rather annoying
[Sep 26,2011 3:36pm - Lamp ""]
I wish I could say I was exaggerating when I say that video clip is literally quite possibly the worst shit I've ever heard.
[Sep 26,2011 3:45pm - ancient master  ""]

Lamp said:I wish I could say I was exaggerating when I say that video clip is literally quite possibly the worst shit I've ever heard.

lest you forget

[Sep 26,2011 4:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Ron%20GSS%20drums said:We could easily start playing emperor rips and sound like darkwor but we choose not too.

Could you, though? Really?
[Sep 26,2011 4:06pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Ron%20GSS%20drums said:By the way that is scott from xasthur on bass.

[Sep 26,2011 4:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only Tchort's technicality is real.
[Sep 26,2011 4:16pm - Alx_Casket ""]
you wear tchort tchorts
[Sep 26,2011 4:29pm - Jorts McSideburns  ""]

Alx_Casket said:you wear tchort jorts
[Sep 26,2011 4:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Jorts%20McSideburns said:
Alx_Casket said:you wear tchort jorts

XD @ "Jorts McSideburns"
[Sep 26,2011 4:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only clam gravediggers are real
[Sep 26,2011 7:18pm - Pires ""]

Ron%20GSS%20drums said:Aril you rule. You Seth are both really good people. Fuck everyone else on this site.

I thought we were cool :(((.
[Sep 26,2011 7:20pm - Seth  ""]

Pires said:
Ron%20GSS%20drums said:Aril you rule. You Seth are both really good people. Fuck everyone else on this site.

I thought we were cool :(((.


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