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Mad Men

[Sep 28,2011 9:52am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to start watching this... any one express any thoughts on it?
[Sep 28,2011 9:56am - Alx_Casket ""]
u mad?
[Sep 28,2011 9:56am - arktouros ""]
i haven't seen the show but these are my thoughts on it.

[Sep 28,2011 10:39am - the_reverend ""]
that's a lot to get your head around.
[Sep 28,2011 11:38am - largefreakatzero ""]
I'm a fan. Both of the show and her massive endowments.
[Sep 28,2011 11:49am - BrianDBB ""]
I said the same thing about 2 weeks ago and i'm almost 48 episodes in. Great show and cast, makes me want to drink and smoke cigarettes all day at work
[Sep 28,2011 11:50am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
January Jones (Emma Frost from X-Men: First Class) and Alison Brie (albeit sparingly) are on that show too....*drool*

[Dec 6,2011 3:51pm - the_reverend ""]
watched 3 episodes.
[Dec 6,2011 3:51pm - the_reverend ""]
now I want to smack my kids and drink whiskey.
[Dec 10,2011 2:36pm - the_reverend ""]
there are a shit ton of women with sperm dripping out of them all day long.
[Dec 18,2011 8:13am - the_reverend ""]
Season one done. Damn, I want to wiki things to find out what happened!
[Feb 24,2012 3:45pm - the_reverend ""]
4. What happened to Duck Phillips’ dog, Chauncey?

Recovering alcoholic and divorcee Duck Phillips is one of the more pathetic characters on “Mad Men.” Of course, there was the time he turned off the TV so he could get it on with Peggy before she found out about JFK’s death. But his lowest moment? In Season 2, Duck’s ex-wife shows up and asks him to take back their Irish Setter, Chauncey; she’s remarrying and her new husband is allergic. Rather than keeping the dog, Duck sets him loose outside the Sterling Cooper offices at 405 Madison Ave; Chauncey was never seen again. It was possibly the single cruelest act ever perpetrated on “Mad Men,” and that’s saying something.

I had to google for this.
[Feb 24,2012 3:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arktouros said:i haven't seen the show but these are my thoughts on it.


i believe this chick is in a couple Firefly episodes as well. think i shall start watching this show.
[Feb 24,2012 4:08pm - arktouros ""]
yeah she was. both firefly and the movie were excellent.
[Feb 24,2012 4:16pm - RustyPS ""]
I never watched Firefly, but I did see Serenity...good flick, and I'm not even a fan of sci-fi

Christina Hendricks was fine as hell in Drive too.....even after that thing that happened to her in the movie
[Feb 24,2012 4:25pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yup, she was smoking hot in Firefly as well.
[Feb 24,2012 4:26pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I've tried to find nudes of her, and I don't think she's ever taken anything off. I wonder if those things are better left to the imagination.
[Feb 24,2012 4:37pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I feel like Im in that show lately. I've been keeping a bottle in my bottom drawer. drunk by noon every day for the past month. not dealing well with being single again.
[Feb 24,2012 4:37pm - the_reverend ""]
They mosdef are. They look like the like their shape solely comes from the clothing they are in. I'm sure if you removed their support, you would get this
[Feb 24,2012 4:40pm - the_reverend ""]

Josh_Martin said:I feel like Im in that show lately. I've been keeping a bottle in my bottom drawer. drunk by noon every day for the past month. not dealing well with being single again.
This post started well, and then turned into "I read the gayest post"

buy one of these http://www.fleshlight.com and then drink with a flash light on your dong every night.
[Feb 24,2012 4:58pm - posbleak nli  ""]

largefreakatzero said:I've tried to find nudes of her, and I don't think she's ever taken anything off. I wonder if those things are better left to the imagination.

She had a Playboy shoot but it was before she got her implants :(
[Feb 24,2012 5:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

posbleak%20nli said:
largefreakatzero said:I've tried to find nudes of her, and I don't think she's ever taken anything off. I wonder if those things are better left to the imagination.

She had a Playboy shoot but it was before she got her implants :(

[Feb 24,2012 5:11pm - Samefag  ""]

posbleak%20nli said:
She had a Playboy shoot but it was before she got her implants :(

She denies having implants.
[Feb 24,2012 5:12pm - Samefag  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
posbleak%20nli said:
largefreakatzero said:I've tried to find nudes of her, and I don't think she's ever taken anything off. I wonder if those things are better left to the imagination.

She had a Playboy shoot but it was before she got her implants :(


Wasn't a playboy spread, she was one of several extras posing on some hip-hop negro in a bikini.
[Feb 25,2012 12:17am - posbleak ""]

Samefag said:
posbleak%20nli said:
She had a Playboy shoot but it was before she got her implants :(

She denies having implants.

Yeah sure uh huh

[Feb 25,2012 3:11pm - Gregd-blessedoffal ""]

arktouros said:i haven't seen the show but these are my thoughts on it.


She was also in a couple of episodes of Firefly also.

[Feb 25,2012 3:12pm - Gregd-blessedoffal ""]
Oops, didn't read whole thread.
[Feb 25,2012 4:25pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]

Gregd-blessedoffal said:Oops, didn't read whole thread.
[Feb 25,2012 9:57pm - the_reverend ""]
greg nneeds to post more animated gifs.
[Feb 26,2012 1:10am - Cher  ""]
Her boobs are real
[Mar 26,2012 12:12am - the_reverend ""]
whoah... JFK being shot... ooof..
[Mar 26,2012 11:02am - arktouros ""]
i'm on the first season. this show is good. my gf has a soap to watch now. she's way ahead of me.
[Mar 26,2012 12:00pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Christina H. was also in Drive: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780504/

She has a short part, and her character's life ends horribly. I fapped.
[Mar 26,2012 12:01pm - RustyPS ""]
*ARIL MODE* Old news.

RustyPS said:Christina Hendricks was fine as hell in Drive too.....even after that thing that happened to her in the movie
[Apr 6,2012 1:37pm - the_reverend ""]
wow.. starting season 4 right now.. Don's life is collapsing like crazy... wtf...
he just lost a day of his life and went to sleep with out girl, woke up 2 days later with another girl.
[Apr 6,2012 4:02pm - AndrewBastard ""]
i just started season 4 too OMG...

His daughter is gonna be hot soon IMO (read: IS HOT ALREADY) and she plays a 10 year old hahah
[Apr 6,2012 9:45pm - the_reverend ""]
Yeah, she's going to bang that weirdo neighborhood kid but im wondering if it will be before or after he starts strangling cats in the neighborhood.
[Apr 7,2012 1:21am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to drink like I'm on madmen for a while.
[Apr 7,2012 7:08am - the_reverend ""]
The end of season 4 was ok.
[Apr 7,2012 1:32pm - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:I'm going to drink like I'm on madmen for a while.

Whiskey all day and night? Good luck with that. You'll be looking as haggard as the chick from That 70s Show that just got pinched.
[Apr 7,2012 6:44pm - the_reverend ""]
Did I abuse? Or was I framed?
[Mar 8,2013 4:11pm - the_reverend ""]
whoah... the wife got faaaaaaaat
[Mar 8,2013 4:57pm - AndrewBastard nawt logged in  ""]
LOL old news
[Mar 8,2013 5:36pm - Man Hammer  ""]


[Jul 9,2013 9:37pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, watching season 6 now on demand... I thought this show was OVER until this episode. season 6 episode 6 ends just plain awesome.
[Jul 9,2013 9:56pm - Annika Bengtzon, crime reporter.  ""]
Är hon död? Ingen såg henne lämna.

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