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Put these "Big 7" thrash bands in order of their best latest releases...

[Oct 5,2011 7:20am - Gutted Human Torso  ""]
1. Overkill Ironbound
2. Slayer World Painted Blood
3. Anthrax Worship Music
4. Testament Formation of Damnation
5. Exodus Exhibit B: The Human Condition
6. Metallica Death Magnetic
7. Megadeth Endgame
[Oct 5,2011 7:44am - eddie ""]
what is a fools errand?
[Oct 5,2011 7:50am - AndrewBastard ""]
Endgame is prob #1
then WPB #2

the rest I havent heard and dont care to hear...
[Oct 5,2011 7:51am - eddie ""]

AndrewBastard said:Endgame is prob #1
then WPB #2

the rest I havent heard and dont care to hear...

new overkill is supposed to rip
[Oct 5,2011 7:54am - AndrewBastard ""]
Later Overkill is kinda weak though I do love Feel the Fire and Taking over
[Oct 5,2011 8:08am - Gutted Human Torso  ""]
this new Overkill is worth checking out....best since WFO
[Oct 5,2011 8:12am - ThirdKnuckle ""]
what's 'thrash'?
[Oct 5,2011 8:31am - hauptpflucker ""]
Wait... Whats the point of this? Also, as I recall that is not Metallicas latest release. I seem to remember hearing about a very special collaboration with a very special protopunk douchebag who should have stuck to singing ten minute opuses about heroin.
[Oct 5,2011 9:50am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Only Metallica's Load is a thrash album
[Oct 5,2011 9:57am - dreadkill ""]
testament wins here
[Oct 5,2011 11:54am - i_am_lazy  ""]
1. Megadeth - Endgame
2. Anthrax - Worship Music
3. Overkill - Ironbound
4. Exodus - Exhibit B: The Human Condition
5. Metallica - Death Magnetic
6. Testament - The Formation of Damnation
7. Slayer - World Painted Blood

But to be fair, I heard the Testament album shortly after being incredibly disappointed by them live...removed from that I might have a slightly more favorable opinion of it. It just felt incredibly uninspired and forced when I first heard it. (Yes, to the point that I even prefer Death Magnetic to it)

And technically Death Magnetic is still Metallica's latest release. The Lou Reed clusterfuck isn't out until November. If you're counting that then you should be counting Thonertthreeen as Megadeth's newest...they come out on the same day.
[Oct 5,2011 12:13pm - xmikex ""]
Trashmop - Takin Out the Trash
[Oct 5,2011 12:26pm - Lamp ""]
Spinny Five Guys - Burgers and Fries
[Oct 5,2011 5:14pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
SLAYER - Hell Awaits
EXODUS - Bonded By Blood
METALLICA - Kill 'Em All
MEGADETH - So Far, So Good... So What?
OVERKILL - Taking Over
ANTHRAX - Fistful Of Metal
TESTAMENT - The Legacy
[Oct 5,2011 5:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Headbanging_Man said:SLAYER - Hell Awaits
EXODUS - Bonded By Blood
METALLICA - Kill 'Em All
MEGADETH - So Far, So Good... So What?
OVERKILL - Taking Over
ANTHRAX - Fistful Of Metal
TESTAMENT - The Legacy

this list makes more sense. thank you.
[Oct 5,2011 5:59pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Overkill "Ironbound" in the number one position by a longshot, though I really dug the Testament record when I first heard it. Haven't revisited it since the month it came out (leaked. Tee hee).

Haven't heard the Exodus or Anthrax and I sure as quality denim didn't give more than a cursory listen and toss into the "meh" pile to the Slayer and Megadeth. I'm curious about the Megadeth coming out soon, though. I've heard credible reports that Mustaine is powdering his nose behind closed doors, so that could bode quite well. Now we just need to him learn how to Satan again. But yeah, that Overkill is a motherfucker. So good.
[Oct 5,2011 6:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Endgame was a shredfest. Ryan, I think you should give that one another shot.
[Oct 5,2011 6:33pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I ought to. Actually looking forward to the new one, Tom. I think Ellefson + booger sugar may = best album since "Rust". We'll see. Gingers tend to disappoint.
[Oct 6,2011 10:37am - Gutted Human Torso  ""]
thanks to those who answered the question instead of trying to be funny and ending up being gay...
[Oct 6,2011 10:49am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
answering questions is gay
[Oct 6,2011 11:00am - goatcatalyst ""]
Posing them is gayer than an orgy at the Vatican
[Oct 6,2011 11:01am - LICH KING  ""]

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