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Nov 3 (Thu) - Metal Thursday CXLIV: Hessian, Black Trip, Skull Hammer, & Triforium Dawn (Samantha's Birthday Show) - Ralph's Diner (Worcester, MA)

Nov 3 (Thu) - Triforium Dawn - Ralph's Diner (Worcester, MA)

November 3 @ Ralph's {Worcester} - Metal Thursday CXLIV: Hessian, Black Trip, Skull Hammer, & Triforium Dawn (Samantha's Birthday Show)

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Oct 15,2011 12:52pm - Samantha ""]





[Oct 15,2011 12:55pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
awesome lineup is bad ass!
[Oct 28,2011 9:41am - Samantha ""]
Bump because I want to be a hipster and have all my friends buy me beers and get attention just like that anonymous troll said a long time ago.
[Oct 28,2011 9:48am - AndrewBastard ""]
if you wanna be a hipster, I think Hessian are the band for it!
[Oct 28,2011 10:08am - Anonymous Hipster  ""]
Let us all buy that goth hipster Samantha some drinks!
[Oct 28,2011 10:24am - Samantha ""]
Goth hipster? The irony is killing me.
[Oct 28,2011 10:31am - nekronaut ""]
Mall goth hipster juggalo Inverticrux fan who freelances as a Wrenfollower.
[Oct 28,2011 10:33am - Samantha ""]
Antfarm Dickhole groupie
[Oct 28,2011 10:33am - Yeti ""]

Anonymous%20Hipster said:Let us all buy that goth hipster Samantha some burnt diarrhea!
[Oct 28,2011 10:36am - Samantha ""]
How much does burnt diarrhea cost? That sounds like an expensive birthday gift.
[Oct 28,2011 10:37am - Yeti ""]
well it's free at Spag's.
[Oct 28,2011 11:08am - Funny Man  ""]
Total Goth.
[Oct 28,2011 11:10am - arktouros ""]
how many birthdays does samantha have....gawwd
[Oct 28,2011 11:12am - Funny Man  ""]
She has 4 birthdays in a year, and is on the rag 365 days a year. She is a goth hipster and wants other goth hipsters to buy her gothic hipster beers because aliens did it.
[Oct 28,2011 11:20am - Funny Man  ""]
And yea, this anonymous troll name is not funny at all.
[Oct 28,2011 11:27am - Samantha ""]
[Oct 28,2011 11:51am - josh_hates_you ""]
I thought skull hammer broke up. wish they did......
[Nov 2,2011 12:11pm - Samantha ""]
[Nov 2,2011 12:55pm - Aril  ""]
I will attend this after I hump a cardboard box.
[Nov 3,2011 4:39pm - cardboard box  ""]
i cant wait
[Nov 3,2011 4:40pm - boblovesmusic ""]
This will be fun! Stoked to see Hessian again!
[Nov 3,2011 5:26pm - BSV  ""]
HESSIAN is excellent, can't wait to be wasted for them.
[Nov 3,2011 8:03pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Nov 3,2011 8:47pm - Seth  ""]
Happy Birthday Samantha and sorry cannot go. Sick show and I am sick! :(
[Nov 3,2011 9:53pm - Seth  ""]
[Nov 4,2011 9:39am - arktouros ""]
i had a blast. i was drinking glenfiddich long before i showed up and got fairly hammered. samantha said she wasn't drunk, but she was. tim is an insane bass player. i was in a headbanging mood for skullhammer. blacktrip did nothing for me, working microphone or not. hessian is a rocking time, good turbonigger vibe, i'll see them again. i scored a bag of magickal beef jerky, so all in all it was a victory.
[Nov 4,2011 10:23am - Alx_Casket ""]
And yea, this anonymous troll name is not funny at all.

I never said this...
[Nov 4,2011 4:03pm - Samantha ""]
I wasn't drunk. I was Skull Hammered.
[Nov 4,2011 5:13pm - Seth  ""]

Seth said:[img]
nice one fake seth. I was at work.. But I like the video. Why dont you start a thread for me. Thanks.

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