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attn: Notshaver

[Oct 18,2011 7:24am - Yeti ""]
i know i saw you on Saturday, but i have little to no recollection of it. i got kicked out of the Palladium because i was too drunk, almost got arrested, and somehow scraped my knees and elbows in the process. i don't think i bought the Absu ticket because i don't have one, so i need one. even if i did, i need another one. i'll get it from you on Thursday, if they are still available.
[Oct 18,2011 9:03am - arilliusbm ""]
that sucks tony
[Oct 18,2011 9:45am - nekronaut ""]
I was waiting for this thread to pop up.

I have so much to tell you.

[Oct 18,2011 9:52am - arilliusbm ""]
I have much to tell Notshaver.
[Oct 18,2011 10:07am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
you can't share the story of Tony's Mystical Journey?
[Oct 18,2011 10:07am - Pires ""]
Too much moon mist yeti?? Woopwoop!
[Oct 18,2011 10:09am - ark  ""]
good story. compelling and rich
[Oct 18,2011 10:11am - nekronaut ""]
[Oct 18,2011 10:13am - hauptpflucker ""]
Juggalo's gotta stick together
[Oct 18,2011 10:14am - Alx_Casket ""]
This thread is like, really deep. It touched my heart, woop woop...
[Oct 18,2011 10:25am - nekronaut ""]
Peepee in da house!
[Oct 18,2011 10:31am - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:that sucks tony

no, i can't say that. it was my intention. i told my friends i would only go if i get out-of-control shitfaced, which i did.
[Oct 18,2011 10:49am - nekronautloggedin  ""]

Yeti said:i told my friends i would only go if i get out-of-control shitfaced, which i did.

[Oct 18,2011 12:40pm - goatcatalyst ""]

When comes the vinyl?
[Oct 18,2011 12:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

oh man.
[Oct 18,2011 12:47pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]

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