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[Oct 24,2011 2:53am - Permafrost ""]





this one time i found this dudes comics and couldn't stop laughing...especially at that extreme frown
[Oct 24,2011 2:56am - Permafrost ""]
[Oct 24,2011 4:29am - the_reverend ""]
Yeah, that last one ftw
[Oct 24,2011 7:15am - RustyPS ""]
[Oct 24,2011 7:17am - RustyPS ""]
one for MSD:
[Oct 24,2011 9:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
these are amazing
[Oct 24,2011 10:00am - xmikex ""]

Permafrost said:[img]

THIS. stfu and play.
[Oct 24,2011 10:02am - xmikex ""]
extreme frown ftw
[Oct 24,2011 2:51pm - arktouros ""]
double A plussed.
[Oct 24,2011 3:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Oct 24,2011 3:58pm - nekronaut ""]
I didn't find any of these funny... prob because these situations aren't funny when they happen IRL let alone in MS Paint.
[Oct 24,2011 4:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
Nekronaut, I spent a good 2 minutes talking to Chris Burton thinking I was talking to you. That was fail.
[Oct 24,2011 4:10pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Notshaver has no sense of humor, is too grimm....more at 11
[Oct 24,2011 5:17pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

RustyPS said:one for MSD:

FUCK that show.
[Oct 24,2011 5:19pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Also.. I thought "comic" stemmed from the word "comedy", no?
[Oct 24,2011 5:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you would not believe the amount of people who have tried to get me into that fucking stupid show. NO NO NO a thousand times NO.
[Oct 24,2011 8:35pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
lol at slipknot hoodie comic
[Oct 24,2011 9:53pm - Permafrost ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:Notshaver has no sense of humor, is too grimm....more at 11

[Oct 24,2011 10:03pm - Lamp ""]
I'll note before the rest of this post that these comics made me laugh my ass off, but...

RustyPS said:[img]

Come on, let's face it. Slayer is a mainstream band. When your band is playing on Jimmy Kimmel, playing in baseball stadiums, and you have billboards on the highway promoting a show you're playing in a giant arena (yes I actually saw a billboard for the Big 4 show in California), then you're mainstream. I don't care if you're getting played on major radio stations or not. Metal is just as susceptible to being mainstream as anything else, even if the bands sometimes kick ass.
[Oct 24,2011 10:10pm - Lamp ""]
PS: The people trying to read the logos was my favorite
[Oct 24,2011 10:33pm - Lamp ""]
I also want to add I'm surprised with all the metal shirts and bands this guy's got to see him wearing a Nuclear Death Terror shirt... cool?
[Oct 24,2011 10:39pm - LucidCurse ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:
RustyPS said:one for MSD:

FUCK that show.

This might be the best post ive ever seen this site. Summary of my living situation this year.
[Oct 24,2011 11:12pm - man o warski  ""]
eat shit bump
[Dec 4,2011 5:28am - Lamp ""]
[Feb 4,2012 8:21am - Lamp ""]



[Feb 4,2012 11:06am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Lamp said:[img]


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