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Daddy's Junky Music Closing Stores

[Oct 26,2011 10:16pm - BrianDBB ""]

Blame Guitar Center? Too bad really... one less place to hang a shitty flyer I guess
[Oct 26,2011 10:44pm - dyingmuse ""]
Pretty fucked up.

first Bickfords, , then Frendlys, Slip disc, now Daddy's?

You dont see any banks of fucking cellphone companies closing down....cocksuckers!!!!!

[Oct 26,2011 11:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sweet! glad i got that 2 year warranty on my guitar.

[Oct 26,2011 11:25pm - xanonymousx ""]
was in there tonight....
shell shock :tmnt2:
[Oct 26,2011 11:29pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 26,2011 11:34pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
that place has sucked ass since they closed down the used basement on Mass Ave anyways
[Oct 26,2011 11:36pm - WarriorOfMetal ""]
Not even any real warning to those of us who worked there, we found out this afternoon.
[Oct 26,2011 11:40pm - Sacreligion ""]
Yeah that's fuckin weak. I am pretty sure the guy who recorded the first Sac CD became a regional manager for this place and is probably screwed because of this.
[Oct 27,2011 12:02am - the_reverend ""]
because he liked nu metal?
[Oct 27,2011 12:16am - Sacreligion ""]
I think that Hell Within thread has you all antsy in the pantsy.
[Oct 27,2011 1:40am - Lamp nli  ""]
The one in Warwick has been closed for a few months. Place sucked anyway, but the Guitar Center in this town is a joke compared to some of the other ones anyway.
[Oct 27,2011 7:34am - AndrewBastard ""]
that does suck...I loved their used gear system; the fact that I could have any piece from any of their stores sent to my local store to check it out or buy it.

I have gotten some insane used deals there including one of my fav guitars for $80 in a hard case hahah
[Oct 27,2011 7:39am - blue ""]
This is definitely shitty news. Daddy's used/deal gear was unmatched. The steals I've gotten there over the years is ridiculous.

If you're bitching about how they sucked and good riddance, its cus you can't bargain hunt or don't know your shit enough.
[Oct 27,2011 8:58am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Shit, I need another cymbal. Hopefully I can get an even better deal now.
[Oct 27,2011 9:21am - Mark_R ""]
Are there any other non-Guitar Center places to go in the area?
[Oct 27,2011 9:22am - Mark_R ""]
This has gotta be a stomach punch for people like WarriorofMetal. Ugh again.
[Oct 27,2011 9:26am - Colonel Mustard  ""]
See you in Hell daddys junky music
[Oct 27,2011 9:32am - the_reverend ""]
shit, where can I get a used tambourine?
[Oct 27,2011 9:36am - AndrewBastard ""]
Mr Music
[Oct 27,2011 9:51am - ghoulash ""]
cool, i need a tube combo amp anyways. 40% off here i come.
[Oct 27,2011 9:57am - AndrewBastard ""]
website doesnt work anymore...
[Oct 27,2011 10:07am - immortalnli  ""]
As a bassist, honestly, this isn't a huge loss as far as new gear. All they ever had to offer was Fender, Ibanez, and Yamah in terms of basses (yeah I know, they'd have a couple others here and there). It still sucks because now that I think about it, the used gear deals the had were definitely unbeatable, not to mention where Guitar Center has a nice selection for basses, their staff is retarded. Also really sucks because my boy is now out of a job. Was working there for years and I think was a store manager.
[Oct 27,2011 10:07am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Music Go Round ftw. Get monster deals there all the time.
[Oct 27,2011 10:08am - timma ""]
Ugh. This sucks so hard. I've been going to Daddy's for friggin' ever.
[Oct 27,2011 10:09am - immortalnli  ""]
Also right on the Amherst/Milford, NH border there's a pretty sweet shop called Guitar Gallery. They always have some sweet gear, for everyone.
[Oct 27,2011 10:10am - AndrewBastard ""]
Music Go Round is awesome
[Oct 27,2011 10:37am - Alx_Casket ""]
I bought my first bass from Guitar Gallery. Nice shop, good staff.
[Oct 27,2011 10:56am - goatcatalyst ""]
Sucks way hard. Are all the stores closing? I didn't read the article.. Had some unbelievable scores at Daddy's over the years.
[Oct 27,2011 11:09am - eyeroller  ""]
Had to be some sort of massive legal prob for it to have gone down the way it did - No "going out of business" sale to get a last-minute influx of capital would have saved it, clearly, or else they would have - Lord knows the markups there are criminal, however typical. Point being, they could sell *everything* in there for half-off and still profit, and they didn't. Interested to see how this'll all shake down. Feel badly for the poor fucks who are suddenly unemployed! Any ideas as to where all their stock will go? Having had no push of a sale, they're saddled with ass-tons of mid-grade instruments.
[Oct 27,2011 11:09am - largefreakatzero ""]
"Daddy's Junky Music is closing all its stores for good, its founder said Wednesday night."

[Oct 27,2011 11:11am - largefreakatzero ""]
Sounds to me like the bank pulled their credit line. That's usually what the backstory is when businesses just suddenly shit the bed like this.
[Oct 27,2011 11:15am - WarriorOfMetal ""]

largefreakatzero said:Sounds to me like the bank pulled their credit line. That's usually what the backstory is when businesses just suddenly shit the bed like this.

This is correct. All the gear is being repossessed.
[Oct 27,2011 11:18am - AndrewBastard ""]
[Oct 27,2011 11:20am - largefreakatzero ""]
Too bad, I kinda have a like/hate feeling about Daddy's, but I would still buy stuff there periodically. The Manchester store was good when you were in a pinch.
[Oct 27,2011 11:26am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

WarriorOfMetal said:
largefreakatzero said:Sounds to me like the bank pulled their credit line. That's usually what the backstory is when businesses just suddenly shit the bed like this.

This is correct. All the gear is being repossessed.

what the fffuuuuuuuuuck
[Oct 27,2011 11:27am - sxealex ""]
They should leave all the gear outside for the bank so it can be stolen.
[Oct 27,2011 11:28am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
five-finger sidewalk sale!
[Oct 27,2011 11:36am - the_reverend ""]
wow.. when I was there Sunday, as we were leaving, I said "He'll be back in 10 years"
The guy behind the counter said "I'll probably be here"
[Oct 27,2011 11:39am - AndrewBastard ""]
if I worked there I'd be robbing and stealing right now like WOAH

though I did that when I worked at Guitar Center and it WASN'T closing so...uh..yeah.
[Oct 27,2011 12:02pm - sxealex ""]
[Oct 27,2011 12:04pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Oct 27,2011 12:21pm - goatcatalyst ""]
So was this yesterday that they closed or they're closing this coming Wednesday? I'm sure there's not a lot of loyalty and I could get some sweet deals.
[Oct 27,2011 12:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

goatcatalyst said:So was this yesterday that they closed or they're closing this coming Wednesday? I'm sure there's not a lot of loyalty and I could get some sweet deals.

ya i got hooked up big time when Wurlitzer closed down. they were pissed about losing their jobs and sold me a 12 string for $50.
[Oct 27,2011 1:26pm - blue ""]

AndrewBastard said:if I worked there I'd be robbing and stealing right now like WOAH

though I did that when I worked at Guitar Center and it WASN'T closing so...uh..yeah.

Hahahah so true. GC was too easy, but you had it down to pure mastery.
[Oct 27,2011 1:51pm - WarriorOfMetal ""]

goatcatalyst said:So was this yesterday that they closed or they're closing this coming Wednesday? I'm sure there's not a lot of loyalty and I could get some sweet deals.

Yesterday. I was scheduled to be at work right now, but I'm hanging out at home with nothing to do because my job no longer exists.
[Oct 27,2011 2:54pm - eyeroller  ""]
You have a key to get in?
[Oct 27,2011 3:02pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Hope you walked out with a full stack in your beard, Ari.
[Oct 27,2011 3:15pm - WarriorOfMetal ""]

eyeroller said:You have a key to get in?

Nope, never had a key to the doors. Lowly salesguy with no power.

@Alx: Thought about grabbing the bass I've been wanting, but decided that wasn't the best idea lol
[Oct 27,2011 3:18pm - reimroc ""]
this sucks. i loved daddy's
[Oct 27,2011 6:46pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Yeah bad news. Ebay here I come
[Oct 27,2011 7:52pm - GeminiII ""]
fucked. Fifteen years and now a goto shop is closed. And alot of friends are jobless
[Oct 27,2011 8:32pm - arilliusbm ""]

GeminiII said:fucked. Fifteen years and now a goto shop is closed. And alot of friends are jobless

[Oct 27,2011 10:13pm - NOiSulLi-[CSBI]-  ""]
[Oct 27,2011 10:20pm - burnsy ""]

largefreakatzero said:Sounds to me like the bank pulled their credit line. That's usually what the backstory is when businesses just suddenly shit the bed like this.

haha I audit for commercial lenders. Spot on analysis right here.
[Oct 28,2011 4:31am - Lamp ""]

This sheds some more light on the situation...
[Oct 28,2011 7:51am - largefreakatzero ""]

burnsy said:
largefreakatzero said:Sounds to me like the bank pulled their credit line. That's usually what the backstory is when businesses just suddenly shit the bed like this.

haha I audit for commercial lenders. Spot on analysis right here.

I have been in the dying commercial print industry for 15 years -- I read about this happening to printing companies every few months. You owe bank, bank doesn't like what your numbers/forecasts are looking like, bank pulls plug.
[Oct 28,2011 7:56am - largefreakatzero ""]

Lamp said:http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/news/937576-196/daddys-junky-music-abruptly-closes-its-12.html

This sheds some more light on the situation...

Moral: nice guys finish last. Poor bastard fucked himself.
[Oct 28,2011 8:11am - Yeti ""]
ouch. yeah that's what you get for trying to be honorable.
[Oct 28,2011 9:12am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 28,2011 4:15pm - Lamp ""]
The last trainer I had on the road told me that I was ignorant for saying that honor doesn't amount to much in the end.

He'd been married to his wife for 27 years (who was a total leech from what he had told me), and after two years of trucking, she cheated on and attempted to divorce him, and made up a bunch of fake rape/stalking accusations.

He also used to run a real estate company with his wife and talked about how he used his honesty, hard work, and determination to turn a one-star hotel into a five-star, but because the people who worked with him weren't getting to skim any money off the top, the president of the board voted him out and the hotel went back to a one-star.

Before that venture, he was a cop for a long time, got plenty of medals and was one of the most decorated officers in the city he worked in (no small city either), but because his leaders were all corrupt and he was honorable to himself, he had a bad falling out with the people who run the city and got let go.

Where'd his honor get him? Apparently nowhere.
[Oct 28,2011 4:22pm - ark  ""]
let him sleep at night pal. as shitty as some nights may have been.
[Oct 28,2011 4:44pm - largefreakatzero ""]
No good deed goes unpunished.

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