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How long without a shower

[Jun 5,2004 5:12pm - swamplorddvm ""]
So whats the longest time you've gone without taking a shower or bath?:tightiewhities::pukeface:
[Jun 5,2004 5:16pm - dread_104 ""]
4 days while i had the flu. i'm pretty much a girl when it comes to bathing. i won't leave the house unless i've showered that day. smelling sucks! rob call sully say yes
[Jun 5,2004 5:28pm - Robdeadskin ""]
scott ...shut up you freak!
[Jun 5,2004 5:33pm - eddie ""]
i normally take a shower everyday to everyother day, except during school vacations. for some reason my hygiene shuts off during that period of time. so i'm going to say a week maybe, maybe only 6 days, i don't know.
[Jun 5,2004 5:37pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Well, with me it's about every other day. but th longest I gone without a shower was about 7 days. By the second day I'm greasy as a mc'donalds napkin.
[Jun 5,2004 5:40pm - Abbath ""]
i love to shower so i'm a girly man too, i gotta smell clean! i think the longest is like 2 days
[Jun 5,2004 6:13pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
about everyday now

but in elementary and middle probably in the 3-4 week range
[Jun 5,2004 9:06pm - honor4death ""]
eddie dont lie you never shower, you always smell like you shit your pants
[Jun 5,2004 9:06pm - eddie ""]
no thats just your car
[Jun 5,2004 9:08pm - honor4death ""]
yea my car usually smells bad, but you arn't usually in my car, so its you.
[Jun 6,2004 12:28am - hoser ""]
3 months......

You can blame the Somalis for that one. Fucking Aristid.:middlefinger:
[Jun 6,2004 1:02am - Terence ""]
5 days.

you can blame that on having the whole right side of my body crushed.
[Jun 6,2004 1:22am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i have to shower every day, sometimes twice a day. i like to be clean 'cos i'm so dirty minded
[Jun 6,2004 4:35am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
like 2 weeks.
[Jun 6,2004 4:45am - Josh_hates_you ""]
when i was a punk rock freshman in high school the monthly shower was king.

im still lucky if i take one a week and yes i have a girlfriend of 5 years and yes i still get laid.
[Jun 6,2004 5:13am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Havn't showered since 1989.
[Jun 6,2004 5:25am - moran ""]
About a week. But I did go about 6 months without washing my hair on a couple occasions. That shit smelled so bad.
[Jun 6,2004 12:43pm - iFuck ""]
3 weeks was my longest, but it wasnt by my choice.
[Jun 7,2004 11:09am - baneofexistence ""]
once a week wether i need to or not i take an italian shower daily
[Jun 7,2004 11:17am - JellyFish ""]
i shower everyday mostly but the longest was a month. I smelled like your moms vagina.
[Jun 7,2004 11:29am - the_reverend ""]
I shower every other day.
the longest I've gone is about a week... once I went a week without showering... I was working on roofs in the desert south of albuquerque, nm. man, that was a bad idea.
[Jun 7,2004 2:15pm - swamplorddvm ""]
JellyFish said:i shower everyday mostly but the longest was a month. I smelled like your moms vagina.

So you smelled like horse semen?
[Jun 7,2004 2:28pm - baneofexistence ""]
up till i was 28 i used to never brush my teeth or go to the dentist
[Jun 7,2004 5:15pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
I usually shower every other day. sometimes I'll go 3. most i've gone is a week.
[Jun 7,2004 5:49pm - Kalopsia ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Havn't showered since 1989.

so that's what i smelled Saturday night
[Jun 7,2004 6:36pm - christraper ""]
i went through this cough suryp phase when i was about 18 and i didnt shower for at least three weeks. i kinda looked like Pigpen from the charlie brown cartoons towards the end there. i still drank a ton of cough suryp afterwards but at least i started showering again. thats what happens when theres no mushrooms or acid around.
[Jun 7,2004 7:35pm - aliciagrace ""]
christraper said:i went through this cough suryp phase when i was about 18 and i didnt shower for at least three weeks. i kinda looked like Pigpen from the charlie brown cartoons towards the end there. i still drank a ton of cough suryp afterwards but at least i started showering again. thats what happens when theres no mushrooms or acid around.

thats pathetic

anyhoo, ive gone maybe a month and a half. it was de-lish
[Jun 7,2004 10:02pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
damn there's some dirty mo-fo's on here!
[Jun 7,2004 10:30pm - aliciagrace ""]
we're sexy.
[Jun 7,2004 10:45pm - hybrid ""]
the last one i remember was about 7 days, got burns on my skin from a reaction i had from taking antibiotics and went out in the sun for an 8 hour concert, i had a sun blister about the size of the tip of my thumb on my neck, the doctor had to cut it open, tons of puss (puss as in infection, not pussy haha) drained out of it and leaked out all over my chest... it was gross.
[Jun 7,2004 11:29pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Kalopsia said:DeOdiumMortis said:Havn't showered since 1989.

so that's what i smelled Saturday night

[Jun 8,2004 12:06am - MyDeadDoll ""]
dirty bastard.
[Jun 8,2004 12:52am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
MyDeadDoll said:dirty bastard.


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