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only being stuck in a state police barracks until youre bailed out is real

[Nov 5,2011 5:09am - the mex nli  ""]
[Nov 5,2011 9:50am - the_reverend ""]
is this your one call?
[Nov 5,2011 9:51am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 5,2011 11:38am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
boy, yer allowed one call from this here jail.....

can I post on RTTP?

you bet'cha!!
[Nov 5,2011 11:39am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Nov 5,2011 11:42am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:boy, yer allowed one call from this here jail.....

can I post on RTTP?

you bet'cha!!

His commitment to /r/ is strong.
[Nov 5,2011 12:52pm - RustyPS ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:[img]

[Nov 5,2011 6:56pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
what happened?
[Nov 5,2011 6:57pm - nekronaut ""]
driving while fbooking, I'm sure
[Nov 5,2011 7:12pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

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