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[Nov 7,2011 11:53am - down the hall  ""]
this is the last time brahs... some fucking dickbag friend if yours nazi saluted us earlier in the night and then later on, left beer bottles in the hall way near our door. man the FUCK up and be responsible you fucking fags. if one of your nazi friends does that shit again we WILL get you evicted
[Nov 7,2011 12:01pm - Alx_Casket ""]
In allston/brighton, any sort of nazi salute is merely ironic.
[Nov 7,2011 12:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
clearly, complaining about this on a general message board will fix the problem.
[Nov 7,2011 12:01pm - Blessed_Offal ""]

Alx_Casket said:In allston/brighton, nazis salute you
[Nov 7,2011 12:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i've heard that nazis are capable of much worse than saluting you. probably just saying hello!
[Nov 7,2011 12:07pm - AndrewBastard ""]

everyones knows that an old man comes to 212 EVERY WEDNESDAY and takes our empty beer cans/bottles. he probably makes his living entirely off of 212s empties.

this is the truth ^^
[Nov 7,2011 12:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
witness. we also use to leave bottles for this dude when we inhabbited said practice area.
[Nov 7,2011 1:14pm - Yeti ""]
no one told me there was cock-sucking going on in 212. I WANT IN.
[Nov 7,2011 1:17pm - down the hall  ""]
THIS IS NOT A FUCKING LIE AND YOU KNOW IT. Fuck that old guy..he does that to most rooms. that didnt stop some faggot nazi guy from saluting and trashing the hallway
[Nov 7,2011 1:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
You should probably move to the space down the street on Denby road. I hear its real nice down there.
[Nov 7,2011 1:20pm - down the hall  ""]
I am sorry to say but we arent fucking moving where we practice because some room full of fuckups keeps doing stupid shit. they need to move out and you need to shut the fuck up. the entire floor would be happy if these idiots left. you ever see what these fags did to the bathroom?
[Nov 7,2011 1:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol. i dont remember any problems with the bathroom. the shit smears on the wall gave the building nice character.
[Nov 7,2011 1:25pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Nov 7,2011 1:27pm - detective john kimbal  ""]
OP is paul
[Nov 7,2011 1:30pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
[Nov 7,2011 1:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 7,2011 1:33pm - Alexecutioner ""]

down%20the%20hall said:I am sorry to say but we arent fucking moving where we practice because some room full of fuckups keeps doing stupid shit. they need to move out and you need to shut the fuck up. the entire floor would be happy if these idiots left. you ever see what these fags did to the bathroom?

sounds like someone needs to watch the video of kpanzer holding down some bro dude in the hallway and threatining to "fuck him in the street"
[Nov 7,2011 1:50pm - AndrewBastard ""]
^^ yup...a dude that we caught doing stupid shit in the hall way...

we didnt do shit to the bathroom...that was the douche that beat Tonys ass with a bat. Tony loved us.
[Nov 7,2011 2:23pm - the messenger  ""]
ITT: 212 gets aril'd yet again
[Nov 7,2011 2:26pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I was hanging out with aril and company over the weekend and he logged out and trolled us IRL. Strangest experience to date.
[Nov 7,2011 2:29pm - Lamp ""]
Hahahahaha, I had just this image of Aril being in a group conversation and going "Oh, hold on a second", turning around and then rejoining the conversation with different facial expressions and a different voice being all like "hey you faggots this is not a fucking aril troll, I don't know what this aril is"
[Nov 7,2011 2:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Nov 7,2011 2:37pm - Alx_Casket ""]
That's pretty much exactly what happened. He also won at Apples to Apples, but was too drunk to realize that I had snuck all the synonyms for "false" into his green stack of cards.
[Nov 7,2011 2:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
If by trolling IRL, you mean farting and shitting my pants.
[Nov 7,2011 2:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
you didnt sneak shit. wasnt even drunk either. You got pwnt
[Nov 7,2011 2:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
Alx_Casket wanted to go to a Peraian rug strore instead of the beach on a beautiful day. nigga is whack.
[Nov 7,2011 2:42pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

Alx_Casket said:I was hanging out with aril and company over the weekend and he logged out and trolled us IRL. Strangest experience to date.

This made me LOL
[Nov 7,2011 2:45pm - Alx_Casket ""]
You were drunk, you silly bitch. I just happen to collect Persian rugs, you missed the 6 miles of beach walking we did the day before.

And that store was whack. Going out of business sales in the cape = 300% markup
[Nov 7,2011 2:46pm - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
I have no affiliation with this room but it was me. What's up?
[Nov 7,2011 3:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Nov 7,2011 3:33pm - niccolaiiii  ""]

AndrewBastard said:^^ yup...a dude that we caught doing stupid shit in the hall way...

we didnt do shit to the bathroom...that was the douche that beat Tonys ass with a bat. Tony loved us.

omfg tonys still alive?
[Nov 7,2011 3:35pm - Blessed_Offal ""]

AndrewBastard said:^^ yup...a dude that we caught doing stupid shit in the hall way...

we didnt do shit to the bathroom...that was the douche that beat Tonys ass with a bat. Tony loved us.

eh some idiot fucked the stalls up and lit off another fire extinguisher the other day too while we were practicing. Im assuming they caught whoever it was since there's cameras everywhere now.
[Nov 7,2011 3:41pm - AndrewBastard ""]
oh really?

shit hahah...of course we get blamed.
[Nov 7,2011 3:54pm - posbleak ""]

Alx_Casket said:You were drunk, you silly bitch. I just happen to collect Persian rugs, you missed the 6 miles of beach walking we did the day before.

It was 4 miles max you puss and most of it was on the road

Which means there's gonna have to be another Cape weekend so you can wade through marshland and gaze at molluscs
[Nov 7,2011 3:58pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I'm down. And one way or another, there will be oysters.
[Nov 7,2011 4:16pm - Alx_Casket ""]
And more Rummikub, too. The grimness was tangible...

[Nov 7,2011 4:45pm - posbleak ""]
The look on Sean's face says it all
[Nov 7,2011 4:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 7,2011 6:03pm - Ghey_faguettes ""]
Only complaining about someone being a nazi and using faggot in the same rant is real
[Nov 7,2011 6:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Ghey_faguettes said:Only nazi faggots are real
[Nov 7,2011 6:12pm - SpookySean ""]
Fuck Rummikub so fucking much.
[Nov 8,2011 12:02pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

MikeOfDecrepitude said:I have no affiliation with this room but it was me. What's up?

yea that's what I said.
[Nov 8,2011 12:12pm - AndrewBastard ""]
how do neither of you have any affiliation with the room?
[Nov 8,2011 12:50pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
well it was more for the 'it was me, what's up' part hah
[Nov 8,2011 2:06pm - detective john kimbal  ""]
I have figured out what band is doing this.
[Nov 8,2011 2:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

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