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Black Pyramid News From The Pipeline

[Nov 10,2011 6:29am - Hate Elitist In The EyeKnow  ""]
Passing on the information, from The Obelisk, of course:

I have to say, the situation revolving around the breakup of Northampton, Massachusetts, stoner doomers Black Pyramid has been one of the most confusing I’ve ever witnessed. First, there is the well-documented fallout across several threads of the forum, the regular appearances and disappearances of vocalist/guitarist Andy “Dinger” Beresky, and all the while, the supposed MeteorCity release of the band’s second full-length, II.

The latest had it that the album was going to come out next year as a posthumous release, and then the band was done. Now today, I get this email:

Hello people Black Pyramid work with under the past!

All things are taken care of for new Black Pyramid, including new, bigger record label, United States and new European Booking agents! Get in touch to book! New Public Relations company will be taking care of working with the street team and setting the interviews, and producers are lined up to make the new albums, very professional big names to work with a big band like Black Pyramid. Professional songwriters are being brought in as well so that the third Black Pyramid album is as good as this one that you will see!

The band is officially done, although we are going to try to put together a touring lineup revolving around bassist, replacement bassist for original member Eric Beaudry. Andy and Clay are not continuing on fronting and drumming, so we will be announcing replacement touring members to perform all vocals, guitars, and drums. This will play new Black Pyramid songs for you, live, with a new, all original lineup!

The new album will be available soon, so we will be previewing it here, since the band is over anyways. You can download, today, the official rough demos used for the construction of II, which is a masterpiece!

Here is your link for download:


We will soon preview a download of the entire album, probably next Thursday, and announce replacements for the upcoming tours!

Thank you for your support and street team over the last few years, we love you all!

The NEW Black Pyramid Team

My position on the matter continues to be a fervent “What the fuck?” And as this email came from Nyx Nightshade, who I know has been close to the Black Pyramid camp before on Andy‘s side, I can’t help but feel a little bit like I’m being played. What’s that bit about professional songwriters? A new label? New PR? I haven’t a clue. Nonetheless, it came down the PR wire, so there it is.

End transmission. Good morning Revered, clergy and laymen. I assume there are very few women here, good morning to them as well. Stick around while the clown who is sick does the trick of disaster.
[Nov 10,2011 7:03am - KEVORD ""]
[Nov 10,2011 7:11am - sherlock holmes  ""]
well there you have it folks. an abandonment of local fans and bands, a fake and well played mental lapse, a big FUCK YOU to those who enjoyed this band, a fraudulent claim of moving to the woods to get away from the city but partaking in anti wallstreet protests with liberal prostest signs, and failed plans to try to mock people every friday. under all of this my dear watson, is a desire to be socially accepted with excess egotiscial shenanigans coupled by the will to be a rock star was recycled riffs. carry on black pyramid, may you please the minds of the weak and stalk the minds of the 1%. a social experimentation of drastic needs and a will to feel special. watson..lets go grab a beer. give me northampton's best.
[Nov 10,2011 7:23am - Hate Elitist In The EyeKnow  ""]

sherlock%20holmes said:well there you have it folks. an abandonment of local fans and bands, a fake and well played mental lapse, a big FUCK YOU to those who enjoyed this band, a fraudulent claim of moving to the woods to get away from the city but partaking in anti wallstreet protests with liberal prostest signs, and failed plans to try to mock people every friday. under all of this my dear watson, is a desire to be socially accepted with excess egotiscial shenanigans coupled by the will to be a rock star was recycled riffs. carry on black pyramid, may you please the minds of the weak and stalk the minds of the 1%. a social experimentation of drastic needs and a will to feel special. watson..lets go grab a beer. give me northampton's best.

Yeah, it's a pretty elaborate, original and well conceived ploy to push a new album, isn't it? The PR world may never be the same, we'll have to see how the album sells, and how then band can play out that any of this was for real, including the music, and NOT a giant social experiment gone wrong, once the members do reform, when they hope this all "blows over" and they go to try to support the album.

[Nov 10,2011 7:27am - Hate Elitist In The EyeKnow  ""]
I think what I am trying to say is that I would hate to be their tour manager after all of this, sure, all publicity is good publicity, however, certainly there is a point where the line of good taste has clearly been crossed.

There is also a point where fake mental lapses and big FUCK YOUs become less a sign of any well conceived plan, and more of a pathological intent, with absolutely no plan whatsoever other than some form of deranged scorched-earth policy.

[Nov 10,2011 7:34am - hauptpflucker ""]
I bet this is some over the top irl trolling. None of it makes any sense.

[Nov 10,2011 8:00am - saxlbeckett  ""]
Yeah FAST PYRAMID is way better.
[Nov 10,2011 8:17am - Hate Elitist In The EyeKnow  ""]
Butthurt Pyramid
[Nov 10,2011 8:19am - Alx_Casket ""]
Legends of the Hidden Pyramid
[Nov 10,2011 9:12am - Hurray!  ""]
[Nov 10,2011 10:18am - Hugo Dong  ""]
Press release is eyehatehippies trolling in real life. Which is kind of cool. Except that it's all because he's butthurt about the rest of Black Pyramid not sharing his view that the band is over. So, apparently there is likely to be a Black Pyramid, though the efforts of the rhythm section to get things together are currently being sabotaged by mr hippies.
[Nov 10,2011 12:19pm - Hate Elitist In The EyeKnow  ""]
That is one consideration, and would seem almost obvious, if it were not completely obvious that the rest of Black Pyramid is in no way has any control over the situation, or at least, they pretend that they do not, and say, "just check the Facebook, for all the official information that is non-existent, because it is not there."

They simply hint that the band will continue, and let Mr. Hippies spew whatever insanity seems to naturally rise to the surface, and then do a minimum of damage control, simply saying, "well, this did not come from us."

Classic good cop/bad cop technique, they are all just playing different sides of the same coin. One says insane shit that makes no sense, the others don't say much of anything except that they didn't say the insane shit, and the manager seems to be on Mr. Hippies side

Which probably means they are in on the IRL trolling, and somehow think that when they all do get the band back together, this whole publicity stunt will work in their favor.

Not to mention that the labels supposedly involved simply say nothing to confirm or deny either side of the story, which means they are aware of what is going on as well.

And yes, they are all playing the metal world/community/fans/bands as weak, impotent fools, that much is obvious.

Old tactic, that one actor already did it, better.

Unfortunately, it was a success, so now you have Never-Has-Beens like Mr. Hippies and Black Pyramid wanting in on the band wagon, figuring this will make for a great publicity stunt to push their new album.

They probably already have been documenting this whole process, and perhaps have some stupid Mocumentary of it drawn up, that they will release with the new album as a DVD, it is well known that they recorded a lot of footage, took a lot of pictures, on request of their PR company, who are a big one, who they apparently are still definitely working with.

How else would a press release like this go through, to all the right people in the industry. As JJ from The Obelisk noted, it came through the proper PR channels. Therefore, it is the work of someone who is a professional in PR, or has all those contacts.

Ha ha, the joke is on us, right?
[Nov 10,2011 12:27pm - ark  ""]
play shows, release an album, or shut the hell up, dummy
[Nov 10,2011 12:27pm - Sacreligion ""]

[Nov 10,2011 12:29pm - Hate Elitist In The EyeKnow  ""]

[Nov 10,2011 12:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
OP is Andy
[Nov 10,2011 12:47pm - Fuck_Logged_In ""]
[Nov 10,2011 12:49pm - Hate Elitist In The EyeKnow  ""]
Obviously. All the same IP.
[Nov 10,2011 1:15pm - hlrie ""]
Pay no attention to what is contained in this email. It is NOT from Clay or Gein (the band). Seriously, pay no attention.
[Nov 10,2011 1:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

hlrie said:Pay no attention to what is contained in this email. It is NOT from Clay or Gein (the band). Seriously, pay no attention.

Good thing Aaron didnt already post it to Facebook.
[Nov 10,2011 1:24pm - hlrie ""]

Hate%20Elitist%20In%20The%20EyeKnow said:That is one consideration, and would seem almost obvious, if it were not completely obvious that the rest of Black Pyramid is in no way has any control over the situation, or at least, they pretend that they do not, and say, "just check the Facebook, for all the official information that is non-existent, because it is not there."

They simply hint that the band will continue, and let Mr. Hippies spew whatever insanity seems to naturally rise to the surface, and then do a minimum of damage control, simply saying, "well, this did not come from us."

Classic good cop/bad cop technique, they are all just playing different sides of the same coin. One says insane shit that makes no sense, the others don't say much of anything except that they didn't say the insane shit, and the manager seems to be on Mr. Hippies side

Which probably means they are in on the IRL trolling, and somehow think that when they all do get the band back together, this whole publicity stunt will work in their favor.

Not to mention that the labels supposedly involved simply say nothing to confirm or deny either side of the story, which means they are aware of what is going on as well.

And yes, they are all playing the metal world/community/fans/bands as weak, impotent fools, that much is obvious.

Old tactic, that one actor already did it, better.

Unfortunately, it was a success, so now you have Never-Has-Beens like Mr. Hippies and Black Pyramid wanting in on the band wagon, figuring this will make for a great publicity stunt to push their new album.

They probably already have been documenting this whole process, and perhaps have some stupid Mocumentary of it drawn up, that they will release with the new album as a DVD, it is well known that they recorded a lot of footage, took a lot of pictures, on request of their PR company, who are a big one, who they apparently are still definitely working with.

How else would a press release like this go through, to all the right people in the industry. As JJ from The Obelisk noted, it came through the proper PR channels. Therefore, it is the work of someone who is a professional in PR, or has all those contacts.

Ha ha, the joke is on us, right?

Also, this whole post is full of no reality. It wasn't from PR, if it was it would have been coherent.
[Nov 10,2011 1:28pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Nov 10,2011 10:51pm - Hate Elitist In The EyeKnow  ""]

hlrie said:
Hate%20Elitist%20In%20The%20EyeKnow said:That is one consideration, and would seem almost obvious, if it were not completely obvious that the rest of Black Pyramid is in no way has any control over the situation, or at least, they pretend that they do not, and say, "just check the Facebook, for all the official information that is non-existent, because it is not there."

They simply hint that the band will continue, and let Mr. Hippies spew whatever insanity seems to naturally rise to the surface, and then do a minimum of damage control, simply saying, "well, this did not come from us."

Classic good cop/bad cop technique, they are all just playing different sides of the same coin. One says insane shit that makes no sense, the others don't say much of anything except that they didn't say the insane shit, and the manager seems to be on Mr. Hippies side

Which probably means they are in on the IRL trolling, and somehow think that when they all do get the band back together, this whole publicity stunt will work in their favor.

Not to mention that the labels supposedly involved simply say nothing to confirm or deny either side of the story, which means they are aware of what is going on as well.

And yes, they are all playing the metal world/community/fans/bands as weak, impotent fools, that much is obvious.

Old tactic, that one actor already did it, better.

Unfortunately, it was a success, so now you have Never-Has-Beens like Mr. Hippies and Black Pyramid wanting in on the band wagon, figuring this will make for a great publicity stunt to push their new album.

They probably already have been documenting this whole process, and perhaps have some stupid Mocumentary of it drawn up, that they will release with the new album as a DVD, it is well known that they recorded a lot of footage, took a lot of pictures, on request of their PR company, who are a big one, who they apparently are still definitely working with.

How else would a press release like this go through, to all the right people in the industry. As JJ from The Obelisk noted, it came through the proper PR channels. Therefore, it is the work of someone who is a professional in PR, or has all those contacts.

Ha ha, the joke is on us, right?

Also, this whole post is full of no reality. It wasn't from PR, if it was it would have been coherent.

And yet somehow it got sent to all the label contacts, booking companies, blogs, websites, and filtered down through all of the processes and channels usually consistent with how PR works. That was why The Obelisk printed it today, it went through all of the usual channels, to all the usual people who are in the know amd important in the music scene. So they all know something, obviously, because no one else is getting upset.

The incoherence of the whole thing is part of the whole show. Very, very soon there will be a counter statement, supposedly to clarify, and the whole drama will continue. This is what this petty band, Black Pyramid, Mr. Hippies, that strange trixter manager, and yes, even Clay and Gein want. You will see soon, mark my words. It's WWF techniques, used under false pretenses to promote false music.

To put more egg on the face of the whole metal world, the local scene, the fans, everyone who ever cared about anything, just so they can all have a little bit more of a circle jerk in the spotlight.
[Nov 11,2011 12:50am - goatcatalyst ""]
I don't give an ass-raping FUCK what's going on, who's motherfucking who, who's an actor, whatever... they can be full-fags online all they or any imposter wishes to be, but the fact of the matter is that Black Pyramid II is A M O T H E R F U C K E R .

Played some wonderful shows with the gents and however it continues - IF it continues? - this album rules. If Andy wants to say it doesn't, well he's a dummy
[Nov 11,2011 12:51am - goatcatalyst ""]
"Night Queen" is the fucking JAMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Nov 11,2011 1:20am - slar you morbid?  ""]
only FAST PYRAMID is real
[Nov 11,2011 11:37am - hlrie ""]
BS. It was sent by Andy through his email address that sent it out with unreleased demos, not fucking PR. Nyx Nightshade is Andy. Truth.

Also, Ryan is correct.
[Nov 11,2011 11:38am - hlrie ""]
^^Ooff. Typing skills getting as bad as someone I know.
[Nov 11,2011 12:01pm - andy is crazy  ""]
[Nov 11,2011 12:19pm - Anapa  ""]

hlrie said:BS. It was sent by Andy through his email address that sent it out with unreleased demos, not fucking PR. Nyx Nightshade is Andy. Truth.

Also, Ryan is correct.

It went to all the PR, through the proper channels, of course, anyone who has the knowledge of how to do that can do it. Bands are so used to other people making statements for them, bands have been loyally conditioned to do so. Those in PR are used to speaking for bands. Those who get PR notices, they are

Nyx Nightshade definitely is not Andy, I know them both quite intimately, naturally, although they are so entangled as to be inseparable. However, they both have very different goals. Andy is less sane, in that he does not value that society places on the vein of sanity. He prefers to be considered insane, and probably prides himself on it to a degree, which could prove to be a huge error in judgment. Anything involving pride or attachment usually clouds one's judgment in matters that are close to them, and Andy is definitely attached to the terminology of insanity, to the point that if he were to lose that crutch, that label of insanity that allows him to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, with no repercussions, then the game would change significantly, wouldn't it?

Nyx prefers not to be considered human at all, he is much more evolved, and he serves different purposes. He does not even accept the societal constructs of sanity or insanity. However, he clings to territory in a way that Andy does not, has attachments to it, and marks his territory with the distinctive odor of his finest excrement.

Me personally, I'm a dead god, so I just sit around and watch it all go by, chuckling to myself and muttering, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!"

Shakespeare always had it right. Andy wrote a play about me once, it sucked and people told him he was worthless and crazy. He was a worse playwrite than he was a musician, even worse than he is of a human being.

He didn't even bother to utilize my real name, and I would have helped him at the time. And believe me, he needs much more help now, and still, he does not use my real name. Pity.

[Nov 11,2011 12:44pm - Anapa  ""]
I actually just got off the phone with Nyx. He says despite how unprofessional, contradictory, and idiotic he thought the email was, he has gotten a lot of response, and is currently booking tours for the band through various booking agents that got back to him. He thinks these people are very gullible, and says he has been asking for ridiculous guarantees and tour riders. He says despite his complete lack of any semblance of professionalism, people are actually cooperating with him quite nicely.

He also says he is not going to tell anyone else when the tours are supposed to happen or who he booked them with, especially not Andy. Apparently they are feuding or something, and currently not talking.

I'd call Andy, however, he turned off his cell phone awhile ago, and deleted his Facebook recently. I think he also changed his email, some say that he has no internet now. I have no way of getting in touch with him.

"remember:Minced Slit Anubis"

This showed up at the bottom of my screen. Strange, and I still wish that people would use my correct name.

[Nov 11,2011 12:53pm - KENNY LANNING  ""]
[Nov 11,2011 12:55pm - NuclearWinter ""]
No Rigor Mortis? Fuck off, dipshit.
[Nov 11,2011 12:56pm - Yeti ""]
some call it insanity, i call it "giant douche".
[Nov 11,2011 1:25pm - hlrie ""]

Yeti said:some call it insanity, i call it "giant douche".

100% this!
[Nov 11,2011 1:45pm - Anapa  ""]

Yeti said:some call it insanity, i call it "giant douche".

I think Andy would really appreciate that description.
[Nov 11,2011 2:26pm - Lamp ""]
Anapa = ANdy blAck PyrAmid
[Nov 11,2011 2:29pm - Anapa  ""]
Close, I lived in a pyramid for a long, long time. No cigar though, Andy lives in his own pyramid now, and perhaps he will never find his way out. I am fully free.
[Nov 11,2011 2:30pm - hlrie ""]

Lamp said:Anapa = ANdy blAck PyrAmid

Also, Nyx Nighshade, Dinger, Hate Elitist In The EyeKnow, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc, ..................................................................................... And on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on................
[Nov 11,2011 2:36pm - the_reverend ""]
you guys are like detectives.
I haven't read anything in this thread yet.
[Nov 11,2011 2:43pm - Anapa  ""]

hlrie said:
Lamp said:Anapa = ANdy blAck PyrAmid

Also, Nyx Nighshade, Dinger, Hate Elitist In The EyeKnow, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc, ..................................................................................... And on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on................

Hate Elitist is very obviously Andy, and it is very obvious that he lets it be very obvious when he actually wants people to know who he is and who he isn't.

It is almost as if he does not even want to hide it, like he'd rather have other people think they are smart and he is dumb for doing such a poor job covering his tracks.

Either that or he also just sits there and laughs because there are honestly those who do not figure it out, no matter how transparent. Perhaps that's been his game all along, to see who the fools are.

At the end of the day, it all matters very little. It is just a stupid band, who wrote foolish music, written by the biggest fool of them all.

[Nov 11,2011 2:46pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Not even paying attention. I'll just listen to the record.
[Nov 11,2011 2:48pm - Anapa  ""]
I am not listening to the record, since a douche bag wrote it anyways.
[Nov 11,2011 2:48pm - ThrilliVanilli ""]

goatcatalyst said:Not even paying attention. I'll just listen to the record.

pretty much sums it up
[Nov 11,2011 2:49pm - arilliusbm ""]
Needs more Funeral Doom
[Nov 11,2011 3:00pm - hlrie ""]

ThrilliVanilli said:
goatcatalyst said:Not even paying attention. I'll just listen to the record.

pretty much sums it up

Only issue is when someone tries to discredit others that clearly don't deserve it and made the most effort, and when that someone posts unreleased songs they don't own pretending it came from them. My inner/former New Yorker self has been released and I'm done trying to be nice. Very protective of my friends. Fucking sick of this and I will speak up for those who can't. Period.
[Nov 11,2011 3:18pm - Anapa  ""]

hlrie said:
ThrilliVanilli said:
goatcatalyst said:Not even paying attention. I'll just listen to the record.

pretty much sums it up

Only issue is when someone tries to discredit others that clearly don't deserve it and made the most effort, and when that someone posts unreleased songs they don't own pretending it came from them. My inner/former New Yorker self has been released and I'm done trying to be nice. Very protective of my friends. Fucking sick of this and I will speak up for those who can't. Period.

Who owns the songs? Isn't it the person who wrote them? We have agreed that Andy is Hate Elitist, and you say he is Nyx, even though I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that that can't possibly be true. Well, let's hope it's not anyways, that would be some kind of a trick, and something I'd never seen nor even conceived of before though.

Back to the point, if the person who does not "own" these songs somehow has come to possess them, then how is this possible? Especially if you are insinuating that the person who wrote the songs is actually the person who is giving them out? How would that person not own these songs? That seems a bit impossible.

Do you understand how that kind of makes absolutely no sense at all? Not that I really like things to make sense, mind you, I am not caught up on things making sense all the time, like most people are. I prefer things to make no sense at all, so in doing so, congratulations, I applaud you for sticking up for your friends in so nonsensical of a manner, it has brought me great amusement.

[Nov 11,2011 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
the remaining guys in Black Pyramid should just leave that name for Butthurt Boy and start something new. too much nonsense is now associated with that name.
[Nov 11,2011 3:22pm - Anapa  ""]
That would really suck if they didn't show up for the tour dates that Nyx is booking for them though.
[Nov 11,2011 3:26pm - Yeti ""]
Bwack Pyramid
[Nov 11,2011 3:27pm - Anapa  ""]
I like Butthurt Pyramid best.
[Nov 11,2011 3:52pm - hlrie ""]
Tony, I have to say I disagree with that way of thinking in general. If one stupid douche bag tried to take away something I believed in or worked hard on, I'd say to myself, "Oh yeah, watch me." If we all just laid down and took it, where would we be? Perseverance in the face of adversity.
In fact I personally think that those who really do or did support would support all that much more if they were to continue. I am sure it isn't easy to deal with things like this for those involved.
I know exactly why he is starting this up again all I can say is he did it to himself. Butthurt.
[Nov 11,2011 4:02pm - hauptpflucker ""]


[Nov 11,2011 4:04pm - Pumid Brown  ""]
So much better.
[Nov 11,2011 4:07pm - Anapa  ""]

hlrie said:Tony, I have to say I disagree with that way of thinking in general. If one stupid douche bag tried to take away something I believed in or worked hard on, I'd say to myself, "Oh yeah, watch me." If we all just laid down and took it, where would we be? Perseverance in the face of adversity.
In fact I personally think that those who really do or did support would support all that much more if they were to continue. I am sure it isn't easy to deal with things like this for those involved.
I know exactly why he is starting this up again all I can say is he did it to himself. Butthurt.

Honestly, and don't take this the wrong way, pray tell, but I'm pretty sure that you really don't know very much of anything. You certainly are very funny though, please carry on.

[Nov 11,2011 4:10pm - hlrie ""]
[Nov 11,2011 4:16pm - Anapa  ""]
Well then, I will give you that, you did guess that I love that song, it is actually one of my favorites. I've always been a sucker for Vincent Crane's keyboard work, although he was at his best when he was expressing himself using his own lyrics. Most musicians are best when they express themselves with their own lyrics, although I think it might have been difficult for people like Vincent to have other people sing those lyrics, given his varying mental states and all. They were very dark words for the time he wrote them, and they have reverberated well throughout the hollow halls.

You may not know very much, however, you do know how to touch my heart, and for that, you have my applause, once again.
[Nov 11,2011 4:23pm - Hurray!  ""]
[Nov 11,2011 4:40pm - Anapa  ""]
[Nov 11,2011 4:58pm - nekronaut ""]
I want to break my hand on Andy's face.
[Nov 11,2011 5:09pm - Anapa  ""]
Do it.
[Nov 11,2011 7:04pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]

Anapa said:Who owns the songs? Isn't it the person who wrote them?
Back to the point, if the person who does not "own" these songs somehow has come to possess them, then how is this possible? Especially if you are insinuating that the person who wrote the songs is actually the person who is giving them out? How would that person not own these songs? That seems a bit impossible.

owning songs and owning recordings of songs are 2 very different things. are the songs copyrighted? who holds the copyrights? are they registered with a publisher? if so, who registered them and with what publisher?
[Nov 11,2011 7:53pm - Anapa  ""]

ThirdKnuckle said:
Anapa said:Who owns the songs? Isn't it the person who wrote them?
Back to the point, if the person who does not "own" these songs somehow has come to possess them, then how is this possible? Especially if you are insinuating that the person who wrote the songs is actually the person who is giving them out? How would that person not own these songs? That seems a bit impossible.

owning songs and owning recordings of songs are 2 very different things. are the songs copyrighted? who holds the copyrights? are they registered with a publisher? if so, who registered them and with what publisher?

Well, I don't know, and honestly I don't care. Where I come from, art belongs to the artists who created it.

Andy wrote all the lyrics, that is common knowledge, he probably never bothered copyrighting them, he's too much of a simpleton in those regards. I doubt he ever even bothered figuring out how that process works, and may not even know that it exists.

Either that, or someone else went ahead and got the copyrights to the songs and music in their name. That wouldn't be bright. I honestly doubt Andy would even care, like I said, he has no concept of the ownership of music whatsoever, however, I've known a few Muses in my day, and they can be fickle mistresses about who they go around inspiring. Generally, if you take credit for someone else's creations, they won't be visiting you anytime soon, figuring that you don't need them, as you'll just do the same thing again when you need to inflate your ego, rather than doing it the old fashioned way.

I guess it gets fairly ambiguous when you get involved with something as pointless as the music business though, and that's a hard lesson for some people to learn.
[Nov 11,2011 8:43pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]
you asked a lot of questions about it for someone who doesn't care.

where do you come from? because 'ownership' is a legal term, and it's meaning isn't ambiguous at all.

a better question to have asked would have been 'who owns the recordings?' if the owner of the recordings was the same person who posted them, then tuff luck
[Nov 11,2011 8:48pm - Alx_Asscat  ""]
[Nov 12,2011 5:16am - Anapa  ""]

ThirdKnuckle said:you asked a lot of questions about it for someone who doesn't care.

where do you come from? because 'ownership' is a legal term, and it's meaning isn't ambiguous at all.

a better question to have asked would have been 'who owns the recordings?' if the owner of the recordings was the same person who posted them, then tuff luck

Asking a lot of questions even though you don't care is the price of being human. I knew that going in, so it's all good.

I told you I'm from a pyramid, however, I always found the black one distasteful, it was poorly built, and its "creator" was naive, until the end. By then, it was too late for him, however, he was able to pass down what he learned to his son.

I was in the black one, and I was not impressed, nor was I offended. It was up, proclaiming itself mighty one minute, then it fell down the next minute. Most of us remaining consider it one big joke. Such is life.

[Nov 12,2011 5:53am - Lamp ""]

[Nov 12,2011 8:13am - Anapa  ""]

Lamp said:

This is perhaps the best solution to the situation, and all situations, that I have seen presented on this forum, ever.

This is actually one of the most coherent posts I have ever witnessed on the internet.

You sir, have indeed amazed me with your insight, thank you for that. Keep up the good work.

[Nov 12,2011 9:08am - goatcatalyst ""]
LOL @ buttdarts still prattling on
[Nov 12,2011 9:14am - Anapa  ""]

goatcatalyst said:LOL @ buttdarts still prattling on

Isn't that what this forum is though? Laughing on buttdarts that keep prattling on? And doesn't that then make you one of the buttdarts? I certainly am a buttdart, however, I also laugh at myself most of all.
[Nov 12,2011 9:29am - ThirdKnuckle ""]
How many of these posters is eyehatehippies? 4? 5? I can't keep up.
[Nov 12,2011 9:40am - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm the archdart, nigger. Bow your head.
[Nov 12,2011 9:58am - Anapa  ""]

ThirdKnuckle said:How many of these posters is eyehatehippies? 4? 5? I can't keep up.

Far, far more than that, trust me.
[Nov 12,2011 11:44am - late_rising ""]
[Nov 12,2011 1:36pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Nov 16,2011 7:49pm - metalmayhem  ""]
Nyx Nightshade is Andy's pet rabbit. Im not even kidding. It is Andy and its a fucking joke. Seriously people. He has a pet rabbit named Nyxie and a cat named Lux Lightbringer. So yes, Nyx is definitely Andy and obviously Andy would have the proper contacts and info to get this bs news out thru the proper channels.
[Nov 16,2011 7:53pm - metalmayhem  ""]
Oh, and Anapa is also Andy...hello Andy. You do get a kick out of driving these people crazy huh!
[Nov 16,2011 9:45pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]
hippies = everyone but me
[Nov 28,2011 2:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
Black Pyramid just announced that they have a new member and are looking to hit the road soon.

[Nov 28,2011 2:58pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Nov 28,2011 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
[Nov 28,2011 7:13pm - Lysander  ""]

ThirdKnuckle said:you asked a lot of questions about it for someone who doesn't care.

where do you come from? because 'ownership' is a legal term, and it's meaning isn't ambiguous at all.

a better question to have asked would have been 'who owns the recordings?' if the owner of the recordings was the same person who posted them, then tuff luck

No one owns those recordings, or would take ownership of them. Simply listen to them.
[Nov 29,2011 6:01am - ThirdKnuckle ""]
Nobody owns them? cool. I'll start selling CD-Rs/downloads immediately
[Nov 29,2011 11:10am - Ancient_Master ""]
people buy cd-r's?
[Nov 29,2011 3:33pm - Lysander  ""]

ThirdKnuckle said:Nobody owns them? cool. I'll start selling CD-Rs/downloads immediately

Did you hear those demo tracks I was referring too? Downloaded from the original post? I doubt anyone is going to buy nor sell them.
[Nov 29,2011 3:42pm - Mark_R ""]

Ancient_Master said:people buy cd-r's?

On a serious note, I've wondered about this since I noticed Amazon.com started doing it last year. Would anyone knowingly buy one of these?
[Nov 29,2011 3:47pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Amazon sells CD-R's?
[Nov 29,2011 4:19pm - Samantha ""]
I think the dollar store sells CD-R's.
[Nov 29,2011 4:23pm - lost ark  ""]
Actual burned CD-Rs of someone's music. Different random retailers and private sellers use the Amazon marketplace to sell crap, and some people put CD-Rs of their wonderful self-produced music for sale. Shit sandwich basically.
[Nov 29,2011 4:27pm - Mark_R ""]
Here's Demon - Night of the Demon.

Near the top of the page, "CD-R Note: This product is manufactured on demand when ordered from Amazon.com".

I assume rights/legality is all cleared with Amazon. My concern would be product quality. There is a note about quality assurance, but still, I think most customers would be reluctant to make the order. I would want to hear from a few customers that they were 100% satisfied with what they got.
[Nov 29,2011 5:19pm - Ancient_Master ""]
people still use cds?

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