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InVerTiCrux!!! soil yourself for Metal!!!

[Nov 17,2011 3:14pm - BILL COSBY  ""]

ben said:bill cosby is a racist! he hates his fellow black man. true story!

[Nov 17,2011 3:16pm - xmikex ""]

BILL%20COSBY said:[img]

AYY BOI.. What tha hell u doin in that monk costume?
[Nov 17,2011 3:17pm - ben ""]
better then being in a monkey costume aye! OOOHHH!!!!
[Nov 17,2011 3:19pm - datruth  ""]

[Nov 17,2011 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
Beavis and Butthead do not approve of this band.
[Nov 17,2011 3:24pm - xmikex ""]

[Nov 17,2011 3:32pm - ben ""]

Yeti said:Beavis and Butthead do not approve of this band.

shit, they are our biggest fans. us and Grim Reaper!
[Nov 17,2011 3:33pm - ben ""]
[Nov 17,2011 3:33pm - ben ""]
[Nov 17,2011 3:34pm - ben ""]
Real metal!
[Nov 17,2011 3:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 17,2011 3:36pm - ReturnToThePundit  ""]
Ben is Mitt Romney. Classic Mitt-flopping. You can't be in the band and NOT be in the band, sir.
[Nov 17,2011 3:38pm - Samantha ""]
This thread needs more pictures of Bill Cosby.
[Nov 17,2011 3:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Samantha said:This thread needs more pictures of Bill Cosby shit porn

[Nov 17,2011 4:04pm - ben ""]
eeewww, i gotta go drop the cosby kids off at the pool.
[Nov 17,2011 4:09pm - White Male From New Hampshire  ""]
I am very concerned about these nigger faggot metal fucks ruining our great WHITE (KK)kulture.

Get your gorilla slams and fried chicken pig squeals out of my white heritage.




[Nov 17,2011 4:11pm - Ancient_Master ""]
[Nov 17,2011 4:15pm - YOU AIN'T GOT SHIT ON US!  ""]

White%20Male%20From%20New%20Hampshire said:I am very concerned about these nigger faggot metal fucks ruining our great WHITE (KK)kulture.

Get your gorilla slams and fried chicken pig squeals out of my white heritage.





[Nov 17,2011 4:20pm - White Male From New Hampshire  ""]



[Nov 17,2011 4:20pm - ben ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:not all local metal is good. consider rttp to be a filter of sorts. make better music and it will be supported.

you sure were hot for us before i defended my honor against your twerpy little jew friend wren. all about getting us back on the next bill until i told that little fag what he really is and not what he makes himself out to be. your dedication to that little jewboy costed you a few more good shows with us as the original line up.
you are not the last word in local metal as much as you like to think you are. i liked you, you chose to hate me because i dont like one of your friends ? sorry i dont kiss up to that ugly little dweeb like everyone else in this tepid circle of metal nerds.
you were there, you seen that i just approached wren and told him he cant get away with ignoring or shit talking us. he then (in poor taste) threw the bar stool to the floor after i walked away from him having said my peace. so who acted poorly that night? i who defended my honor? or he who throws bar stools around in baby fits? i didnt raise i hand and i didnt even raise my voice. you are a follower of "wren leader", not of local struggling Metal bands. we dont need you to make a name for ourselves, but it would have been nice to remain friends. you abuse your strength as a promoter and your little gig is bound to fail eventually because of poor choices like this that you have made and probably will continue to make. get real girl, there is still time.
[Nov 17,2011 4:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 17,2011 4:32pm - Wait... so ben isn't a girl a girl close to the band? and is act  ""]
[Nov 17,2011 4:32pm - Wait... so ben isn‘t a girl a girl close to the band? and is actu  ""]
Wait... so ben isn‘t a girl a girl close to the band? and is actually Raynard?
[Nov 17,2011 4:33pm - uh...  ""]
Nobody cares enough about you to actually hates you. We just think you're retarded and you're band sucks royal ass is all.
[Nov 17,2011 4:35pm - must be a slooooooow day at  ""]
[Nov 17,2011 4:48pm - Samantha ""]

ben said:
FuckIsMySignature said:not all local metal is good. consider rttp to be a filter of sorts. make better music and it will be supported.

you sure were hot for us before i defended my honor against your twerpy little jew friend wren. all about getting us back on the next bill until i told that little fag what he really is and not what he makes himself out to be. your dedication to that little jewboy costed you a few more good shows with us as the original line up.
you are not the last word in local metal as much as you like to think you are. i liked you, you chose to hate me because i dont like one of your friends ? sorry i dont kiss up to that ugly little dweeb like everyone else in this tepid circle of metal nerds.
you were there, you seen that i just approached wren and told him he cant get away with ignoring or shit talking us. he then (in poor taste) threw the bar stool to the floor after i walked away from him having said my peace. so who acted poorly that night? i who defended my honor? or he who throws bar stools around in baby fits? i didnt raise i hand and i didnt even raise my voice. you are a follower of "wren leader", not of local struggling Metal bands. we dont need you to make a name for ourselves, but it would have been nice to remain friends. you abuse your strength as a promoter and your little gig is bound to fail eventually because of poor choices like this that you have made and probably will continue to make. get real girl, there is still time.

No. People think you're a jerk because you picked a fight with someone for absolutely no reason. On top of that, you picked the easiest victim, a nice guy who is nerdy, would never fight anyone, and had absolutely no issue with you. You acted like a crazy person, a bully, and showed total disrespect for people who were actually trying to help your band.

Months later, you're still instigating drama on the internet. In all honesty, I think you have serious mental health issues and should be medicated.

[Nov 17,2011 4:52pm - I LOVE WREN FOLLOWING  ""]
[Nov 17,2011 4:52pm - I LOVE WREN FOLLOWING  ""]
[Nov 17,2011 4:58pm - reimroc ""]
[Nov 17,2011 5:16pm - BEN_DOVER  ""]
hhhmmmmmm............i've got a feeling that's why you've just lost some band members!!!
[Nov 17,2011 5:25pm - Yeti ""]
isn't this dude in his 40's? sweet ambition bro.
[Nov 17,2011 5:43pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Hey Ray/Ben, I won't say too much for whatever I say you'll find some way to turn against me.

but I will say that before the incident I thought that Inverticrux was a very good band with a lot of potential. That one Metal Thursday you played was enough to peak my interest. I wanted to see you play again. Even when others were bashing you guys, I was like "that was really good dirty metal. I'd love to get them for a Bobfest in the future." Actually even after that whole incident, I still sang the praises of the band for I seriously enjoyed the music. If I didn't already have plans the night of your show with Eerie and you didn't hate my guts, I probably would've gone. Look, I meant to listen to the CDs you gave me, but I've acquired hundreds of CDs and albums and it sometimes takes time before I get to them. I'm sorry I offended you by not listening to them, it really wasn't out of any malice or negative opinions of your art. I won't say more for you'll say that I'm a poser and a follower anyways. I wish you luck in Inverticrux and your tattoo shop, seriously I do.
[Nov 17,2011 5:47pm - uh...  ""]
When someone calls you "little jewboy" you're supposed to punch them in nose, not be cordial. Have some pride.
[Nov 17,2011 5:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Talking the high road is usually a good option.
[Nov 17,2011 6:38pm - ben ""]

I%20LOVE%20WREN%20FOLLOWING said:[img]

should have showed the next frame where i rammed him in his tight jewey virgin ass. plus, jew penises are not nearly this long and this is inaccurate because jews screw with sheets between them with a hole in it.
[Nov 17,2011 6:49pm - nekronaut ""]
Sucking or fucking, it still makes you gay.
[Nov 17,2011 6:53pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Nov 17,2011 6:59pm - ben ""]

boblovesmusic said:Hey Ray/Ben, I won't say too much for whatever I say you'll find some way to turn against me.

but I will say that before the incident I thought that Inverticrux was a very good band with a lot of potential. That one Metal Thursday you played was enough to peak my interest. I wanted to see you play again. Even when others were bashing you guys, I was like "that was really good dirty metal. I'd love to get them for a Bobfest in the future." Actually even after that whole incident, I still sang the praises of the band for I seriously enjoyed the music. If I didn't already have plans the night of your show with Eerie and you didn't hate my guts, I probably would've gone. Look, I meant to listen to the CDs you gave me, but I've acquired hundreds of CDs and albums and it sometimes takes time before I get to them. I'm sorry I offended you by not listening to them, it really wasn't out of any malice or negative opinions of your art. I won't say more for you'll say that I'm a poser and a follower anyways. I wish you luck in Inverticrux and your tattoo shop, seriously I do.

well that's pretty big of you and i do tend to believe what your telling me.
i more or less bust your balls at this point. because thats the game they like to play here. i now regret approaching you in such a way that night. not because the Wren klan all chose to stand against Inverticrux, but because it was just bad character on my part. you are a bigger person then all the shit bags on this site that think they can undermine my plans with mere insults. i have heard of you trying to make things right between you and my band members later on and it only made me feel worse.
i acted out against you that night because i felt you were blowing us off when meanwhile you were promoting the living hell out of your name on "bobfest" and "wrengasm". i still dont care for that approach to advertising a Metal show, but no one but me seemed to give a shit. just thought it was a bit egotistical. i still think many people here aint worth the opinion they rode in on, but i do officially apologize to you. for what ever its worth.
i am a very extremely giving person. easy to get along with as well. i want to help promote all local bands. i offer them free artwork so that they can look good when putting they're c.d.'s out. free stage banner art for local bands. i even sell many local bands metal c.d.'s at my tattoo shop! rttp wants to make me out to be a bad guy, and i am good at it if i must be. i am a Scorpio. i can be equally terrible or giving.
your right, two members couldn't take the heat. i feed on controversy because that's what metal is! angry at the world! you can stand with or against us but it will not change how we are effecting the greater world metal community. Inverticrux will remain a studio band for some time i suspect. glad we had this chat. now let the shit talk presume!
[Nov 17,2011 7:02pm - ben ""]

nekronaut said:Sucking or fucking, it still makes you gay.

so wren is gay too? what ever man. i am not a gay basher. i am a godless soul and believe strongly in all kinds of perverted fornication! bring it on! i like the body you chose for me! wish i looked that good. thanks!
[Nov 17,2011 7:30pm - death.  ""]
[Nov 17,2011 7:36pm - ANOLOGY MASTER  ""]
Raynard is to Wren as GSS Ron is to Notshaver.


[Nov 17,2011 8:01pm - ben ""]
you gotta be insane to write the shit we do. to bad you dont take the time to appreciate it. good thing many others do!
here is a Killer upcoming band from Germany Raynard/Raypissed does guest vocals for. on this song infact. stay tuned for more Foreign bands Raynard works with.

[Nov 17,2011 9:22pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Wait a sec, who's a jew? That shit ain't cool.
[Nov 17,2011 11:42pm - xmikex ""]
In the spirit of levelheadedness and compassion I'd like to add: your band fucking sucks and you're a bunch of fags. Get off the internet.
[Nov 18,2011 1:14am - gorelust ""]
anal twats...............
[Nov 18,2011 2:40am - Lamp nli  ""]
My theory that it's always the worst fucking bands out there that whore themselves out the most is still standing I see.
[Nov 18,2011 7:27am - Yeti ""]
gayest thread ever.
[Nov 18,2011 9:33am - ben ""]
hey you guys , i just want to thank you for all the fine publicity and promotion this thread has created for this most worthy band InvertiCrux. i believe even the haters who just cant get enough of this thread, know much more about us then before and i dare say we may have made a few of you dumb ol' haters into Inverted metal lovers! welcome aboard! glad you could wake up and see the darkness! even me and Wren have dropped the weapons and begun the welcome journey to forgiveness. so sorry haters. that war is at rest. now lets see if Samantha can be big enough to let silly things like this go. thanks again folks. i will have to come back more often. didnt know how much fun this could be! you guys ROCK. not.

[Nov 18,2011 10:10am - Samantha ""]

ben said:now lets see if Samantha can be big enough to let silly things like this go

You're the only person I see here who isn't letting things go. Sorry, Ray, but your manipulative statement won't work on me. I've already explained my opinion to you. You came to one of our shows specifically to cause trouble. Since then, you've done nothing but instigate drama. Rather than acting like a man and having the balls to speak to me directly, you've made thinly veiled passive-aggressive butthurt negative comments about me on the internet. So... Am I supposed to suddenly decide that everything is cool, book your band for a bunch of shows, and be your best friend? Just because you finally made one rational statement in response to Wren saying exactly the same thing he has been saying for months? Nope. Sorry. I have no interest in working with people who are so unprofessional and likely to be troublemakers.

Please keep in mind that I am NOT the person in charge there. I won't speak for anyone else, but the decision NOT to work with you isn't solely my own. There are A LOT of promoters in the area who would never consider working with you, and that has nothing to do with me... and everything to do with the way YOU have behaved. Take responsibility for your actions.

Again, I think you have some very serious mental health issues and should seek help. Please keep your drama as far away from me as possible.
[Nov 18,2011 10:22am - Alexecutioner ""]



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