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There are way too many good video games out now.

[Nov 14,2011 10:44am - the_reverend ""]
I've been trying to wait until I got a new TV to play these games, but this is killing me...
Uncharted 3
Assassins Creed
[Nov 14,2011 10:45am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to have to get assassin's creed tomorrow.
[Nov 14,2011 10:46am - xmikex ""]
If Skyrim was really that good wouldn't people be talking about it on Facebook and RTTP?

[Nov 14,2011 10:52am - ark  ""]
really psyched about the new assassin's creed but on the other hand i don't give a fuck because i'll be playing skyrim for months.
[Nov 14,2011 11:02am - Alx_Casket ""]
Meanwhile in Russia, Postal 3 should be leaking soon.
[Nov 14,2011 11:11am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
False, Assassin's Creed isn't a good game.
[Nov 14,2011 11:14am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
So many good games and no time to play. I need to finish Crysis 2 (haven't touched it in about a month) and then beck out:

Battlefield 3
Just Cause 2
Deus Ex Human Whateverpoop
[Nov 14,2011 11:51am - Mutis ""]
Add Saints Row The Third to that list. I've heard nothing but brilliant things about it.

Also, I've heard some pretty awful things about the boss battles in Deus Ex
[Nov 14,2011 12:01pm - ark  ""]
between portal 2, deus ex, and skyrim, 2011 is a damn good gaming year.
[Nov 14,2011 12:04pm - Alexecutioner ""]

the_reverend said:I'm going to have to get assassin's cream tomorrow.
[Nov 14,2011 12:08pm - Lamp ""]
What the fuck is all this shit anyway?
[Nov 14,2011 12:11pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
if anyone wants to buy deus ex for 360 ill sell you it for 20 bucks
[Nov 14,2011 12:13pm - Alexecutioner ""]
for real? i'll take that deal. you dont like it or what?
[Nov 14,2011 12:18pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
eh it was boring me and then I bought skyrim. also, dead island for 30 bucks
[Nov 14,2011 12:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'll sell my original Vagrant Story for 100 bucks.
[Nov 14,2011 12:26pm - ark  ""]
i am kinda bummed that i won't be playing vagrant story any time soon.
[Nov 14,2011 12:26pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Ross, i'll take deus ex for 20. already got head island though.
[Nov 14,2011 12:37pm - Martins ""]
I'll be getting AC:R probably around black friday timez
[Nov 14,2011 6:11pm - mdb  ""]

arilliusbm said:I'll sell my original Vagrant Story for 100 bucks.

Ive got one of those somewhere... they selling?
[Nov 14,2011 6:13pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Ross I'll take Dead Island on Friday
[Nov 14,2011 6:16pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
WTB Front Mission 3 for 150?
[Nov 14,2011 6:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
mdb, check the prices of games on ebay. I think I could easily make 1000 bucks selling 10-15 old OOP RPGs.
[Nov 14,2011 7:36pm - my_dying_bride ""]
rare ps1 games

rare genesis gamesrest of the systems

anyone with a ton of games for an old system should check some of these lists... some of these i think i have.... 2 copies of Final Fantasy 7... shwing!
[Nov 14,2011 7:36pm - my_dying_bride ""]

my_dying_bride said:rare ps1 games

rare genesis games

rest of the systems

anyone with a ton of games for an old system should check some of these lists... some of these i think i have.... 2 copies of Final Fantasy 7... shwing!

[Nov 14,2011 8:17pm - burnsy ""]

my_dying_bride said:
my_dying_bride said:rare ps1 games

When I went to college, my grandmother threw out my atari, atari 2600 and 40+ games. This list is pissing me off cuz I had a few of these. Fuck.

rare genesis games

rest of the systems

anyone with a ton of games for an old system should check some of these lists... some of these i think i have.... 2 copies of Final Fantasy 7... shwing!

[Nov 15,2011 9:28am - lb  ""]
uncharted 3 is one of the best games iv ever played.
[Nov 15,2011 9:29am - arilliusbm ""]

lb said:uncharted 3 is one of the best games iv ever played.

Only uncharted waters was real.
[Nov 15,2011 11:25am - blessed offal nli  ""]
I have Ogre Battle for 75 bucks
[Nov 15,2011 12:24pm - Gregd-blessedoffal ""]
Made my way though Dead Island. Clunky controllers and boring missions sort of sink it. (Go get me my teddy bear, go get me medication......meh.) It's good for a run through, but playing it a second time, not so much.
Crysis 2 was good, but it totally lacked the freedom that the first one and Warhead had. It plays way too linear. It also had nothing that made you go wow. No city inside a hallowed out mountain, no giant neon blue monsters, but it still worth playing.
I'm holding of on Skyrim for a bit. I spent over 100 hours on Fallout 3 when it came out so I'm going to wait until the winter kicks in.
Dues ex HR was good but nothing in comparison to the first 2 games. The DLC that was just released is better than the game itself. It's a very slow moving game and you have to be really patient with it. There is no way you can rush through it without getting killed 100 times. Yep, the bosses do suck in it.
[Nov 15,2011 1:52pm - LPCustom  ""]
ITT: I don't have a girlfriend.
[Nov 15,2011 4:14pm - gregd-blessedoffal ""]
I have a troll. Hi pussy.
[Nov 16,2011 7:31am - mdb  ""]

LPCustom said:ITT: I don't have a girlfriend.

ITT: Girlfriends aren't necessary.

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