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What is your favorite version of Linux for a Netbook?

[Nov 18,2011 1:39pm - xanonymousx ""]
My netbook crashed and i cannot install windows on it because its being weird...
I am running Unbuntu from a USB drive that runs well... Any ideas if this is what I should go with or should I just try and put OSX on it?
[Nov 18,2011 1:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Nov 18,2011 1:59pm - reimroc ""]
[Nov 18,2011 2:03pm - ark  ""]

xanonymousx said:should I just try and put OSX on it?

[Nov 18,2011 2:04pm - ark  ""]
just do a full ubuntu! it has a huge support base and most distros are the same now anyway.
[Nov 18,2011 2:25pm - xanonymousx ""]

arilliusbm said:Skyrim.

I've tried skyrim linux but i think i did it wrong when i went to the terminal's alchemy lab....
[Nov 18,2011 2:26pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck gentoo. the only thing is does well is recompiles.
just run Unbuntu and call it a day. Ocelot makes me angry cause it's too new, but still awesome os.
[Nov 18,2011 2:29pm - xanonymousx ""]
I guess that's what i'll do so i dont have to re-install it on a thumb drive...
As a backup it seems like a good OS
[Nov 18,2011 2:31pm - The_Reverend ""]
I liked knoppix boot cds too, but knoppix is debian based just like ubuntu. In 2004 or 2005, I used to have to build knoppix releases for my company to use as demo kits for our products. Now, all flavors have boot CDs.
[Nov 18,2011 2:35pm - Arist nli  ""]
I cant stand ubuntu's new Unity desktop environment at all, will never use that crap.

On my netbook I'm using OpenSUSE 11.4
[Nov 18,2011 2:37pm - Arist nli  ""]
Linux mint is probably the goto now, I think it is the new ubuntu for sure
[Nov 18,2011 2:53pm - posbleak nli  ""]
Ubuntu is for wussies afraid of root, get Debian.

You didn't specify what components you need support for so I'm just gonna go with NetBSD as it's practically guaranteed to run on everything.
[Nov 18,2011 3:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 18,2011 3:41pm - reimroc ""]

the_reverend said:fuck gentoo. the only thing is does well is recompiles.
just run Unbuntu and call it a day. Ocelot makes me angry cause it's too new, but still awesome os.

[Nov 19,2011 1:18pm - The_Reverend ""]
I have to deal with gentoo and emerge on a server. Sucks.

I actually met someone who worksfor SUSE. We always say it suess (as in dr), but it's sew-zuh.
[Nov 19,2011 1:22pm - reimroc ""]
on a more serious note if you want a simple, super small build of linux to use puppy linux.
[Nov 19,2011 1:29pm - the_reverend ""]
Puppy? Noooooo.... Dsl! It's like 50mb with the 2.4 kernel.
[Nov 19,2011 1:30pm - reimroc ""]
linux builds, linux builds everywhere.
[Nov 19,2011 9:17pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I keep taking old PC's and putting Ubuntu on em, then a week later wipe it and use Windows. I know, Linux is the only real OS, whatever. It's menu style is the suck and it's wireless support is crap. Who the fuck writes a code and doesn't make it easy to set up wireless? someone that doesn't see the future and is stuck in the lab. Linux will always be second or third choice because it's been stuck in nerdville for too long and wears white belts
[Nov 19,2011 11:12pm - the_reverend ""]
I keep doing that same thing

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