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masturbating in public bathrooms appreesh

[Nov 21,2011 2:01pm - public masturbater  ""]
at work, in a restaurant, at school. you know you do it.
[Nov 21,2011 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
if you don't, you are a false.
[Nov 21,2011 3:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 21,2011 3:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
Before every highschool bball game, I'd superstitiously tug in the bathroom before games. The first time I dunked it, there was semen dripping out of my cock.
[Nov 21,2011 3:37pm - fake semen dripping out of real aril's cock  ""]
good dunk bro
[Nov 21,2011 3:51pm - AndrewBastard ""]
done this on tour multiple times...
[Nov 21,2011 4:07pm - goatcatalyst ""]
It's even better when there's a glory hole
[Nov 21,2011 4:09pm - Lamp ""]
One time in my short truck driving stint, my first trainer was sleeping on the bottom bunk of the truck and he used to snore really damn loud too. I was on the top bunk and could hear all of this, was on my laptop too, so I just opened up some porn and covertly went to town...
[Nov 21,2011 5:02pm - nick henry  ""]
and then you blew your wad...right in his mouth didn't
you little guy? right in his faggoty...MOUTH.
[Nov 21,2011 5:50pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Masturbating in a public restroom is a rite of passage while on tour.
[Nov 21,2011 5:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i've been on tour more times than previously thought then.
[Nov 21,2011 6:00pm - Lamp ""]

nick%20henry said:and then you blew your wad...right in his mouth didn't
you little guy? right in his faggoty...MOUTH.

Someone's hopes and dreams are resting squarely on my answer to this question.
[Nov 21,2011 6:02pm - the mex nli  ""]
GUILTY. Thats what the Pilot gas stations are for. Oh, and any rest stop on the way. Not during the day though. Too many assholes making grunting noises in the stalls next to you
[Nov 21,2011 6:15pm - WINDSOFGAY ""]
Only bathroom fellatio is real.
[Nov 21,2011 7:14pm - douchebag_patrol ""]


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