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LOL at Scott Wily selling Zircon CDs as "the all natural cure for aids, cancer, and any other virus or disease you have ever hear ov"

[Nov 27,2011 5:57pm - Dr. Aids  ""]
the man has dun lost his mind
[Nov 27,2011 6:46pm - schizophrenia has no cure  ""]
INB4 barrage of coincidentally timed twilight hour anonymous posts defending him
[Aug 10,2012 8:58pm - PVSSY OV DESTRVCTION  ""]
[Aug 15,2012 8:34pm - Willy Wonka SR.  ""]
I have bad news.. You have breast cancer,mesothelioma and aids.. I'm so sorry.
[Aug 21,2012 3:27am - Scott from Wily Remains  ""]
Check this site niggers.. http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/zirconsongs

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