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Baystate Rock, Metalzone, Blitzkreig, and other local radio shows

[Dec 3,2011 1:23pm - Shitty New Band You Won't Like  ""]
Hey folks -

Looking into some promotional stuff. We all clearly know about rev's radio show on Monday nights. What about all the old local shows that used to be on the major radio stations and such? I know WBCN is not BCN anymore. What about BSR, SMU's show, Metalzone on HJY, and others? Do they still exist? What about Mike Hsu? I remember he once had a metal radio show.

So my questions are:

How many of these shows exist today, and what kind of music do they play (metal?)?

How many of you actually LISTEN to the shows, vs just going to the internet or shows to find new music?

I never thought it would happen, but I checked out the baystate rock forum and the day has come that BSR is actually more filled with porn, gayness, and scammery than RTTP is! Where's chainsawboner/rustedangel when you need him...
[Dec 3,2011 1:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Boston Emissions moved from WBCN to WZLX. Same time on Sunday nights.

BSR sucks and isnt worth anyones time.

only Nasty Habbits is real. :/
[Dec 3,2011 1:28pm - Shitty New Band You Won‘t Like  ""]
BSR used to do a lot of crappy stuff, but she was always VERY good about playing anything if you ask her. I don't like her taste in music, but Carmelita is one of the coolest people when it comes to how she treats bands. I know for a fact she actually found the RTTP people invading her board and trolling the putzes there to be HILARIOUS.

[Dec 3,2011 1:29pm - Shitty New Band You Won‘t Like  ""]
wait, what # is ZLX? 101.7?
[Dec 3,2011 1:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
100.7 the classic rock station.
[Dec 3,2011 1:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Shitty%20New%20Band%20You%20Won‘t%20Like said:BSR used to do a lot of crappy stuff, but she was always VERY good about playing anything if you ask her. I don't like her taste in music, but Carmelita is one of the coolest people when it comes to how she treats bands. I know for a fact she actually found the RTTP people invading her board and trolling the putzes there to be HILARIOUS.

ya i'll agree with that.
[Dec 3,2011 1:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
whats the name of your band?
[Dec 3,2011 1:37pm - Shitty New Band You Won‘t Like  ""]
BTW, my username is accurate. This is a very non-metal project. Straight up 80's cock rock, actually.
[Dec 3,2011 1:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
dont care. i have a bluesy country rock band that i get shit for all the time on here anyways. if peeps dont like it they can fuck off. 80s cock rock can be badass if done well.
[Dec 3,2011 1:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
metal is dead on this website anyways. all we talk about is dicks and abortions.
[Dec 3,2011 1:43pm - Shitty New Band You Won‘t Like  ""]
It's just a recording collaboration with an old 80's cock rocker. I'm a regular user, hiding under the moniker of 1000 different trolls these days.
[Dec 3,2011 1:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh. well carry on.
[Dec 3,2011 1:53pm - boblovesmusic ""]
wait, 80's cock rock? Tell me more about that!
[Dec 3,2011 1:57pm - Shitty New Band You Won‘t Like  ""]
When it's done, I'll post it. No worries there. Not a gigging/serious project. Just a random collaboration via interweb.

[Dec 3,2011 1:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sounds intriguing. ill keep an ear out for it.
[Dec 3,2011 2:19pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I love 80s metal/cock rock/glam so this is very much to my interests!
[Dec 3,2011 2:25pm - boblovesmusic ""]
also FIMS's blusy country rock band is frickin awesome. The haters can indeed fuck off!
[Dec 3,2011 2:56pm - the_reverend ""]
there is a loooooot of spam on that site now.
[Dec 3,2011 8:44pm - demondave ""]

I was obsessed with Blitzkrieg and The Metal Cage when I was in my teens. I ended up being a DJ and on the Metal Cage, plus Sonic Fury and other radio shows. That might make me more pro-radio show than the average.

I listen to RTTP nearly every week. I throw it on my ipod, and I even take the time to organize and plug the setlist in the Lyrics option so I know who is who. I was posting that in the RTTP threads, but I don't think anyone else was using it so I kind of trailed off.

I've downloaded the Hell's headbanger podcasts but haven't taken the time with those yet. There is a show on WFMU on thursdays at midnight called "my castle of quiet" that is black metal with noise and various soundscapes, which I am showing interest in. If anyone ever heard the shows I've put together they'd know that it is pretty much up my alley.

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