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OP is never me

[Dec 6,2011 1:28pm - AMOROK666nli  ""]
It is never me, it is always you. Stop blaming me you jealous homos
[Dec 6,2011 1:30pm - Sacreligion ""]
ITT: Dividing by zero.
[Dec 6,2011 1:34pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
OP is notshaver
[Dec 6,2011 1:37pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 6,2011 1:49pm - nekronaut ""]

Blessed_Offal said:OP is notshaver

Nope. I was in the shower when this was posted.
[Dec 6,2011 1:50pm - arilliusbm ""]

nekronaut said:
Blessed_Offal said:OP is notshaver

Nope. I was posting in the shower when this was posted.

[Dec 6,2011 1:52pm - xmikex ""]

nekronaut said:
Blessed_Offal said:OP is notshaver

Nope. I was in the shower when this was posted.

Check the drain for fresh beard hairs, or arrested.
[Dec 6,2011 2:01pm - Blessed_Offal ""]

nekronaut said:
Blessed_Offal said:OP is notshaver

Nope. I was avoiding the shower when this was posted.

[Dec 6,2011 2:05pm - Alexecutioner ""]

nekronaut said:
Blessed_Offal said:OP is notshaver

Yep. I was in the shower when I posted this.

[Dec 6,2011 2:23pm - RichHorror ""]
LOL @ Notshaver taking a shower ever.
[Dec 6,2011 2:29pm - It's Never Me  ""]


It Wasn't mee
[Dec 6,2011 2:31pm - nekronaut ""]
This thread was brought to you by:



[Dec 6,2011 2:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
Good choices.
[Dec 6,2011 2:37pm - nekronaut ""]
I don't usually shower but when I do I smell fucking fantastic.
[Dec 6,2011 2:39pm - arilliusbm ""]

nekronaut said:I don't usually shower but when I do, I prefer dos equis.
[Dec 6,2011 2:40pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Stay smelly, my friends
[Dec 6,2011 3:14pm - Alexecutioner ""]

nekronaut said:I don't usually shower but when I do I prefer them to be golden.
[Dec 6,2011 3:16pm - posbleak ""]
That's the best Lush shampoo IMO

It smells so damn good but it's way too harsh on my hair since I started growing it long :(
[Dec 6,2011 3:20pm - TheGoddessFreyja ""]
[Dec 6,2011 3:31pm - TheGoddessFreyja ""]

posbleak said:That's the best Lush shampoo IMO

It smells so damn good but it's way too harsh on my hair since I started growing it long :(

Redken's So Long was great but they stopped making it. A sad day in history.
[Dec 6,2011 3:39pm - Alexecutioner ""]

TheGoddessFreyja said:
posbleak said:That's the best Lush shampoo IMO

It smells so damn good but it's way too harsh on my hair since I started growing it long :(

Redken's So Long was great but they stopped making it. A sad day in history.

[Dec 6,2011 3:41pm - TheGoddessFreyja ""]
It can be about hair, too. Like I said in another thread, I only said that because the first time I came here there was nothing about music on the entire first page.
[Dec 7,2011 9:07am - posbleak ""]
I ended up having to switch to sulfate-free shampoo in the end, surprised that Lush and their ~healthy organic~ manifesto uses what is essentially dish detergent as the first ingredient in every shampoo. Now I switch back and forth between Aveda rosemary mint and the L'Oreal knockoff. I got behind the Palladium and asked Pete Steele what he used on his amazing soft shiny hair when I was a gross 17 y/o fangirl and he mumbled "something-something-cashmere" so I have been trying and failing to find it since

Hairchat forever~
[Dec 7,2011 9:14am - Lamp ""]

nekronaut said:[img]

My roommate at the apartment in Providence I had at this time last year used this stuff exclusively both on the body and in the hair.

He didn't shower every day. I'm almost 100% certain he didn't own a toothbrush either, just used floss picks and a bottle of mouthwash. He claimed that he stopped getting sick when he stopped being such a neat freak. One of his last acts in the apartment was to get a raging flu. I picked it up after using the plastic cup in the bathroom that apparently he had also been using that weekend. Within half an hour I was puking my guts out.
[Dec 7,2011 9:43am - xmikex ""]

Uber Alles
[Dec 7,2011 11:19am - blessed offal nli  ""]
Only original bronners is real, fuck all that peppermint shit.

oh and this thread is down with OPP
[Dec 7,2011 11:21am - Samantha ""]
Sulfate-free shampoo is definitely the way to go. It keeps my hair as red as a firetruck.
[Dec 7,2011 11:25am - hair police  ""]

Samantha said:Sulfate-free shampoo is definitely the way to go. It keeps my hair as dyed red as a firetruck.

Fixed. Thanks.

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