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When did black metal turn hipster?

[Dec 16,2011 2:41pm - Manowarrior  ""]
I say with Mayhem, but Burzum is also an acceptable answer.
[Dec 16,2011 2:41pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Dec 16,2011 2:43pm - Alexecutioner ""]
When they started playing sludge
[Dec 16,2011 2:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
what's a hipster?
[Dec 16,2011 2:46pm - Alx_Casket ""]
In before 4000 views; aril contradicts himself
[Dec 16,2011 2:46pm - burnsy ""]
When they realized having men with bulging muscles and loin cloths on album covers was probably a sign of closet homosexuality.
[Dec 16,2011 2:50pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Can we get an exact date that we can all agree on when the term hipster starting getting thrown around? 2006? After the word scene became over used and they started going away
[Dec 16,2011 2:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
2006? Way before that.
[Dec 16,2011 2:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Sept 11, 2001
[Dec 16,2011 2:51pm - burnsy ""]
The 40s
[Dec 16,2011 2:52pm - Alexecutioner ""]
(insert Aril's date of birth here)
[Dec 16,2011 2:52pm - burnsy ""]
It was used to describe a certain segment of jazz musicians.
[Dec 16,2011 2:52pm - Fake Ark  ""]
July 4, 1776
[Dec 16,2011 2:53pm - hauptpflucker ""]
I think hipster was jazz slang? Its been around a long time. "hippie" was derived from hipster.
[Dec 16,2011 2:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
I love how Alx thinks I'm a hipster when he has a last.fm account, wears tight pants, and suddenly appeared on the local scene in 2008.
[Dec 16,2011 2:54pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Whoops Mike beat me to it. Also csb on my part heh.
[Dec 16,2011 2:56pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
I didnt start hearing about hipster till 2005 2006
[Dec 16,2011 2:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 16,2011 3:01pm - burnsy ""]
I enjoyed the story, TP.
[Dec 16,2011 3:03pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I don't have any tight pants. Just might have gained some weight over the years :/

And I was in YOUR scene since 2005.
[Dec 16,2011 3:04pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Feel free to call me a hipster though, I think it's hilarious.
[Dec 16,2011 3:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
Im just fuckin with ya
[Dec 16,2011 3:21pm - Fake Ark  ""]
that wiki article is the best attempt to define the term i've heard yet.
[Dec 16,2011 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
Dwyer was the first to utter "hipster" when he crawled out of the primordial sea at the dawn of time.
[Dec 16,2011 3:26pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
This just in, the O RLY owl is NOT hipster.
[Dec 16,2011 3:26pm - CurlyRed ""]
I am still a fan of black metal regardless of what it is called....
[Dec 16,2011 3:32pm - Fake Ark  ""]
[Dec 16,2011 3:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
im not. Fuck black metal
[Dec 16,2011 3:43pm - CurlyRed ""]
that is unfortunate...
[Dec 16,2011 3:47pm - Lamp ""]
[Dec 16,2011 4:52pm - Geminiii ""]
Aril is actually jim from the office I tell ya
[Dec 16,2011 5:02pm - WarlockCommando ""]
In all fairness, only some black metal is hipster.
[Dec 16,2011 5:05pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
When in doubt blame Notshaver.
[Dec 16,2011 5:22pm - Boozegood ""]
[Dec 16,2011 5:23pm - Alx_Casket ""]
When in doubt, OPIP
[Dec 16,2011 5:33pm - amorok666 ""]
Hipster bm will slowly die off. Liturgy took it too far and now everyone can see how retarded it is. Everything will turn back to normal within the next few years.
[Dec 16,2011 5:34pm - Alexecutioner ""]

amorok666 said:Hipster bm will slowly die off. Liturgy took it too far and now everyone can see how retarded it is. Bands will start doing promo shots with their cocks hanging out again soon.
[Dec 16,2011 5:35pm - amorok666 ""]
Lol I hope so ^
[Dec 16,2011 5:57pm - yummy ""]

WarlockCommando said:In all fairness, only some black metal is hipster.

IN all fairness, black metal sucks
[Dec 16,2011 5:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
bwack metal > black metal
[Dec 16,2011 6:02pm - Alexecutioner ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:bwack metal > black metal

[Dec 16,2011 6:03pm - yummy ""]
I think if hipster stopped being so hipster it wouldn't be an issue.
[Dec 16,2011 6:16pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Yummy, you missed the new directive. the word hipster was replaced by faggot.

yummy said:I think if faggot stopped being so faggot it wouldn't be an issue.

Carry on...
[Dec 16,2011 6:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Norman Mailer pretty much invented white belts and ironic mustache tattoos. You folks are behind on your reading.
[Dec 16,2011 6:24pm - Alexecutioner ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Dwyer pretty much invented white belts and ironic mustache tattoos when he crawled out of the primordial sea at the dawn of time. You folks are behind on your reading.

[Dec 18,2011 8:10pm - yummy ""]

Alexecutioner said:Yummy, you missed the new directive. the word hipster was replaced by faggot.

yummy said:I think if faggot stopped being so faggot it wouldn't be an issue.

Carry on...

Directives are for hipster faggots.

I think that's what the new directive would sound like.

[Dec 18,2011 10:44pm - hungtableed  ""]

Manowarrior said:When did black metal turn hipster?

When the faggotson rttp starting doing rituals and shit.
[Dec 19,2011 9:35am - xmikex ""]
It's really sad that black metal turned into this thing that's only appreciated by snobby kids that hang out in record shops all day and think that they're the only ones who listen to the bands they listen to.

Bring back the good old days when BM was appreciated by snobby kids that hung out in record shops all day and thought that they were the only ones who listened to the bands they listen to.
[Dec 19,2011 9:53am - Alx_Casket ""]
^this. Also, eschew the tired gimmicks and come up with something fresh.

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